
“In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.”
~Kahlil Gibran~

Often it seems there are an amazing number of synchronistic occurrences that have to fall into place in order for two souls to cross paths. Then, recognizing a kindred spirit – or perhaps a karmic contract – they choose to embark upon a segment of the journey together.

Be grateful for those who are kind enough to bring laughter and support into your world. These infinite soul connections create an energy and harmony that creates the soundtrack of your life. I often visualize them as a symphony – every instrument is vital and important, and while the music continues if someone is missing, the energy shifts significantly. The nuances of the whole allow greater depth of experience.

It’s important to accept encouragement from others as you walk the path of transformation. Ultimately, the momentum of change is created from within; however, the supporting characters in your life experience provide a springboard of discovery, inspiration, new opportunities and expanded perception. The extent to which you are willing to be supported is an indication of your self-love.

This Sacred Gift

A man is ethical only when life, as such, is sacred to him, that of plants and animals as that of his fellow men, and when he devotes himself helpfully to all life that is in need of help.

~Albert Schweitzer~

True ethical practice requires reverence for life. Within this concept lies freedom. When we can see everything as One – interconnected, sacred, beautiful, and valuable – we enter the realm of love.

You have been prompted to be here now, reading these words. Are you ready to explore the core of your innate goodness and embrace life as it is? While often messy or frustrating, there is a dance of awakening occurring on a deeper level. Can you feel it?

Sometimes the idea of residing in the frequency of unconditional love and acceptance can seem an impossible task. If we desire to be accepted as we are, we must first demonstrate how that appears in the world of form. Remember, the soul desires connection.

Choose to treat everything and everyone in your experience as sacred. Bring the light of awareness to your interactions, great or small. Be kind  and empowered. At the end of the day your heart will be at peace.

Anam Cara (Soul Friend)

“The one you love, your anam cara, your soul friend, is the truest mirror to reflect your soul. The honesty and clarity of true friendship also brings out the real contour of your spirit. It is beautiful to have such a presence in your life.”
~John O’Donohue~

Our purpose is to learn how to give and receive love. That can only be discovered through the removal of any barriers against love that we have built. As we cultivate independence and self-confidence, we can interact with one another without fear. This freedom allows us to discover who we are in the presence of another.

Most of us have a group of 30-40 souls with whom we incarnate throughout our multiple lifetimes. This soul group works together in various forms, utilizing lessons, drama and unwavering support to help one another evolve. Over time, these beautiful souls demonstrate a seasoned love and steadfastness that can lift us to new heights – even in the midst of our challenges.

Give space to those you love. When your souls meet, consciously bring a gentle recognition to the beauty of the depth of love you have for one another. Your interactions will ultimately awaken a sense of safety, authenticity and support.

What We Create

“Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.”
~John O’Donohue~

You are an artist who is constantly in the process of co-creation, weaving a unique tapestry of exquisite design. Each thought, word and action creates layers of energy that flow from you out into the world of form. Observe what you say. Do your words reflect what you wish to create? Do they support your joy and willingness to receive?

It’s a wonderful practice to set a deliberate intention, focus upon it during your morning rituals and then watch with joy as it manifests in various ways throughout your daily experience. For instance, if your intention is to be a loving reflection of the sacredness in everyone you meet, your interactions will be far different than if your mind was only focused upon the tasks that needed to be accomplished. Instead of a regular day with it’s normal ups and downs, you might experience brief but unique expressions of beauty from each person with whom you interact.

These conscious choices bring a higher level of light into our physical experience. Choose intentions that allow you to explore being the very best version of yourself. The spiritual seekers goal is to merge the sacred with the mundane.

Another World Awaits

The way to create the life of your dreams is to live it now – from where you are, with what you have. Begin your day by focusing on what you wish to experience rather than what is missing. Let gratitude begin the momentum of transformation. Your thoughts have power and when you consciously and consistently choose what to send out into the world, you increase their impact.
Goals are measurable, concrete and tangible; whereas dreams are crafted from the level of spirit. Some wonderful examples of dreams that can enhance one’s life immediately, are:
Everyone is my teacher and everyday I learn something new
I release limiting beliefs and free myself from the past
I choose to parent my children consciously knowing that they chose me for a reason…
I choose to live the life of a poet, seeing beauty all around me
I honor all life as sacred and see beyond appearances
There is nothing more important than how you live today. Bring the best version of you to this moment and detach from specific outcomes. This is what is meant when it is said to focus on the journey rather than the destination.
If your life is filled with one wonderful day after another, if you’ve had a meaningful encounter with someone today, if you’ve shared kindness and had a positive impact on someone’s life, you are living the life you dreamed.


“Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future, therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey.”
~John O’Donohue~
Prior to birth we create a blueprint of what we hope to learn and experience during a lifetime. We build upon the lessons of past lives, we seek to explore new ideas and arrange meetings with others who will help us along the way. Ours is a free-will world; however, the soul will typically do its best to stick to the plan.
Trust the processes of your soul. Once we are born, our perception and knowledge become limited by design. Its helpful to remember that the choices were originally made with wisdom, love, support and expansive vision. In spite of how things sometimes appear, love is the driving force behind the growth that awaits.
Self-reflection is a powerful practice. Consider making list of all the challenges you have faced. Next to each one write one defining and empowering thing that you have learned from the experience.

Choosing Joy

“Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair…”
~susan polis schutz~

You are here to experience everything that life has to offer. It’s powerful to remember that, in every moment, you can consciously choose how you interpret your experiences. When you view the present moment through the filter of joy, you bring a higher awareness into any situation.

Life is filled with contrasts. Joy helps us to discover purpose, solutions, healing and strength in circumstances that can often be fraught with challenge. Your love is the guiding light during moments of darkness, and your willingness to walk forward will bring you once again into the realm of joy and empowerment.

Wisdom is attained through experience. Our challenges provide opportunities to strengthen aspects of our character that are ready to shine. Proceed, knowing that you are right where you need to be and that all you need to discover is waiting for your attention. Laugh at your foibles, and realize that you do not need to wait for a reason to celebrate. You can dance in the rain knowing that sunny days are ahead. And, if all else fails, lose yourself in the smile of a dog.

Daily Miracles

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
~Albert Einstein~

New perceptions expand our interpretation of life. Each time we consciously choose to bear witness to the miracles that unfold,we experience the beauty of awakening in motion. When we seek authentic joy in the sacred space of daily life, a space opens… and in this space, miracles are possible.

Honor the sacredness of the moment by recognizing it within everyone and everything you encounter. This approach of purposeful respect creates a sense of Oneness and completion. Observe life as it unfolds in it’s majestic splendor – without fanfare – and hear the whispers of love that call us home.

My healing work begins with this silent invocation: Sacred Mother, I come in honor of this person, this space, this moment as sacred. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. What would your daily interactions be like if you chose to bring this attitude of reverence to each situation? You are the master of your own experience. Imagine a life filled with miracles, loving experiences, simple pleasures and the freedom to embrace life.

Vision Quest

“In the silence of the mountain there is much you can learn.”

~Dennis McKay~

It’s powerful to treat yourself to periods of mindful solitude so that you can tune into your inner wisdom. Within these vision quest moments, you will discover how to hear. Notice any tension you may be holding and where it is located in the body. Quietly go inward, listen and be still.

Sometimes life will present messages in the midst of new experiences that prompt Presence to emerge. If nothing else, new experiences remind us that there is much yet to learn. Humility can be accessed when we realize how little we know. We stand at the precipice of the unknown and must access inner courage to proceed.

In solitude, we can experience greater depths of insight without distraction. If you keep a journal, periodically go back and revisit musings from the various phases of your journey. You may notice patterns and potential that can be built upon.

Open yourself to the mysteries of the universe. Through conscious exploration, you will discover new facets that are ready to shine. Let the journey take you where it will and you will return transformed. All of life supports your awakening.

Seeing Clearly

“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.”


We use the term awakening to indicate seeing through the illusions of this world. There are multiple layers of interpretation. Each level of consciousness creates a different filter through which we process information. Part of the process of revisiting old issues and circumstances is to gain a deeper understanding through the exploration of these varied perceptions.

Those who remain stuck in a particular mindset create a prison of limitation. When we are willing to drop the things that no longer serve our evolutionary growth, we create space in which transformation can occur. Humility combined with a sense of adventure guides us into the unknown, and there we can discover something new.

Let your innocence guide the way. You are a wanderer, and this sojourn is filled with the magic of new beginnings.