
“If every day is an awakening, you will never grow old. You will just keep growing.”
~Gail Sheehy~
There are three phases of life – Youth, Power, and Wisdom. We progress through these 27 year cycles, reconnecting with the soul on a deep level with each Saturn return. During the Youth cycle, the character is formed as we grapple with childhood conditioning and reawaken to our soul age and consciousness, typically around ages 27-29. These moments are intense because they are the first time we come face to face with the fire of our spirit.
In the Power phase we explore the material plane more thoroughly. During these years we typically explore the lessons to be found through raising a family, earning money, acquiring possessions, and finding our unique voice in the world.
We enter the Wisdom phase at age 54. This is the second time that we come into direct contact with the soul. If we have awakened through the lessons we faced, it will be easy to make appropriate decisions that change our way of being once again. During this phase we are more introspective. We explore ideas of death as well as the infinite journey of the soul and begin bridging the energy between the physical and spiritual.
We are lifetime students of love on a journey of awakening. At age 81 the soul chooses whether to leave the planet or continue with karmic lessons. Life after 81 is very karmic, if we need to reexamine lessons, we become very childlike once again, perhaps requiring care. If the lessons have been learned, life becomes a sharing of love and wisdom and others are blessed by our presence.

Walking Your Unique Path

“I have not always chosen the safest path. I’ve made my mistakes, plenty of them. I sometimes jump too soon and fail to appreciate the consequences. But I’ve learned something important along the way: I’ve learned to heed the call of my heart. I’ve learned that the safest path is not always the best path and I’ve learned that the voice of fear is not always to be trusted.”
~Steve Goodier~

As we interact with one another, discover new perceptions and learn from the valuable reflections that show us the way, it’s important to allow your path to be unique – not one that you’ve read about and are emulating and certainly not one built from societal or parental expectations. There is freedom to be found. Ultimately, we learn how to be comfortable with the unknown while becoming conscious of what we are choosing to create.

Awareness enhances the beauty, passion and intensity within you. It releases you from the entrapment of the ego – possessiveness, jealously, greed and fear – and each moment strengthens your knowledge of the connection between you and the Divine. This movement toward wholeness is the natural state of your being. Though we may feel lost at times, it waits patiently within the stillness of your heart.

Find ways to show love, to serve and be compassionate. You cannot walk in the light of love and remain unchanged. Authentic acts of kindness impact the energy of all those involved. Be love, and watch the journey unfold.

I Will Not Negotiate by Withholding

“If you withhold love as a form of punishment, who is being punished?”
~Donald L. Hicks~

Love is giving – giving based in kindness, freedom and compassion without expectation.

Judgment is a by-product of the ego. Condemning others, whether through “righteous anger” or an internal dialogue, creates blockages between people. The only way to break through the lower levels of unconsciousness is to become more conscious yourself. Let your life be your message.

Love transforms any situation into a space of pure potential. Like water eroding rock, the process may take some time, but the results are permanent. Each loving thought, word or act of kindness plants a seed of awakening. These seeds are nourished by our consistent mindful approach and may thrive in ways you’ve never imagined. Whether you’re there to witness the transformation or not, never doubt the power of love.

This is why we seek to honor all paths as sacred. Each journey is unique, yet all are on the same path of awakening. One never knows what will trigger a breakthrough; therefore, act as if every moment is the one that will open doors to new levels of understanding… and remember that love is the key.

The Joy of Experience

“In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration.”
~Ansel Adams~

There is nothing to be gained from making life harder than it needs to be, and yet we sometimes find ourselves doing just that. in the midst of chaos we often spin a bit further into confusion before we remember to breathe and go within.

Everything in your experience can spark an awareness of your purpose in the physical world. When you open yourself to accept assistance and guidance, you create space in which transformation can occur. One of the greatest gifts you can offer yourself is to cultivate healthy detachment and trust. As we release attachment to outcomes, we open ourselves to receive greater ease and joy on our path.

Whatever is experienced fully transforms into joy, while conversely, resistance slows the process. During your gratitude moments, choose something and give it your full attention. Notice any thoughts that arise and pull yourself back into your experience. This awareness will open your heart and energy as you become the observer. Awareness is a process. These few moments connect you to universal love.

Your sojourn here holds great purpose. Seek to be grounded, centered and silent enough to experience life with compassion. From there, anything is possible.


Satori is a brief flash. Suddenly the light breaks through. For a short timeless time we experience eternity in it’s unmanifest form.
~Frederick Lenz~

Satori is the awakening from a dream. The first stage of awakening is typically a breakthrough that seemingly comes out of nowhere. Suddenly, the ego is quiet allowing us to experience the gap of “no-mind” and get a glimpse of the Oneness that connects us. For many, this prompts a journey of discovery.

Throughout the process of awakening we experiment with different ideas and processes, often seeking to understand how to recreate that moment of Oneness; however, it is not something to be achieved. It is something that is already carried within. See your personal satori as a spark of energy that awakened and inspired instead of something to seek. From there, you will find your unique way of walking in the world.

Ultimately, there is only love. Beneath the cacophony of the ego is the essence of your true nature. As you merge with the Divine, love will become your natural way of being. With practice, you can enter this state whenever you like. This is enlightenment, and it awaits us all.

The World Needs You

“The path to love requires open-hearted attention to the very things that seem to block our way to it.”
~Ezra Bayda~

All change begins within. When we consciously bring the light of awareness to the challenges of our lives, we begin to recognize the illusions from which they arise. Transformation occurs as we dissolve our self-imposed limitations and boundaries, strip away any preferences that have crystallized into demands and enter into the stillness of the Now.

The ego will tell you that you must work with the other in order for things to change. Talk, expectation, desire, compromise, blaming and justification simply tie you in deeper to the egoic mechanisms of the mind.

As a spiritual seeker, it’s important to realize that everything is your path of awakening. Don’t bury the lesson underneath your fear, simply keep bringing the light of awareness to it. This is the slow transformative path to freedom.

The world needs you to be your beautiful, unique self. You bring something imperative to our collective experience. Rather than limiting that unique expression by trying to keep everyone else happy, seeking inner happiness and balance will allow your joy to transform the world around you.


“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.”
~C.G. Jung~

This lifetime is the culmination of all the experience and knowledge you have gathered throughout many incarnations on this planet. The higher self seeks to integrate the wisdom it has accumulated and thus you will attract the teachers and circumstances which allow you to do so. Be patient, open and trusting throughout your exploration.

Our sojourn here is a continuing exploration into the expansion of the heart chakra – expansion which leads to greater compassion, more peace and infinite possibilities. Ultimately, the process of your awakening is to honor, forgive, accept and love all that you have ever been.

One of my favorite ways to nurture the seeds of inner growth is to light a candle. Sit a few moments contemplating the flame, perhaps even losing yourself in the flickering light. Gently draw the energy from the flame into your heart chakra with both hands and then visualize your soul light expanding outward. Touch the world in love, sending light and compassion to those who have walked the journey with you.

Creating Grace

“It is only with true love and compassion that we can begin to mend what is broken in the world. It is these two blessed things that can begin to heal all broken hearts.”
~Steve Maraboli~

From time to time you may face challenges that allow the ego to slip in and momentarily take over your state of consciousness. This can be felt as anxiety, fear, confusion, stress or simply feeling off-balance. Part of the human experience – which is ultimately the expanding experience of the Divine – is learning how to utilize spiritual tools to shift our perception.

View challenges as opportunities to apply your skills and spiritual knowledge. You have the ability to change how you respond, how you think and consciously direct the flow of your energy back to joy.

There is nothing more empowering than witnessing the incredible results of your energy and intention in motion. The creative aspect of the awakened manifester is recognized by unshakable faith despite moments when things appear to be blocked on the physical plane. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness and as you outgrow old conditioning, you may discover new facets of beauty that are ready to shine.

Allow the healing energy of the Divine to help you to create habits and patterns that are more aligned with what you’d like to experience in your life. Be patient and stop believing stories that bring you pain. You are called upon to transform what you experience and it begins, always, within your thoughts and how you choose to utilize your energy. The Universe loves and supports you at all times and is ready to help you rise above any perceived limitation or past programming.


“Stand up for who you are. Respect your Self and ignite the divine sparks in you. Access your powers. Choose your rights and work together with others to bring blessings into the lives.”
~Amit Ray~
There is nothing more beautiful than someone who shines from within…

Everyone who has manifested you into their life, has done so because of the unique light and energy that you possess. When you can be yourself, love yourself and occasionally laugh at yourself, you are providing them with the perfect experience.

It’s that lightness of non-expectation that is so appealing. When you first meet someone, the attraction begins because you are simply being you. When we load ourselves up with the weight of expectation, fear and desire, that beautiful, original and carefree spirit gets buried underneath layers of thought.

Love yourself. Reward yourself with thoughts of praise. Know that others respect you and appreciate all that you do. With our loving attitudes, we help to create a world where it is safe to love one another.

Rise in Love

“All your life you have been waiting… And now the time is here.
We are all being called upon to shine our brightest light. Where there is confusion know there are answers. Where there is pain show compassion. Where there is darkness beam your light. We are all related one to the other. Open your heart and feel the connection. Shine your light and heal the world.”
~Jodi Livon~

Expressing compassion creates a joyful and fulfilling life experience.

Your perception creates your reality. Consider the impact that unconditional love brings to your life experience. There would be no fear, no complaints, no judgment and no blame. Because you seek it, you would discover love in every situation no matter how it unfolds.
All that you experience is either an expression of love or an opportunity to bring loving energy to the present moment. Think of that before you speak and before you act. Ask yourself, “Am I adding love to the situation?” If so, proceed.
In the midst of a challenge, it may be difficult to immediately move into higher consciousness. In these moments, simply observe the thoughts that arise, notice what action the ego prompts you to take and either do the opposite or move into stillness. To see those who challenge you as souls that are helping you to grow and evolve is is a wonderful expression of self-love and your life will be better for it.