
“Looked at from a spiritual standpoint, our discomfort in any given situation provides a signal that we are out of alignment with spiritual law and are being given an opportunity to heal something.”
~Colin Tipping~

As long as there is one person whom you can’t forgive, there is still work to be done. Every circumstance in our experience has meaning and purpose. The small injustices, the betrayals and lingering disappointments all point to aspects of ourselves that need to be cleared in order for us to be free. 

Those who challenge you the most on the physical plane love you the most on a soul level. They are willing to risk losing your love and your goodwill to assist you in the most profound ways. Healing requires that we become consciously aware of our wounds. What better way than to generate an emotional upset that temporarily clouds your mind and your experience of joy? It grabs your attention and takes over. 

The moment you recognize that you are behaving in a unconscious manner, you become more conscious. Now you have the ability to shift your thoughts and attention toward balance and healing. Bless the challenges of your life for they take you places you would never dare to walk on your own and ultimately lead you to mastery, insight and a deeper experience of love.


“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

Prior to birth, we arrange specific karmic agreements such as birth, marriage, betrayal, support, love, inspiration, assistance or opposition, etc. Each karmic situation is meant to teach or balance energy until it is no longer required.
Self-karma is an internal experience that is based upon limiting beliefs or behaviors (addiction, self-worth, judgment, criticism). As we do our spiritual work and take a more active role in the raising of consciousness, we draw in those who can assist and support us with the goals of acceptance, unconditional love, forgiveness, peace, and clarity.
When we are ready to heal emotional wounds, our higher Self sends a request for assistance out into the universe. Those who answer the call are willing to play a role (typically adversarial) to bring the energy of the wound to the service. These loving souls are willing to risk losing our love and goodwill in this life for the specific purpose of healing. Regardless of how it may appear, everything in your experience supports your journey of awakening.

The Creative Flow

Creativity is the art of expression. No matter what form it takes – music, cooking, writing, decorating, beading, sculpture, the combination of color and texture in your wardrobe, painting, chanting or anything else you can imagine – creativity is a union with the Divine. In that space you become the conduit between the spiritual and the mundane. Tangible items then carry a spark of the infinite as expressed through you.

Whatever you choose to do, do it joyfully. Fill your creations and actions with love and conscious intention. When you over-think creative action, the mind begins to sabotage, subtly blocking that powerful and mysterious flow of unity. You can break free from limiting patterns through creative expression. It is simply a matter of finding your voice and living in the flow of your truth.

Your gifts are unique, your story divine. Find the joy of sharing them without attachment or expectation. Now is the time to recognize the beauty of your soul. With wisdom and creativity, you can consciously fill all of your desires, projects and relationships with this divine, inspirational beauty. You have the opportunity to be an active healing force in the world.

Stillness and Gratitude

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.”
~John Lubbock~

What happens when we immerse ourselves completely in the present moment? Everything. The world opens, healing begins and we can access the transformative joy of being. You can choose to create stillness throughout the day and intersperse Presence within the chaos. Little consciousness choices can nurture the soul in amazing ways.

Bless the frustrations that have helped you to discover the power of patience. Honor the challenges that have played their part in the formation of your character. Celebrate the friendships that bring laughter and support and love into your experience. These are the gifts that have lasting impact.

It’s enough to stop completely, close your eyes, breathe deeply three times and listen to world around you. With no words, appreciate the Now. Be present and turn your awareness inward. There you will experience the true nature of a soul in the process of awakening. Peacefulness, clarity, patience and beauty rise above the muck to welcome the sun.

Trigger Happy

Those who are unwilling to grow, when triggered, attempt to force everyone around them to change their behavior. Those on a path of awakening and personal responsibility, when triggered, understand that true healing and change begins within.

It’s likely that you’ve encountered someone who is easily upset. Feeding off the energy of victim-hood and blame, they leave chaos in their wake, often prompting others to walk on eggshells around them. This is a form of psychic vampirism. Neutrality is the best approach in this circumstance. If the ego has nothing to feed upon, it will seek out another target.

We are not here to cater to dysfunction. Each of us is called upon to tend to our own state of consciousness. As an awakening master, your role is simply to do your best and act with integrity. If you have done those two things well, you can accept what unfolds with a loving heart.

Others’ triggers are their own responsibility. While you cannot force someone else to change before they are ready, you can consistently demonstrate what being healthy, empowered and balanced looks like in the world of form. Rather than engaging, let your life be your message.

Universal Love

See yourself bathed in love. In certain aspects this is easy to visualize, of course. The light from the sun is a beautiful example of unconditional love – shining down on everyone equally, holding back nothing, demanding nothing. As I sit here writing, I chose to drink a glass of water from a high state of conscious awareness… it too, is simply a flow of love which nurtures the mind, body and spirit.

Easier still, we discover the energy of love within a kind word, laughter among friends, the smile of a dog, the art of creation, music, meditation, the feel of a mountain or by hugging a tree.
But what about man’s inhumanity to man? How can we find love in the desolation of once beautiful places, the destruction of the resources of our sacred mother earth or the poisoning of the mind with hatred? This is where spiritual practice and higher frequencies of awareness come in. If we hold the concept that all things have love at the core and we are the recipients of whatever is needed for our souls growth, we begin to look for love – even in the unlikeliest of places… and by looking for love, we are assured that it will be found.
The Universe works in ways that are sometimes subtle – we become blocked only to discover that a situation far more advantageous awaits us. We are treated poorly and someone completely unexpected steps in to offer assistance and our life takes off in a new direction.
Seek to appreciate the weaving of the tapestry of our existence together in a new way and cease being reactive or falling into judgment. In this way, we actively participate in the transformation and awakening of the planet and bring healing to all.
Your love is the greatest gift that you can offer in any situation.

See The Light

“We wonder how people can’t see the most obvious things about themselves – yet we forget those people are us!” 
~Ezra Bayda~ 
When we get caught up in the ego-driven role that someone may be playing in this life, it is easier to judge them, see them as “wrong” or something to fight against. This is the trap of the human experience; however, there is far more to life than meets the eye.
Many spiritual seekers have the ability to see beyond the mundane. To recognize and respond to the sacred in everyone you meet is a powerful practice. Those that challenge us are willing to play an antagonistic role (sometimes at the expense of your love and good-will in this lifetime) in order to fulfill a sacred promise: to assist in our spiritual awakening.
While it may initially be challenging to be objective in the midst of drama; you may discover that you get there more and more quickly as time goes by. What once took weeks, months or even years to heal will eventually move through your experience in minutes. Ultimately, we cultivate mastery, compassion and unwavering love and learn to respond to the soul rather than the ego.


“My new world is a reflection of my new thinking. It is a joy and a delight to plant new seeds, for I know these seeds will become my new experiences. All is well in my world.”  

~Louise Hay~

Most people do not experience a flash of insight that immediately shifts their consciousness to a permanent level of enlightenment. Rather, we experience awakening as a slow, progressive journey inward that, layer by layer, releases all that blocks us from seeing our inner sacredness and potential.

The cumulative effects of consistent practice are reflected in our life experiences. Initially, when attention is focused on healing a particular issue, things get more challenging. Life will bring the dysfunction to the surface so that we cannot miss seeing it. From there, we can utilize our tools and begin to break free from our perceived limitation.

Honor your path as sacred. Whatever arises is exactly what you require in order awaken. Trust the process. Know that you are loved, guided and protected each and every step of the way. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is… You are contributing to the awakening collective consciousness of us all.

Nurturing Your Energy

We all have moments when we feel depleted. This is somewhat paradoxical when one considers the fact that the energy that runs through us is infinite; however, the physical body can typically only process a particular amount of energy at one time.

The energy centers that regulate how the life-force flows are called chakras. Seven major chakras govern how the body functions and when one gets closed down or over-used, it can block this vital chi from operating in a balanced manner. If this blockage remains in place too long, the body will often manifest ailments in the area governed by that chakra as a means of alerting you that attention is needed.

There are many ways to nurture your energy: mindfulness, meditation, moments of stillness, conscious breath, music, utilizing crystals, essential oils, connecting with nature, Prana or Reiki are all extremely helpful. It’s powerful too, to make choices that keep the mind, body and spirit in harmony. The food we eat, our level of physical activity, and those with whom we spend our time also have a huge impact.

Should you notice that a particular person or circumstance leaves you feeling tired or drained, consider limiting your engagement. It’s possible that physical vampirism is in play (meaning that someone, knowingly or unknowingly, is draining your lifeforce) and you must ensure that you are in balance prior to any interactions. Neutrality is a powerful tool.

Listen to your body. If you nurture yourself first, you’ll have more to give those you love. You are a channel for the light of consciousness.


When challenges arise, the natural human response is fight or flight. Both greatly impact the body’s immune system, nervous system and state of mental/emotional balance. The ego clings to the idea that something is wrong and that script can replay for years. These highly charged energies can damage the auric field and, left untended, wreck havoc with physical health and well-being.

The suppression of memories, anger, fear or sadness can be triggered by innocuous things later in life. A chance encounter, memory or dream can bring the unhealed aspects to the surface, and often open the old wounds. While overwhelming, these moments arise because your spirit is ready to bring light to the darkness.

Turn toward your shadows and lovingly bring them into the light of consciousness. Your willingness to be present with the process of healing amplifies your ability to transform distress into empowerment. You are absolutely ready to handle what rises to the surface. Keep in mind that the ego will be resistant, seeking to keep you locked into old patterns. This resistance is a true indicator that powerful energies of change are swirling around you.

Place your focus inward, be consistent, gentle, and honest with yourself. Take ownership of your state of consciousness and reclaim your power. Imagine the freedom that awaits when the past is released and you can write a new story.