The Power of Love

“Love is not only an energizing force, but an individualizing force. It dissolves separation and yet creates individuality. It is, again, the primal paradox.”

Each and every time that we make the conscious choice to show love, we step into empowerment and begin to create a new reality. In any situation you can ask, “How can I present the best version of myself in this moment?” The answer is always found in love. The trick is to recognize dysfunction when it is in play yet choose to remain balanced and non-reactive. It takes practice to maintain a sense of calm in the face of intense negativity; however, as awakening masters, we are called upon to bring higher energy to challenging situations.

It’s likely that you have already cultivated many of the tools you need to face these circumstances with grace. Challenges provide opportunities to hone these skills and witness them in action.

We are light-bringers in a world that often seems filled with darkness. Your purpose is to awaken, to teach and to serve. Soul-based love creates space where transformation can occur.

Love More

“The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one two things: either love, or a call for love.”

~Marianne Williamson~

Together we walk the path of awakening. Relationships provide opportunities to facilitate your personal growth. When you choose to view the world through love’s filter; it changes your perception. Everything becomes simple: it is either love or a call for love.
When challenges arise, we must sometimes dig deeply within in order to access our ability to love. See those who challenge you as healing angels playing a role that strengthens your ability to see beyond the mechanisms of the ego. When you can recognize sacredness in yourself and in the other, life opens.
The ultimate goal is unconditional love. This calls upon us to begin within. Outward experiences of love and acceptance are directly related to the love and acceptance we have for ourselves. As kindness awakens with you, it overflows into your life experience and is reflected throughout your interactions.
As an awakening master, you have the ability to observe life from a higher state of consciousness. Practice looking for ways to express love. Challenging people and circumstances can sometimes take more conscious effort; however, the rewards are immeasurable. They allow you to cultivate facets of your soul that would otherwise remain fallow. Love is transformative.

Inner Strength

“Self discovery is the most empowering time of your life, you remember who you are and you become the best version of yourself but what they forget to tell you is, to get to a point of pleasure you must face the pain.”

~Nikki Rowe~

The challenges that you have faced have forged aspects of your personality that are ready to shine. In times of uncertainty, you can tap into these inner strengths to give you fortitude to face whatever unfolds in your experience. Resilience of character is often a silent wisdom and competence that underlies your actions while providing a firm foundation throughout the journey.

Remember to give yourself credit for how far you have come. The weight of the past is nothing compared to the power of the present moment. Allow the light of your soul to guide you home. The story of your awakening is unique, and all the supporting characters have played their roles to perfection.

You are ready to thrive. All that is required is one more conscious step forward, and then one more. Pay attention to the calling of your spirit and choose to be open to discovery and adventure. You’ve got this.




Joy and Gratitude

“The magic in this world seems to work in whispers and small kindnesses.”   

~Charles de Lint~ 

Life is filled with limitless potential. You are filled with limitless potential. Why take that infinite power and use it to call up the past? Why fret about tomorrow? Most people live in regret or anticipation because that’s how they were taught to live. The whole world can sometimes seem governed by opinion and perception and those who choose to experience the world in another way can often feel misunderstood.

Begin small with consistent daily gratitude. Expand it from the easy, wonderful things in your life to encompass whatever arises. Love your bills. Enjoy preparing and paying your taxes. See challenges as opportunities to shine. Asking these three questions can often open your mind to healthier perception:

1) What is the gift for me in this moment?
2) What am I trying to learn?
3) How can I bring the best version of myself to this situation?

You don’t need to know the answer immediately, simply live the questions and they will open your ability to receive.

The higher your vibration, the easier life flows. The infinite power of the Universe supports you in miraculous ways – always.


Know that you are not alone,
And that this darkness has purpose;
Gradually it will school your eyes,
To find the one gift your life requires
Hidden within this night-corner.”

~John O’Donohue~
(From the poem “For Courage”)

When faced with a struggle it’s imperative to understand that your soul needs the challenge in order to grow. Many seek to remove all embattlements from their life experience; however, the spiritual life is not about avoidance. You can transform pain into empowerment. Pay attention to the scripts that run in the mind when perceived disaster occurs. These are the wounds and limited beliefs that are ready to be brought into the light of your consciousness.

Betrayal, accidents, loss, death, financial setbacks and health issues all carry seeds of enlightenment. The greater the challenge, the greater the breakthrough. Unexpected struggles often push us where we would not normally choose to walk, and it is there that your courage begins to shine.

You are far stronger than you know. Take one conscious step at a time and consider that this turning point is the beginning of powerful change. Everything you seek to create and desire to be is on the other side of fear.


“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
~Alan Watts~

Some see life as drudgery. Everything becomes heavy and difficult because of the energy they bring to their life situations. Yet others, perhaps appearing simple or foolish to the uninitiated, seem to play their way through life and manage to navigate challenges with greater ease.

The higher your vibration, the easier things flow. Bring playfulness into your experiences in any way that you can. Be together for the sheer joy of it. Celebrate as you walk the path of transformation without attachment to an end result.

Life is rarely as serious as the ego would like you to believe and there are many, many opportunities to bring lightheartedness into your experience. When you utilize playfulness as a powerful aspect of your awakening, everything in your experience becomes part of a loving,  vibrant conversation between you and the Divine.

It is safe to be open and vulnerable and filled with delight. May your soul be liberated by laughter. May you discover the many facets of love that seek expression through you.

The Gifts of Adversity

Those that challenge you the most on the physical plane love you the most on the spiritual place. Great gifts are discovered when we go through adversity. Consider the souls that are willing to act in a manner that tests you on many levels. They run the risk of losing your love and friendship in this lifetime while serving a higher purpose in your souls growth.

Consider the challenges of your life, the disappointments, the struggle. Acknowledge the lessons you’ve learned, the skills you’ve developed and see if you can find aspects in each situation for which you can be thankful. This is the true purpose behind the interaction.

The tapestry we weave together is one of brilliant design and mastery. Each circumstance and situation plays its part in the scheme of things. We dance in and out of one another’s awareness only to discover purpose within the chaos and receive the gifts of spirit.

Sometimes the pattern is difficult to see when we are too close to the situation. Distance lends perspective. The higher your vibration, the greater your ability to discern aspects that may have eluded you in the past. Never doubt the purpose and beauty of your experience. The greater the challenge, the greater the breakthrough.

Consider This…

Consider this…

You are right where you need to be.

The obstacle is the path.

The person who challenges you the most on the physical plane, loves you the most on the spiritual plane.

Your perceived flaws can be transformed into your biggest assets.

Everything in your experience is a purposeful aspect of your awakening.

Your life is a vibrant conversation with the Divine.

When you bring your shadows into the light of consciousness, they begin to lose their power over you.

Personal responsibility is the gateway to empowerment.

You are much stronger then you know.

When you can embrace the paradoxical nature of your being, resistance disappears.

Limitations can break you free from habit and pivot you into a new adventure.

When you are ready to receive, miracles flow into your experience.

The desire for enlightenment transforms obstacles into opportunities.

Everything unfolds in the perfect way at the perfect time.

High emotion or reactivity indicates that a lesson is in progress.

Just by being who you are, you bring something unique and beautiful to our collective experience.

You are a master in the process of awakening.

And finally… if 10% of us shift to a higher level of consciousness, the world will shift to accommodate us.





When challenges arise, the natural human response is fight or flight. Both greatly impact the body’s immune system, nervous system and state of mental/emotional balance. The ego clings to the idea that something is wrong and that script can replay for years. These highly charged energies can damage the auric field and, left untended, wreck havoc with physical health and well-being.

The suppression of memories, anger, fear or sadness can be triggered by innocuous things later in life. A chance encounter, memory or dream can bring the unhealed aspects to the surface, and often open the old wounds. While overwhelming, these moments arise because your spirit is ready to bring light to the darkness.

Turn toward your shadows and lovingly bring them into the light of consciousness. Your willingness to be present with the process of healing amplifies your ability to transform distress into empowerment. You are absolutely ready to handle what rises to the surface. Keep in mind that the ego will be resistant, seeking to keep you locked into old patterns. This resistance is a true indicator that powerful energies of change are swirling around you.

Place your focus inward, be consistent, gentle, and honest with yourself. Take ownership of your state of consciousness and reclaim your power. Imagine the freedom that awaits when the past is released and you can write a new story.

Challenges Expand Consciousness

“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.”
~Paulo Coelho~

The soul seek to expand into new areas of awareness and the challenges we face, both personal and collective, play a powerful role in our development. Your attention begins the process of transformation. Bring a gentle self-awareness to the patterns that repeat and purposely seek to change your approach. When you break free of habitual responses, something new begins to emerge.

The tools that you have cultivated along the way become stronger when you have the opportunity to consciously utilize them. Rather than resist the tidal flow of energy, seek to flow with it and face any challenges that arise when they are still small.  See the field of life as a place to observe wisdom in action. Your higher self is guiding you throughout the process of awakening.