Your Words Have Power

“In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link.”  
~Carlos Castaneda~

Observe the world around you and you’ll discover how powerful people are. They voice their deepest fears and then solidify them even further when that fear is drawn into their experience by saying, “See? I knew it!”… while never realizing that belief and expectation were the driving force behind the experience.

We are here to discover our ability to create. You have always been far more powerful than you realize. It’s amazing to discover how to consciously shift our thoughts, words, expectations and beliefs so that they align, and observe them as a creative force in motion.

Consider your words. Should you notice that you voice what you don’t want to have happen, immediately rephrase your statement. Consciously decide what you do want and then verbalize that with excitement and enthusiasm. The energy you emit plays a powerful role in this process.

Focus on creating a flow of empowerment, purpose and enlightenment in every situation. When speaking of challenges you face, state the intention that you will discover aspects of yourself that are ready to be known. Be excited to grow and learn. And most importantly, know that you are right where you need to be.

The Way of Love

“Wherever you are, you are one with the clouds and one with the sun and the stars you see. You are one with everything. That is more true than I can say, and more true than you can hear.”
~Shunryu Suzuki~

Authentic change takes patience and consistency. While a flash flood can do some immediate damage, things tend to go back to normal once  the waters recede. The slow, constant movement of water, however, can carve through mountains, change the form of rock or ultimately lead itself onward to the sea.

Everything that you experience is multifaceted. On the surface it may prompt a quick interpretation; however, learning how to examine differing perspectives is a powerful tool. The immediate reaction is the flash flood, while mindfulness is the water that gently carves new openings through the hardest of energies.

When you choose to see yourself, the world, and all it contains as sacred, your behavior will transform. Everything pulsates with the vibrant energy of the Divine and for those who have eyes to see, all is love.


“Wisdom is knowing I am nothing,
Love is knowing I am everything,
and between the two my life moves.”
~Nisargadatta Maharaj~
Our human experience is one of paradox – everything is messed up, yet everything is ok. When we pull back from the stories of the mind and become loving observers, we discover the ability to live within the paradox.
We are One, yet each of us has a unique path of awakening and each of us must do our own work. Contrasts are required: there is no love without hate, no light without the darkness, no awakening without sleep.
Learn to see the value in everything. Move out of blame and desire and instead, see yourself as an infinite source of energy experiencing the illusion of separation. Seek only to awaken. Know that your journey is infinite and that you will never stop learning. But also, know that you are Divine, a master in the process of remembering. Human perception is small and limited… life and love are immense.

Experience Oneness

“You are not limited to this body, to this mind, or to this reality—you are a limitless ocean of Consciousness, imbued with infinite potential. You are existence itself.”
― Joseph P. Kauffman
Consider the unique beauty of snowflakes. Each is its own temporary, exquisite work of love and art created by the journey through the clouds. Their moment of existence is fleeting and much like Tibetan sand mandalas or Shamanic sand paintings, they naturally dismantle once complete, change form and merge back into oneness.
This lifetime is akin to that of a snowflake. We come and weave patterns based upon our journey through energy and illusion. Our dance with one another can be beautiful and gentle or destructive and intense; however, the molecular structure remains the same.
To experience Oneness in a world of difference, it’s important to remember how each of us is shaped by our experiences, imprinting, beliefs, level of consciousness and karmic lessons. We are all aspects of the Divine and love ultimately resides at the core of everything. Until we discover it wholeheartedly within ourselves, we will not be able to see it reflected in the world around us. Set an intention to seek out commonalities in your interactions. Feed loving energy and kindness into your life situation and allow that to inform your unique shape and way of being in the world.


“The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?”
~Jack Kornfield~

Anger, whether directed inward or extended outward, is a waste of your precious energy. It causes the cells of the body to deteriorate, it creates a filter that taints everything you see and acts as a magnet, drawing in people and circumstances of corresponding low levels of consciousness.
The mind will tell you that you are right to be angry; however, like anything else, it can be transformed into a powerful aspect of your spiritual growth. Mindfulness allows you to observe anger when it arises, recognize outmoded ideas and beliefs that need to be faced and pivot you toward a breakthrough.
When you interact with someone caught in the web of their own distress purposely choose not to add negative energy to the situation. Anger indicates where healing is required. In that moment it may be difficult to address the imbalance; however, it is an opportunity to bring issues out into the light of day and observe them with a loving heart.
The goal, ultimately, is to learn to rise above anger and reside in the levels of acceptance, willingness and love. The higher your consciousness, the easier things become. Your choices and actions will be empowered and you’ll view life through the heart rather than through mind-made filters.

Be Willing to Receive

“If you want the moon, do not hide from the night.
If you want a rose, do not run from the thorns.
If you want love, do not hide from yourself.”

Know how to accept sustenance and fulfillment from life. Instead of striving, allow. Instead of stress and worry, receive. The Tao te Ching teaches that the less we do, the more we get done. Many people run hither and yon trying to squeeze in as much as they can. They multitask and let anxiety run their lives.

Everything is energy. See yourself as a magnet that draws in the people, circumstances and resources that you require. Let your actions be simple and mindful. Endless striving actually pushes away the object of your desire, much in the same way that magnets repel one another until the poles are reversed.

There is great power in this moment. Tap into it. Recognize the abundance and love that rains upon you from all dimensions. The reward is a strong sense of inner peace and contentment as you allow yourself to align with the perfection of the universe.