
“…the past gives you an identity and the future holds the promise of salvation, of fulfillment in whatever form. Both are illusions.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

The greatest gift that we can give is our Presence. In every situation we have the opportunity to bring light where there is darkness, give kindness rather than turn away and teach by example. In order to be consistent in our approach, one must never stop learning.

Turn your attention inward by asking, “How may I be of service in this situation?” As we examine our motivations we discover that helping others helps us to achieve enlightenment. This double helix of energy thus creates a space where transformation can happen.

View this planet as a playground that teaches through contrast. Every moment offers an opportunity to become a little more aware, a little more empowered, a little more free from limitation.

Some lessons are presented in several different forms before we truly understand the patterns that have silently controlled our lives. Your awareness of moments of unconsciousness is actually an indicator that you are becoming more enlightened. Celebrate your humanness as well as your true infinite nature. Delve into the delight of consciousness, for once you explore the mysteries of life with an awakened heart, you will never be the same.

The Garden of Enlightenment

 “You are the creator of your own garden. Plant kindness and compassion. Water with love and gratitude. And you will enjoy beauty all the days of your life.”
~Julie Parker~

This moment is filled with unlimited potential. It is time to allow seeds of possibility to be scattered throughout your life in celebration and love. Who knows where they may fall? This flowering of energy desires only to be shared. Invite joy into your experience by living in harmony with the present moment.

This recognition of the abundance already flowing to you may prompt you to reach out to others. The seeds you sow with your kindness and compassion will create a garden of enlightenment. So, nurture the growth, remove any weeds that pop up and celebrate the miracle of change.

You are the creator of your experience. This is the time to consciously choose your thoughts, words, intentions and actions well, knowing that the seeds you sow today will become the gifts of tomorrow.

Living a Sacred Life

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
Every experience leaves us transformed. Consider the energy you leave behind when you interact with another as well as what you might learn or draw from them. The richness of textures and delight should spice our lives with a unique imprint and typically, less is more. The nuances of our playtime on this planet contribute to the enlightenment of us all.
Be gentle in your approach. As we become more aware, we discover the true power that resides in kindness and service. We no longer need to utilize force to make an impression; instead, life becomes more of a dance of discovery and a sharing of energy. No matter where you are, you can consciously participate in life’s wonder and mystery.

Experiences awaken our ability to discover the multi-layered facets of existence. Each is a stepping stone to creating a joyful, empowered life. This movement of awareness begins with gratitude and gentleness. All that you see is a spark of the Divine. Recognizing and honoring the sacredness of all life awakens the sacredness within you.

Awakening the Heart

“You are here for no other purpose than to realize your inner divinity and manifest your inner enlightenment. Foster peace in your own life and then apply the Art to all that you encounter.”
~Morihei Ueshiba~
Enlightenment is a life long process. There will be times when we feel empowered, balanced and ready to face the world with conscious intent and others when we may feel that we’ve missed the mark. The process of awakening is nuanced and layered with opportunity to discover hidden aspects of ourselves that are ready to shine.
As we awaken, the hold of the ego lessens. We learn to recognize old patterns and beliefs when they arise and utilize them as stepping stones to greater awareness. Act with integrity, do your best and accept what is. If you are true to your authentic nature you can allow circumstances to unfold as they will.
Everyone does the best they can based upon their soul age, level of consciousness, imprints and history. It’s helpful to remember this: if they could do better, they would… this is true for each and every one of us. Throughout the process of enlightenment, we are continually transformed and thus, transform the world around us.

Consistent Practice

“The greatest gift that you can give to this world is to make the mind still.”
~Ajahn Chah~
Throughout your journey of awakening, you will feel drawn to different ideas, modalities and paths to enlightenment. As you find tools that inspire you, consistently work with them. If there comes a point where you “outgrow” that particular passion, that’s ok. Bring something new into your repertoire and move forward.
We never stop learning. Don’t allow complacency to trap you in a mindset that stalls your exploration. When life begins to fall into place (and it will!), it’s important to stay consistent with your spiritual practice rather than waiting for a time of imbalance to inspire you to begin anew.
The key is to walk through life with ease and grace no matter what unfolds. As you cultivate greater awareness of your strengths and step into empowerment, you’ll naturally bring peacefulness into the present moment. Many upon experiencing that sense of ease, think they’ve reached the final destination and pause; however, there are infinite levels still waiting to be explored. As with anything we do, practice makes it easier. It tones those spiritual muscles and makes our journey effortless. Even extreme challenges don’t seem to disengage those who have a powerful daily spiritual routine.

Explore the Mystery

“Life is an adventure. Invite constant adventures, and whenever a call comes from the unknown, listen to it. Risk all and go into the unknown, because this is the only way to live at the maximum.”

You are an infinite being and much more than the role you play in this lifetime. There are endless facets for you to explore, worlds to experience, levels of consciousness to discover. The role that you play in this lifetime is simply that – a role that is utilized as just another way for you explore the contrasts and perceived separation this planet has to offer.
When you still the mind, it becomes possible to merge with the energies of the sky, a tree, the ocean or music. Allow yourself to enter the realms of limitless possibility, if only for a moment. Visualize that each breath you take draws in the love, light and laughter of the Universe while each exhale allows the barriers of the mind to dissipate.
Just be. Explore Oneness with the world around you. The more expansive your vision, the more able you’ll be to see beyond the roles and limited perception of others. Therein lies the freedom of enlightenment.

Right Action

“Step into the fire of self-discovery. This fire will not burn you, it will only burn what you are not.”

There is no need to struggle. As you move to higher levels of consciousness, you’ll naturally learn to find the flow of life and move into it rather than fight against it. The human tendency is to create stress. Anxiety, tension, fear and worry are so commonplace that many have come to believe that dysfunctional states are natural and unavoidable.

The process of awakening is not about change. It is the incremental release of everything that weighs us down. Layer by layer we let go of old patterns, beliefs, conditioning, expectations, resentments and ego-created stories until there is nothing left. In that space of no-thingness, we learn to love and experience things as they are. We become the space in which transformation occurs.

Imagine how much energy you’d have to utilize in the present moment if you were completely clear of unnecessary baggage. The gifts of transformation are already within you, waiting to be discovered. Enlightenment is a process rather than a destination.


“A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.”
~Zen Shin~
To flower is to spread seeds of infinite possibility in a celebration of life and love. There are showers of blessings waiting to nourish the soul and sharing gifts of joy is the most authentic way to express your true, peaceful nature. Each time your enlightenment is embodied through conscious interaction, you can activate a sympathetic response from those around you.
Let your life be your message. Like the lotus rising out of muddy waters, your flowering is the culmination of absorbing energy and strength from facing challenges in your experience. All that is required is to be. There is no reason to compare. Your awareness is unique.
This lifetime is merely one expression of your interpretation of the Divine. The insights and gifts you have to share may be fleeting in the overall scheme of things, but the waves of possibility that emit from them are infinite. The integration of these facets create your unique way of being in the world… and we are graced by your presence.


“Being spiritual has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness.”
~Eckhart Tolle~
There are nearly eight billion souls currently on the planet. No matter what you choose to believe, it is likely that you will find many who agree with you. As we evolve, this becomes a subtle manifestation of the ego. Beliefs become more deeply solidified and adhered to until a “us versus them” mentality arises.
When we seek to codify the Divine, we limit it with our words. It’s important to remember that descriptors, beliefs, research and rules are all merely pointers and should be utilized only to spark an awakening. Learn what you will in whatever way speaks to your heart and then bring a deep Presence into all that you do.
Expanding consciousness is a byproduct of your own journey. Next lifetime you may approach your evolution in a different manner so you can cultivate a deeper understanding of the various ways to awaken. For now, live in alignment with your true nature and let your life be your message.
No matter what you choose to believe, seek to infuse it with the higher levels of consciousness: love, joy, peace, enlightenment.


“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”
~Cynthia Occelli~

Enlightenment is a slow, transformative process. The journey inward hesitantly begins with many starts and stops. The heart feels pulled to engage the mystery and we begin the fumbling movement towards ecstasy.

The ego equates enlightenment with death – and indeed, enlightenment is the death of the ego. As we evolve, it must become more subtle and so we visit the same type of circumstances repeatedly until we have gleaned insight from many differing levels of consciousness.

Ultimately, the soul heeds the call of awakening and we are able to break free from the ravages of karma. While life still unfolds as it will, we no longer feel victimized by circumstance; instead, awareness transforms even the most challenging situations through love.

Each of us will forge a unique pathway to higher dimensions. The most beautiful thing that you can do is share your insights and wisdom and act in a way that exemplifies them in the world of form. This is the process of transformation.