Constructive Action

The challenges that we face bring us into greater awareness. As one navigates disruption, it’s helpful to remember that your soul has agreed to participate for a specific purpose such as a karmic contract, personal test/initiation, the opportunity to see a new facet of growth in motion, teaching by example or facilitating a significant pivot in the life path.

When things feel overwhelming, step into the power of the present moment and keep things simple. Is the action you are taking constructive or restrictive? Feeding energy into the challenge by talking about it to those who are not in a position to change or help is an example of being stuck in a pattern. Speaking about possible solutions and taking baby steps toward them is constructive.

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in this moment. Part of your soul work is to share your gifts with the world. No matter where you reside on the journey of awakening, there is always someone coming along behind who can learn from your experiences and inspiration. You are right where you need to be – embrace your unique talents and be gentle with yourself. This is the moment of transformation.

Repeating Patterns

“Constantly focusing on the limitations, instead of all the possibilities, is how people become stuck in their lives. It only serves to recreate the same old reality from day to day. And soon the days turn into years, and lifetimes.”
~Anthon St. Maarten~

Everyone has a filter through which they view the world. Their energetic vibration and long-held beliefs are displayed again and again until they are recognized. Whenever you notice a repeating pattern that limits joy in your experience, realize that the first step is becoming aware of it. From a space of awareness, you can consciously choose to break free from outmoded patterns of behavior and leave them behind.

For many, intense emotional/mental/physical/spiritual disruption is the only thing that awakens them from the dreams created by the projections of the mind; however, we can circumvent this process by consciously continuing to do our spiritual work in times of relative peace. This is the moment of transformation. No matter what comes into your experience, you have the courage and fortitude to face it with faith… and while nothing is guaranteed on this journey of the soul, the changes you create within will surely play out in your daily experiences.

When you reach toward the light, it also reaches out to you. Love will always meet you where you are and walk forward with you from there. Seek to constantly clear limiting patterns that sabotage your happiness. One tool is to step back from the situation and observe the thought – perhaps saying, “The ego is in fear mode” or “Anxiety is arising”. Rather than absorbing the limiting thought or emotion, just see it and experience it as the observer knowing that the infinite, Divine truth of who you are is not defined by these fleeting ideas of insecurity or doubt. Something greater is waiting to break through, shattering the patterns of limitation and opening the door to a life of empowerment.

Just Be

“Don’t be so hard on yourself
‘Cause you can’t change the world
You can’t change the world alone
Just be”

~Tommy Shaw~

Acceptance is the pathway to peace. When challenges unfold and the unexpected enters, fear often arises. This is the moment to turn inward and access your true divine nature. You can’t fix the world alone, but you can bring love and grace to whatever is in front of you in this moment.

Should you need to take action or make decisions, go inward first. Check your state of consciousness without resistance or criticism. Find your way into the power the present moment. This brief, mindful interlude of stillness brings empowerment to all that you do. In times of crisis, change, illness, or events beyond your control, realize that you have the ability to face whatever arises with a calm heart and mind.

Whatever unfolds in your experience is exactly what is needed for your spiritual growth. Life is filled with contrast and it is there we discover strength, ingenuity, the ability to forgive, compassion and tenacity of spirit. Your Presence is transformative. Love can be expressed in many, many ways and we can discover them together.

Playing in the Field of Consciousness

“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
~Alan Watts~
Often the only difference between work and play is attitude. As we awaken, the field of consciousness takes on new meaning. Rather than plodding along through life tolerating work, waiting for the weekend or the next vacation, we find joy in the present moment. This playful attitude then creates a difference experience – a vibrancy that is stimulating and smile inducing.
The choice to see spiritual exploration as play rather than work brings out childlike innocence and wonder. It expands our ability to maintain humor in the face of challenges and reminds us to celebrate the ridiculous rather than fall prey to self-criticism. The old adage “he who can laugh at himself will never cease to be amused” comes to mind.
Since the world is built on contrast, every situation offers an opportunity to find and maintain a healthy balance betwixt two polarities. When you choose to utilize playfulness as a powerful aspect of your awakening you demonstrate a willingness to be responsible for your own joy. This is empowerment.

The Untroubled Spirit

“The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.”
~Marcus Aurelius~

When you can see beyond the mechanisms of the ego, you are well on your way to a life unencumbered by drama. The actions of others always demonstrate their the filter through which they view the world. Since you cannot please all the people all the time, you are free to live in your integrity.

Nothing matters more than your state of consciousness in the present moment. The awakening soul learns to be non-reactive in intense situations and waits for the appropriate time to take action. As we drop reactivity, our energy becomes more focused and succinct. The way forward makes itself known and we can act while remaining detached from the outcome.

In a world beset with judgment, intensity and blame, we have the opportunity to demonstrate a different way of being. Create spaces that are peaceful for you. Fill your life experience with things that bring you joy, but remain content. Through the wisdom born of experience, one can see clearly yet still choose to walk through life with an untroubled spirit.

The Beauty of Acceptance

There’s something inherently beautiful about living in a state of acceptance. When experienced as an authentic state of being, all drama is removed and we can flow through any situation with empowerment and peace.

Last night, my mother and I moved into a new phase of our relationship. I realized that much of my natural Presence was something that I learned from her along with my love of reading, creating a sacred space and the ability to be comfortable in solitude.

For the last few years she’s lived in a cottage in my backyard. After a tumultuous childhood and the weaving of karmic experiences that firmly set me on this path of healing, it was interesting to discover that many of the old wounds would be healed by helping my parents with their end of life work. Having them so close on a daily basis allowed for healthy shifts in our relationship.

During my last session yesterday, I received a simple, calm voice message. “I’m not doing so well and I need help.” I went to her cottage thinking that I could lift something or perform some small task. Immediately, I could see that she was off, and simply sitting in the darkening living room. It turned out that she had had a minor stroke which doubled her vision enough to impact her sense of balance and ability to walk safely.

So we did what many parents and children do – worked with medical care, a lengthy emergency room visit and ultimately appreciating the competence of the workers at a nearby hospital. While not fatal or insurmountable, this moment ushered us into a place of transition where we can both learn new things. I awoke this morning feeling only gratitude for my journey, the people in it, and the ways that we can explore love.

Your Divine Nature

“Gradually we’ll learn from one another what we forgot. That we’re all one. Our relationships will enable us. The law of karma will teach us. Our challenges will focus us. Love will remind us.”
~Jose Stevens~
With our limited human perception, it’s difficult to process the idea of eternity. Time is a construct of the mind and often it drives us to hurry through the present moment in order to get somewhere else; however, the present moment is all there is. 

We are all participating in an exploration of separateness. The lifetimes we spend on this planet, the roles we play and the lessons we learn from one another are only the beginning of an incredible journey to rediscover Oneness. You are a spark of the Divine – infinite, eternal, and multi-faceted. When challenges arise, understand that a breakthrough is possible. The movement into awareness transforms your life experience.

There is enough time. Everyone on the planet will eventually evolve through all earth-based soul ages: Infant, Baby, Young, Mature and Old to finally discover that we are all One. Tending to your own state of consciousness will ultimately aid in the awakening of all humanity. Have compassion for yourself and for one another.

Conscious Suffering


Spiritual practice has little to do with logical explanations. The mind will always question ‘Why?’ when challenges arise. This desire for knowledge is an egoic trap which tells us that we must understand in order to alleviate our discomfort. Any reasons we discover – psychological, physiological, karmic, etc. – are only part of the story. Oneness teaches us that everything is interconnected – and the infinite nature of complexity means both that we can discover multiple approaches that help us on our journey as well as the truth that, as humans, our vision and ability to understand is very limited.

There are blinders that obscure our vision. Deep understanding never lies within the cognitive world of ‘why’ but in experiencing the complexity of the present moment with an openness that defies explanation. We encounter both minute and life-changing challenges as we navigate the path of transformation and during each, the spiritual seeker has the option to suffer consciously. The contrast we discover between the mechanisms of the mind and the playfulness we experience when we feel balanced and connected is the paradox that teaches through the human condition in a way that leads us ever closer to the Divine.

All things work to the highest good (whether one has the ability to see it now or later). Should clarity elude you, take one more conscious step forward honoring each moment as part of your unique journey of awakening. Faith in the process of your development is key. There are gifts to be discovered in the midst of every challenge.

Live Gently

“Shamans the world over strive to live in complete harmony with nature, the environment, the cycles of the seasons, the weather, and the varying patterns of the stars, moon and sun. To accomplish this, they cultivate the intelligence of the heart.”  
~Jose Stevens~ 

To live in alignment with life, we must first remove anything that blocks us from living in a way that is empowered and accepting. The spiritual path calls upon us to dissolve the ego, rise above the mundane and cultivate trust. There are many layers to this work and many roads to enlightenment. As you explore various teachings that ignite your spirit, your willingness to learn will draw what is needed to you.

Walk gently upon the earth and listen to your inner guidance. Celebrate breakthroughs and learn from the challenges that arise. Everything works toward your highest good – always. With this in mind, fear departs as we take a greater role in what we choose to create and how we interpret the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

This never ending process of enlightenment is filled with opportunity, for as you change, the world around you is transformed. Seek to discover the language of your heart. Messages from the Divine are all around you and miracles abound.


“For most people, their spiritual teacher is their suffering. Because eventually the suffering brings about awakening.”
~Eckhart Tolle~ 

Suffering, whether self-inflicted or the result of outside events, brings hidden aspects of our shadow self to the surface of our consciousness. Often these are things that have been repressed or ignored in the past and their appearance now has great import on your path of transformation.

When you are faced with intense internal challenges consider viewing them as teachers rather than something that needs to be eradicated or hidden. Look deeply within to the source of your conflict and then purposely surround it with love and compassion. Know that you are on the verge of an awakening.

These inner paradoxes lead us down roads we would never consciously choose to travel. They call upon us to shatter the ego-self and strip away things and ideas that no longer serve us. Intensity accelerates your spiritual growth in ways that simple study and desire cannot. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you are ready for this. Your spirit has requested movement and the fact that something new is arising indicates that you are ready to navigate your way to higher levels of consciousness.