

\”Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.\” ~Eckhart Tolle~ When you bring the best version of yourself to this moment, the future will take care of itself. Plans are best utilized to set a new energy in motion, for they encompass expanded vision, […]

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Be A Conscious Creator

\”To begin living like you\’ve never lived before, begin living like you\’ve never lived before.\” ~Mike Dooley~ This moment is filled with infinite possibility. Every given day is a blank slate waiting for our creation of experience, perception, interpretation and dreams. When envisioning change, begin by clearly defining the desired end result. Then take steps

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Nurturing Your Energy

We all have moments when we feel depleted. This is somewhat paradoxical when one considers the fact that the energy that runs through us is infinite; however, the physical body can typically only process a particular amount of energy at one time. The energy centers that regulate how the life-force flows are called chakras. Seven

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Teacher-Student Karmic Monad

A karmic monad is an agreement between two souls. This is widely used to help one another progress on the journey of awakening. The dance can last for years or be as brief as a conversation on an elevator. When this energy is play, one may feel compelled to literally teach another – perhaps by

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“Creativity is the state of consciousness in which you enter into the treasury of your innermost being and bring the beauty into manifestation.” ~Torkom Saraydarian~ The energy behind creation is filled with the life force of the infinite. Consider that there are always new facets to explore, each of which will reveal something that your

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Abundance is having more than you need. The energy around money offers an array of opportunities to examine our core beliefs. Since everything is energy, your perception creates your experience. There are those who always need to chase the next deal or reach the next level of wealth. If this an aspect of your journey

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Transforming Stress

It\’s important to listen to the messages of the body. Periodically, still the mind and go inward. Really tune in and notice if you are holding stress in a particular area, clenching the jaw or holding your breath. If so, close your eyes and breathe deeply and rhythmically. Place your focus on the flow and

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Personal Responsibility

Empowerment requires that we face our fears. Until we do so, they will always block our ability to love Blame creates victim consciousness. When we choose to take responsibility for all that unfolds in our experience and how we respond to it, we become conscious creators. Our thoughts, words and actions send waves of energy

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\”To me there is nothing more sacred than love and laughter, and there is nothing more prayerful than playfulness.\” ~Rajneesh~ Balanced play creates greater peace in your experience and squirrel is a wonderful teacher. She constantly frolics and chatters, often chasing a friend in circles around the trees. But she is also industrious. In her

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A Rose By Any Other Name

\”Witches call it spells. Christians call it prayer. Spiritualists call it manifestation. Atheists call it the placebo effect. Scientists call it quantum physics. Everyone\’s arguing over its name. No is denying its existence.\” ~Kim Dunn~ All over the world various cultures have interpreted the same energy in myriad ways. This aspect of discovery and playfulness

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