
“If every day is an awakening, you will never grow old. You will just keep growing.”
~Gail Sheehy~
There are three phases of life – Youth, Power, and Wisdom. We progress through these 27 year cycles, reconnecting with the soul on a deep level with each Saturn return. During the Youth cycle, the character is formed as we grapple with childhood conditioning and reawaken to our soul age and consciousness, typically around ages 27-29. These moments are intense because they are the first time we come face to face with the fire of our spirit.
In the Power phase we explore the material plane more thoroughly. During these years we typically explore the lessons to be found through raising a family, earning money, acquiring possessions, and finding our unique voice in the world.
We enter the Wisdom phase at age 54. This is the second time that we come into direct contact with the soul. If we have awakened through the lessons we faced, it will be easy to make appropriate decisions that change our way of being once again. During this phase we are more introspective. We explore ideas of death as well as the infinite journey of the soul and begin bridging the energy between the physical and spiritual.
We are lifetime students of love on a journey of awakening. At age 81 the soul chooses whether to leave the planet or continue with karmic lessons. Life after 81 is very karmic, if we need to reexamine lessons, we become very childlike once again, perhaps requiring care. If the lessons have been learned, life becomes a sharing of love and wisdom and others are blessed by our presence.

Be Kind

“The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands.”
~Robert M. Pirsig~

Everything begins with you… how you choose to start your day, what gets your attention, the things you choose to read or watch or what you put into your body. Bring kindness to every choice. Let your life be a loving conversation with the Divine.

Our universe is designed to provide experiences that accelerate growth, inner wisdom and awareness. When we understand our relationship to the whole, we participate more fully in the evolution of our collective consciousness. Enlightenment is a state of awareness that we ultimately bring into our physical experience.
We are called upon to be pure channels for Divine energy. Release the need to blame anyone and instead, choose to accept people as they are. There are no enemies – simply souls playing various roles in our collective awakening. Those who are still asleep need your love, not your judgment.
Cultivate a greater understanding of yourself and others. When you create inner balance and peace, you’ll discover that joy expands when it is shared. Let your unique expression of life spark joy in others by extending kindness whenever possible.

Creating Grace

“It is only with true love and compassion that we can begin to mend what is broken in the world. It is these two blessed things that can begin to heal all broken hearts.”
~Steve Maraboli~

From time to time you may face challenges that allow the ego to slip in and momentarily take over your state of consciousness. This can be felt as anxiety, fear, confusion, stress or simply feeling off-balance. Part of the human experience – which is ultimately the expanding experience of the Divine – is learning how to utilize spiritual tools to shift our perception.

View challenges as opportunities to apply your skills and spiritual knowledge. You have the ability to change how you respond, how you think and consciously direct the flow of your energy back to joy.

There is nothing more empowering than witnessing the incredible results of your energy and intention in motion. The creative aspect of the awakened manifester is recognized by unshakable faith despite moments when things appear to be blocked on the physical plane. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness and as you outgrow old conditioning, you may discover new facets of beauty that are ready to shine.

Allow the healing energy of the Divine to help you to create habits and patterns that are more aligned with what you’d like to experience in your life. Be patient and stop believing stories that bring you pain. You are called upon to transform what you experience and it begins, always, within your thoughts and how you choose to utilize your energy. The Universe loves and supports you at all times and is ready to help you rise above any perceived limitation or past programming.

Evolve or Repeat…

“Residing fully in the present moment allows the unconditioned energy of life to flow through the conditioned body and mind. The willingness to simply rest in the physical experience of your life is the key to spiritual transformation.” 
~Ezra Bayda~ 
This planet is a playground of discovery and every moment provides an opportunity to learn something new. No matter how it appears, we are all engaged in the same journey of awakening. Each path is unique. Each soul is expressing the energy of the Divine in the way most appropriate for them. With this in mind, cultivate patience, compassion and acceptance. This moment is filled with infinite possibilities. Evolve or repeat…
Be patient with those who grace your life. Keep planting seeds of kindness and tend them with joy. Any experience could be the catalyst that moves an awakening soul in a new direction. Most suffering is self-created; however, it plays an important role in spiritual development and leads to transformation. While it can be challenging to watch someone you love hurt themselves with unconscious repetition, keep in mind that their challenges are required for their growth.
As we evolve, we are more capable of learning without a catastrophe to push us into new areas of awareness. See yourself as a lifetime student of love. As you continue to awaken, you’ll see more clearly and approach your life experience with grace and empowerment.


“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
Many people resist change; however, growth is one of the great blessings of life. As we transition from one phase to the next we expand our experience. If you have mastered some aspect of your life, consider starting something new. The old way of being will benefit as well.
Loss is a powerful realm of self-exploration. Losing someone you love and enjoy in your life can create a sense of despair; however, it’s important to remember that this physical experience is temporary and fleeting. The soul connection continues throughout myriad settings and incarnations. Those you have loved will often choose to act as spirit guides until you gather again to plan the next adventure.
Change creates space in which something new can emerge. As you age, instead of resisting, consider embracing the aging process. There are many lifetimes where we do not have the opportunity to enjoy the wisdom age can bring, the acceptance that comes from new limitations or the quietness of being. We enter a unique vibration of wisdom at age 54. Ages 54-81 are considered a time of introspection where we ponder death and the immortality of the soul as we build a bridge between the physical and the Oneness that connects us.

Being at Ease With the Unknown

“Suffering turns into hopelessness when you forget that it’s your teacher.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Sometimes it may feel like you are stuck. You’ve completed one aspect of your journey, the energy there has depleted and you may feel unsure of what your next steps should be. These are the perfect times to practice being present and cultivate the art of patience. The ego wants to pace in frustration – “I need to move now!” and it can be a struggle to remember that you’re exactly where you need to be.

When traveling by train in Europe a few years ago, I discovered that the process was to simply to stand ready and periodically glance at the board to see when the next train was coming and where it would arrive. Being there for the first time, it was a bit unnerving to figure out a new process and trust that all was well. Some trains were right on time and easy to spot while others simply showed a delay and, of course, no amount of angst would hurry it along any faster.

The same concept applies to your spiritual journey. When you’ve completed one aspect of your growth, you must exit the train and wait. This period of stoppage is often necessary while outside factors fall into place for the next steps of your journey. At that moment you have a choice: you can complain or worry, or you can interact with those around you and pass the time in a way that’s open and friendly. When you consciously choose to bring willingness and patience to all the little aspects of your daily walk, your life becomes a peaceful place.


“The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.”
~Walt Disney~
Your light encourages others to discover their own. Your unique vision comes from many, many lifetimes of experience and it’s understandable that you may often feel misunderstood. Part of the old soul experience is not fitting in with mainstream thought. When you embrace your way of being in the world, something beautiful begins to unfold.
Consider those who have inspired you. The fact that they stand out in your mind is indicative of their uniqueness. Rather than trying to emulate them, let their inspiration take you to new places. These untraveled roads will bring out the very best in you.
Contrasts accentuate the beauty of uncommon things. Space allows the freedom to grow and change. Joy creates the field of energy in which a transformation can occur.

The Journey of Awakening

 “Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future, therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey.”
~John O’Donohue~
Prior to birth we create a blueprint of what we hope to learn and experience during a lifetime. We build upon the lessons of past lives, we seek to explore new ideas and arrange meetings with others who will help us along the way. Ours is a free-will world; however, the soul will typically do its best to stick to the plan.
Trust the processes of your soul. Once we are born, our perception and knowledge become limited by design. Its helpful to remember that the choices were originally made with wisdom, love, support and expansive vision. In spite of how things sometimes appear, love is the driving force behind the growth that awaits.
Self-reflection is a powerful practice. Consider making list of all the challenges you have faced. Next to each one write one defining and empowering thing that you have learned from the experience.