Facing Our Shadows

“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

All growth, personal or collective, happens only when we have the courage to turn and face our shadows. As a distraction, the ego-mind will begin to divert energy through blame, judgment and anger. Observe the tendency to get lost in discussion rather than ownership.

Everything works toward the highest good of all involved. Even events that are horrific, displaying mans inhumanity to man, can be transformed into opportunities to give and receive love. The way to heal our collective wounds is to first turn our focus inward and take ownership of what we personally add to our collective experience. As each of us eradicates our own shadows, we become a source of light in the world.

Step into the power of love. Healing comes from the level of spirit and ultimately informs our physical experience. What harms one harms all; what heals one, heals all. When your heart hurts, find a way to give of your time and energy. Let each of us hold space for one another.


Embrace the Now

“Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don’t claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent.”

The present moment is filled with countless miracles. When you truly immerse yourself within the Now, life becomes sacred. Everything is a reflection of the light of the Divine, adding to the mystery and the perfection of your experience. With each breath, you become one with life.

The mental patterns and frustrations of our humanness are nothing more than outmoded conditioning. The spiritual seeker breaks free from desire and societal imprinting and chooses to live purposely at a higher level of consciousness. This is the light that awakens the light in others.

When we seek only to learn from and love one another, something miraculous occurs… there is an effortless blending of energies that creates something entirely different. And from this new place of compassion, insight and experience a world of infinite potential opens and we can step through the doorway with an open heart.


“Let’s lay down all our judging for appreciating. Let’s lay down our righteousness and just be together.”
~Ram Dass~

Spiritual awakening is a constant process of forgiveness. As long as there is still one person, governmental entity, business or circumstance that you can’t forgive, there is still work to be done.

What if you chose to find one thing to appreciate about each person who has ever been a challenge in your life? What if you chose only to speak about that positive thing when prompted to discuss him or her. What do you think would happen?

Life is a blend of dark and light. The contrasts we experience provide insight and wisdom we could never access if everything was one dimensional. Everything is multi-faceted; therefore, there is always an opportunity to find the good, assimilate the lesson or cultivate new strength, no matter what the circumstance.

Love who you are at this moment. Remember that you are a culmination of all that you have experienced. Everything and everyone has played a specific role in your awakening. When we overcome the addiction to blame we create a space in which we experience connectedness and Oneness with all life.

Sparks of Light

“The real gift of life is not what you give, but who you become in the process of giving.”
~Debasish Mridha~
You are a radiant being of light and wonderment. When you live in such a way that your joy impacts those around you, then you are fulfilling beautiful aspects of your soul’s purpose. Sparks of light can create a magnificent impact. Whether emitting soft flutters like lightning bugs or awe-inspiring cascades of fireworks that light up the night, your light is transformative.
An unlit candle isn’t sad or evil, it’s potential is simply unrealized. By gently demonstrating a different way of being in the world, we can be an inspiration to those who have yet to discover their inner light and potential. We must begin by recognizing our shared humanity.
We are all engaged in a lifelong exploration of the nuances of awakened living. Choose to be led by joy, enthusiasm, passion and humor and you will become a powerful, conscious co-creator in your own experience. Your adventure is unique and the Divine seeks to express itself through you.

You Are A Divine Being

“May you recognize in your life the presence, power, and light of your soul. May you realize that you are never alone, that your soul in its brightness and belonging connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe. May you have respect for your own individuality and difference. ”
~John O’Donohue~
Step back from the masses and create a reality that consistently supports your growth. The journey of awakening calls upon us to be unique in a world of conformity. We can choose to express a higher consciousness throughout the movement of our lives.
There are many paths to enlightenment. Explore those that nurture your spirit while allowing the light of love to shine through you. Be aware of how you utilize your energy. Instead of trying to get others to understand your way of being, demonstrate it.
You have chosen to be here now, in these times of upheaval and darkness, to be a source of light. Don’t go back to sleep. Open your heart to the wonder of life and love, and the Oneness of our collective experience. There is nothing more beautiful than being in the presence of one who is a conscious, living embodiment of the Divine.

Sacred Gifts

“You are on a soulful path that asks you to step into the greatest version of yourself. It is a sacred gift to shine your brightest light, not just in your moments of glory, but each day.”
~Debbie Ford~

Awaken the heart of compassion. Scatter seeds of joy throughout your day, pausing to appreciate the uniqueness of it, the beauty of it. Remind yourself often to be aware of the gifts that are all around you.

It is easy to get caught up in the drama of daily living. We live in a world filled with distraction but also one of inspiration. Each of us has an opportunity to choose how we wish to experience the present moment. When you begin the day with mindfulness and gratitude, you step out of reactivity and into empowerment.

You can create a mindful life by seeing the physical world as a spiritual experience, by experiencing this moment as sacred, by allowing kindness and compassion to guide your decisions.

Be open to change and willing to receive the unexpected. Give up the illusion of control and simply ask, “How can I bring the best version of myself to this situation?” Your awareness is a sacred gift that you can share with the world.

Embody Peacefulness

“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.”
~Eckhart Tolle~
You have the ability to create peace in your experience right now. Rather than seeking it, embody it. Let peacefulness inform every aspect of your life. When walking, be at peace with the earth, the sunshine and the wind. Appreciate the birdsong, the scents that arise or the feel of your body as it moves through the world. It may sound simple, but it’s amazing how often one can can get caught in up in their thoughts or worries and bemoan the fact that they are unhappy.
When we cultivate the ability to see through the mechanisms of the mind, we discover the myriad distractions that consistently attempt to block awareness of the beauty that surrounds us. Fortunately, this is in your control. Your awareness begins the process of transformation. The expansion of consciousness brings new depth into your experience. Should you notice a tendency to complain, gossip, worry or replay challenging situations in order to create a solution, shift instead to finding peace in the present moment. Then, allow your peacefulness to be the foundation of whatever movement you deem necessary. Operating from a higher perspective ensures that you will see more clearly.

Compassionate Detachment

“What brings understanding is love. When your heart is full, then you will listen to the teacher, to the beggar, to the laughter of children, to the rainbow, and to the sorrow of man.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
Spiritual practice is about residing fully where you are. When we immerse ourselves deeply within the present moment we create space within our life situations. Gratitude is the doorway into objectivity. It raises our vibration to such a degree that we can breathe life into our experiences yet remain detached from limiting perception and reactivity.
Compassionate detachment does not stop us from offering love and kindness to those with whom we interact. It allows us to share our energy in a way that is fulfilling rather than depleting and empowered instead of guilt-ridden. Conscious action is pure.
Like those who plant trees that they will never sit under, we sow seeds of loving-kindness even though we may not see the outcome. It’s enough to know that you are bringing the best version of yourself to the present moment. Be here now and allow the future to take care of itself.
Our collective consciousness creates a world where it is safe to love one another. Thank you for the light you bring to the world.

The Power of Love

“While the mind sees only boundaries,
Love knows the secret way there.”

Ego-driven love is filled with fear. The mind doesn’t feel fulfilled or complete so it attaches to another person and, for a time, gets a glimpse of communion. Relationships will always act as your greatest teachers. They eventually bring old wounds to the surface and then the ego says “You’re not who I thought you were!” or “You’ve changed” …and we begin to play the roles required for one another’s growth.

To experience healthy, supportive relationships, one must begin within. The amount of love we have for ourselves determines the amount of love we are willing to receive. As we mature spiritually, we no longer expect someone else to be anything different than who they are. We enter into authentic communion – accepting, supportive, fearless, empowered. The person on the receiving end of such energy feels free to grow. Together you walk the path of transformation and your love simply lights the way.

Any moment can be the catalyst of your awakening. When we can see only love, the Now becomes a doorway into a new way of being. There is nothing to fear – step into the light.

Nurturing the Soul

“A sacred wandering awakens you. It connects you to your authentic self. It can empower you to find your voice. To enlarge your vision. To nurture your soul. To create healthy boundaries. To bravely try something new.”
~Dana Arcuri~

Remember to create space throughout each day to nurture your soul. Little moments of peace, solitude or laughter can transform your experience from reactivity to empowerment. Through trial and error we discover what enriches us. Only we can choose to make self-nurturing a priority. Don’t expect others to instinctively know what your soul needs in order to shine, but do embody it consistently so others can witness the best aspects of who you are.

Sometimes people will come in who mindlessly overstep boundaries. Unconsciousness creates psychic vampirism that may drag down your energy, leaving you tired and head-achy. View these souls as teachers who create situations that allow you to become clear about your needs while providing an opportunity to be concise and consistent with your words and actions.

Utilizing clearly defined, loving boundaries, you can create a unique way of being in the world. Then, the energy and time you share will be pure and have a lasting impact on those around you.