The Joyful Heart

“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”

~Henri Nouwen~

Empowerment, mastery, fulfillment, abundance, freedom… all begin and end with joy. The only thing over which you have any control is how you choose to respond to life. Occasionally, the ego (in its reactive state) will tell you that imbalance is not only necessary, but expected. These are the moments when your intention is transformative.

When you observe yourself getting lost in the stories of the mind, purposely and lovingly seek out something which brings you joy and place your full attention upon it. Your attention determines where energy flows. In the midst of challenge you can choose to stop for a moment, watch the clouds create artistry in the sky, breathe deeply, and reclaim your balance.

You are more powerful than you know. Joy amplifies that power and expands your perception. Imagine how higher level responses can change the trajectory of a chaotic moment. Laughter is the outward sound of a soul that is awakening. It bubbles up, takes over and scatters the heaviness of the mind. Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in this moment.

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