
“…something very beautiful happens to people when their world has fallen apart: a humility, a nobility, a higher intelligence emerges at just the point where our knees hit the floor.”
~Marianne Williamson~

Acceptance is saying “Yes” to life. It is not dependent upon liking what is unfolding, rather, it is an inner awareness that releases the ingrained habit of struggle and allows you to step into the present moment with power and grace. Life’s disruptions reveal your strengths.
You are much more than this body or this experience. You are a vast, infinite energy that is in the process of discovery. Simultaneously unique and part of the Oneness that connects us, we are here to discover how to live from the heart.
The purpose of the human existence is to experience every facet of life. So, lifetime after lifetime we play in the world of form. We interact with one another as lovers, enemies, teachers, family and friends in order to discover compassion. Our challenges send us on new roads of adventure and discovery. When you are ready to learn, you’ll find that everyone and everything is your teacher. Living in alignment with your unique way of being in the world will help you to access your inner wisdom.

A Work in Progress…

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

We walk this amazing journey of love and discovery. The threads that connect us are innumerable, constantly weaving new patterns and bringing new perspectives to light. Ultimately, we learn incredible things from one another while fumbling our way toward ecstasy.

See your awakening as a work in progress and try to create as many spaces of Presence as you can throughout your day. The challenges that we face often bring us painful awareness of old wounds or beliefs that have created the illusion of separation; however, with mindful intent, those challenges can be transformed into empowerment and insight.

You’ll know that any self-karmas are healed when there is no emotional charge around them. You may find yourself recounting the tribulations of the past, seeing them only as stepping stones to your current state of consciousness, and indeed that is the truth of your sojourn here in time and space.

When in doubt, choose joy. Find something, no matter how small or insignificant, and let it bring a smile to your face. With that smile in place, close your eyes and breathe it in. This is the breath of awareness and it will help you to create a foundation of peace in your daily experience.

Life’s Blessings

“To transform the world, we must begin with ourselves; and what is important in beginning with ourselves is the intention.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

All change begins within. It starts with a desire to create peace or healing or joy, and extends outward. We must be willing to allow new perceptions into our experience. The subtle, yet profound shifts naturally expand our energy and impact our relationship to life.

Challenges show us where we are stuck in outmoded ways of being. Resist nothing; instead, be willing to approach your life circumstances with love and a willingness to change. Be patient with yourself and trust the processes of your awakening. Far more is happening on your behalf than you realize.

You may discover that this new perception, expanded way of thinking and relating, and authentic peacefulness spark healthy changes within all your relationships. This is how we teach one another. And sometimes… love will speak through a stranger. Whether someone graces your life for a moment or for a lifetime, be fully present with them while you walk together on the path of awakening.

This is your moment of transformation. Acceptance and awareness lead to empowerment. Breathe, and take one conscious step forward.



“People have a hard time letting go of their suffering.
Out of a fear of the unknown,
They prefer suffering that is familiar.“
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
When plans crumble or change is thrust upon us, the natural human tendency is to resist. The mind prefers the known to the unknown, even when the unknown offers the possibility of freedom, happiness or growth. Because of this, many will often stay trapped in repetitive cycles long after they have served any useful purpose.
Life will often shake up the status quo. These moments of intensity or loss contain the seeds of new beginnings. Remind yourself that everything in your experience is there to help you grow or to wake you up. Challenges bring hidden strengths to the surface and once the storm has passed, there will be clarity and limitless potential to explore as you build again.
We can choose to look forward with optimism. Rather than losing oneself in the belief that life is wrong or mistakes were made, see each moment as an opportunity to discover the best of yourself. You are loved, and you are stronger than you know.