The Unique Treasures of Your Soul

While doing healing work, I am occasionally gifted with beautiful visions of the upper world. In this space of exploration, I’ve discovered that every challenge is unique and the way to healing changes from person to person.

Imagine being in a place that is completely safe, peaceful and restorative. The waters run clean, light sparkles in a way that makes everything come alive with meaning and awareness. The food and drink found here is grown from the depth and breadth of your soul. Unique plants, nuts, fruit and grains combine to create sustenance that reminds you of who you truly are.

When faced with the need for a new perception, you can walk through a small wood to a pool of water that, in it’s divine stillness, shows the truth that needs to be seen. Whether a vision of potential, wholeness, courage, peacefulness or passion, the answer always comes and the way forward makes itself known. You are supported by various helpers, ancestors, healers and angels and can bathe in the waters of life.

Each of us has access to this inner realm. Whether you find it through meditation or prayer, gratitude or creativity, it waits for your loving Presence.


The Divine Practice

“Until we have seen someone’s darkness, we don’t really know who they are. Until we have forgiven someone’s darkness, we don’t really know what love is.”
~Marianne Williamson~

Hatred and love cannot coexist in the same space; they are at opposite ends of the energetic spectrum. Yet here we are, collectively watching hatred unfold in it’s various forms – sometimes subtle, sometimes egregious. The Divine Practice is using hatred when it arises within you, and purposely choosing to see through the ego-driven behavior to the unlimited potential that resides within.

When you create healing in your life, you’ll see it reflected in the world around you. Many years ago, a particular woman in politics used to trigger me a great deal. She was reflecting unhealed aspects of myself (judgment, opinion, righteous anger and the need to be right). Noticing this, I honored her as a teacher and immediately utilized those emotions as part of my Divine Practice.

  • Observe, see what elicits a repetitive or reactive response from you
  • Take ownership – “I’m reactive right now because I, too, have that tendency.”
  • Utilize your tools – affirmations, meditation, gratitude, listening to the ego and then doing the opposite are great places to begin.
  • Force yourself to face the darkness within you. This can be done by purposely watching the person if they are not part of your personal life. Little by little your awareness lessens the trigger response (in my case it turned into humor) and you can be more in control of the energy you put out into the world.

Now when I see this lady, I smile to myself and honor her role in helping me to heal something that hid from my conscious awareness. Behind the veil of enlightenment, there is only love.

Beyond Illusion

Step into the stillness of the present moment. As awareness expands, consciousness arises. In this space of enlightenment it becomes possible to see through the illusions of this world to the love that connects us. The healing power of the heart is absolutely needed now as we spin down the rabbit hole, mired in opinions and judgment.

Don’t give up on one another. Our collective patterns will continue to repeat until enough of us break free from the illusion to shift the energy into a new cycle of experience. The slow, often subtle changes that we go through (both personal and collective) are part of our spiritual journey.

First, work on seeing yourself with clarity and acceptance. This will improve the filters you use to interpret the world. With your depth of understanding you can demonstrate a different way of being, one that is compassionate, empowered and heart-centered.

Humankind suffers from a denial of spirit and the only thing that will create change is a shift of consciousness. As we re-discover the interconnection of all things, our choices will reflect wisdom and clarity. Honor this moment as sacred by celebrating your journey through illusion to the truth of your heart.


“We are all different. Don’t judge, understand instead.”
~Roy T. Bennett~

Everyone carries wounds that silently (or not so silently, in some cases) control their lives. Rather than turn and face these shadows, the ego-mind begins a story of wrongness that gets projected outward. As a distraction, judgment and blame create all-encompassing stories that can keep the personality busy for years. Over time, the mantra around “the other” gets stronger as the ego becomes entrenched in the role of fighter.

Healing these wounds takes conscious and consistent effort. The first step is to take ownership of what is being reflected. When attention turns inward, seek to remove the reactivity and criticism by seeing clearly. Here is a simple visualization:

  • Surround the person or situation with the pink light of unconditional love. Say, “In love, I offer forgiveness to all those who have ever harmed me, knowingly or unknowingly, in all times and spaces, places and dimensions.”
  • Surround the person or situation with the purple light of awareness. Say, “In humility, I ask forgiveness from all those whom I have ever harmed, knowingly or unknowingly, in all times and spaces, places and dimensions.”
  • Visualize calming blue light around all, saying, “I accept emotional healing wherever it is required, on every level of existence, in every cell, thought, dream or memory. And so it is.”

This process sets energy in motion. Empowerment fosters compassion. This is how we help one another to heal.

Karmic Lessons

There are times when we seem to walk blindly into challenging karmic circumstances. Temporary blinders are necessary because most would not consciously choose to engage in the discomfort required by the soul for growth. Strong emotional reactions typically indicate that karma is in play.

In challenging circumstances, seek the gift or the lesson by going within. Once the situation has served its purpose, it will either no longer be required in your experience or you will feel completely neutral about the person or behavior.

Everyone who enters your life has a role to play in your growth. When ready to heal old emotional wounds, the higher Self sends an energetic call out into the universe requesting assistance. Those who answer the call are willing to play a role (typically adversarial) to bring the energy of the wound to the service. These loving souls are willing to risk losing our love and goodwill in this life to assist with our awakening.

When you get triggered, when life gets intense, healing is possible. The ego may attempt to distract through stories of victimhood or martyrdom; however, resistance indicates that true transformation is at hand. Remind yourself to slow down and see clearly.


“The more creative you are, the more divine you are. To me, creativity is religion. Art is just the entrance to the temple of religion.”


The joy of creativity lies in the act of creation itself. When we open to inspiration, our energy and actions enhance life on every level. We cultivate more beauty, gratitude, joyfulness and passion in our experience. Whether one chooses to write, play music, cook with a flair, bring inspiration to their sacred space or dance through raindrops, creativity expresses our unique connection to the Divine.

Creativity connects you to your bliss and adds dimension to your experience. In solitude you find a space to play alone in your vision. You experiment without fear, discard what doesn’t work and celebrate when it feels right. In the greatest moments thought disappears, the art disappears, the artist disappears and all that remains is the Divine, expressing itself in physical form.

You have an opportunity to be a creative healing force in the world. The way to maintain balance in your life is to ensure that every thought, word and action is aligned with the truth of who you are. Allow your heart to be inspired by compassion.


“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.”


Enlightenment is taking responsibility for your own state of consciousness in the present moment. Cultivate the courage to see yourself clearly. Blame and judgment send attention and energy outward rather than inward where true healing is possible. The shadows that we carry silently control our lives. They cause us to react, create drama or sabotage our joy and because of this, most people tend to deny the shadow side of their nature rather than take responsibility for it.

In order to transform shadows into empowered aspects of growth, we must turn and face them. They, like everything in the human experience, have lessons to teach and gifts to offer. Integration of our dualistic nature allows us to shine a light in the darkness, and through love, heal whatever is found there.
Higher consciousness allows us to see the world differently. It awakens a deeper understanding of the Self and inspires feelings of safety, compassion, integrity, confidence and courage. The impact on your life will be felt when you open your heart and step into your fullest potential. This moment is your point of power.

Walk Gently

“Everybody needs beauty…places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul alike.”

~John Muir~

Walk gently – you can discover life’s wonder and mystery wherever you are. Let your journey of consciousness reconnect you to the healing energy of mother earth. There are minor chakras located on the soles of the feet. Each morning, visualize them opening to receive grace, direction, support and balance as you go about your day. As a child of light, know that you are loved, guided and protected each and every step of the way.

Experiences awaken our ability to explore the multi-layered facets of existence. Each is a stepping stone to creating a joyful, empowered life. This movement of awareness begins with gratitude and gentleness. All that you see is a spark of the Divine. Recognizing and honoring the sacredness of all life awakens the sacredness within you.

Recognizing the Sacred

“When we resist change, it’s called suffering. But when we can completely let go and not struggle against it, when we can embrace the groundlessness of our situation and relax into its dynamic quality, that’s called enlightenment.”
~Pema Chödrön~
Imagine having the ability to send love out to all living beings in order to facilitate a space of enlightenment and wisdom. Imagine planting seeds that have the potential to shift our collective experience in such a way that we are all transformed. Imagine waves of energy emanating from you, little sparkles of light traveling through a grid of consciousness which enfolds us all.
During your next meditative moment, consider visualizing how such an action would look and feel to you. Would the energy emanate from your hands or your heart chakra, or perhaps an expansion of your auric field? What colors would represent healing? When you imagine it, it is already in motion.
The root cause of all harm is unconsciousness. We have the opportunity and ability to emit wisdom and light into the world, creating a space in which transformation can occur. Empowerment is purposely choosing to participate in our collective experience in a way that lifts one another up.


Take a deep slow breath, close your eyes and imagine a life that is filled with loving messages from the Divine.

Imagine that you are safe, that you can feel the healing powers of the earth with each and every step you take.

Imagine that you are surrounded by love and that you can easily recognize and understand the messages from the Divine in the world around you.

Imagine that there are no wrong choices. Each path simply leads to a different type of experience – any of which will lead you exactly where you need to be in order to learn and grow.

Imagine that it is easier than ever before to be present. See yourself basking in the beauty of a day filled with unlimited possibility and discovery and that you can walk forward in faith that all is well.

Imagine that you feel healed, supported, empowered and joyful.

And finally, realize that whatever you have imagined already exists and is available to you. You can live this truth Now.