Spiritual Maturity

Each of us is responsible for our own joy. You have the ability to create an empowered life, Now, without the need to rely upon outer circumstances or the actions of another. As we develop our spiritual maturity, we discover that wholeness comes from within. From this state of awareness we can share with one another and contribute something unique to our collective experience.

The synergy created by conscious, loving spirits is infinite. Together we can achieve far more than we can alone. Step into the flow by cultivating the ability to give and receive freely. Take the time to slow down and notice the beauty that is all around you. This planet has much to offer and much to teach. Your awareness allows you to be a conscious participant. Then, existence becomes a joy as we purposely dream new aspects of the world into being.

Perhaps you find yourself becoming more open. You may share your gifts and laughter more often than in times past, or reach out in kindness without fear of rejection. These are signs of mastery and indicators of spiritual awakening. Allow love and joy to guide your choices and interactions and watch the boundaries disappear.

Teacher-Student Karmic Monad

A karmic monad is an agreement between two souls. This is widely used to help one another progress on the journey of awakening. The dance can last for years or be as brief as a conversation on an elevator. When this energy is play, one may feel compelled to literally teach another – perhaps by imparting information or acting in a way that compels the other to cultivate an important aspect that is ready to shine.

In the midst of challenging situations, seek the lesson. It’s a quick mental shift, but is one that can take you from victim-hood into empowerment. Once you have mastered that aspect of your growth, you will no longer need that particular pattern in your experience. Honor the people in your life as teachers. Every moment offers an opportunity to awaken.

Rather than taking on too much at once, consider working on one issue at a time. Bring your awareness to what is required in this moment. How can you bring peace into your experience? What conscious action will shift the energy? Keep in mind that the ego is often resistant. See this resistance as an indicator that profound change is at hand.

Personal Responsibility

Empowerment requires that we face our fears. Until we do so, they will always block our ability to love

Blame creates victim consciousness. When we choose to take responsibility for all that unfolds in our experience and how we respond to it, we become conscious creators. Our thoughts, words and actions send waves of energy throughout the Universe, always showing us precisely what we need to see.

Energy is also created from your innermost core programming and beliefs and can sometimes be harder to recognize. When this is the case, you’ll draw in interactions and situations that will assist you in seeing yourself more clearly. Blame and accusations block the ability to access your inner wisdom; therefore, immediately take responsibility for all that unfolds, knowing that it serves a purpose in the rising of consciousness.

Should you ever find yourself going into blame mode, simply notice, quiet the mind and examine what you are projecting outward. All blame is a reflection of how we see ourselves. This insight can be one of the most powerful aspects of your spiritual awakening. When you choose to approach life with acceptance and a willingness to walk forward in spite of any fear, you create a powerful momentum of insight and awakening that will lead you forward with a greater sense of grace.

Letting Go

Why do we cling when clinging causes pain? It’s empowering to truly understand that we can utilize any situation as a vehicle for awakening. One practice is to notice attachment when it arises, consciously observe how it impacts our state of consciousness Now, and then take right action when appropriate.

If you notice yourself fighting to retain the status quo at all costs, insisting that circumstances unfold in a certain way or losing your personal integrity to placate someone else, you are giving away your power. Some people and things are bulwarks in our lives, others play their role in our awakening and depart. The question then becomes how do you know when to fight for something and when to release it?

Awareness always begins with your inner work. Why are you attached? What is the story that replays in the mind? Who would you be without that story? (thank you, Byron Katie!) Your journey is unique and, ultimately, you will find your way to enlightenment.

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is. Letting go is easier when we have been purposeful in our actions. Sometimes seeds are planted and circumstances need time to change. Just because something doesn’t happen on your schedule, it doesn’t mean that you have failed. When you release all attachment to outcomes, you create greater peace in your experience.


Your first thoughts and actions upon awakening dictate how the energy of the day will be experienced. When you consciously choose appreciation and gratitude, you open to receive the love that flows upon you from all dimensions.
Longing is another form of suffering. Rooted in some undetermined future, it robs us of the ability to experience the vibrancy and potential of the present moment. The enlightened spirit takes full responsibility for their own state of consciousness. Seek to adjust your inner dialogue whenever necessary and observe how you choose to respond to the present moment. This simple movement of awareness is transformative.
Human intimacy, and all the emotional aspects it contains, provides the richness of spiritual life. Many seek to rise above the mundane as an aspect of their spiritual journey; however, the repudiation of worldly interaction can sometimes become the ego’s way of grabbing hold through denial or judgment. Anyone can be zen while meditating on a mountaintop. The spiritual master brings that sense of peace into each and every relationship.

Be willing to be vulnerable as you participate in the experiences of your life. Conscious choices are always available when you remember that every situation is an active, integral part of your awakening. The present moment brings what the present moment brings. Live it. Release the word “should” from your vocabulary, it indicates expectation rather than acceptance.

Harmony and Balance

With greater awareness, we begin to discover how often we create stress and imbalance in our experience. The souls purpose is to awaken. No matter what challenges arise, what karma we have arranged, or how successful we are at cultivating our unique gifts, it’s important to understand that nothing matters more than our state of consciousness.

Consciousness is measured by the degree of peace you are experiencing Now. Peacefulness comes from releasing things which no longer serve you, utilizing supportive self talk and allowing the love of the Divine to express itself throughout the various aspects of your journey.

You may feel compelled to accomplish certain tasks as part of your role in this lifetime. Every journey is different and exquisitely beautiful in its uniqueness. These outer tasks are merely the means through which your inner purpose is fulfilled.

Approach each moment with a conscious willingness to experience harmony and balance. Consistently take the time to utilize acceptance and then observe how life responds. Old channels of energy can be redirected through conscious effort. You can create powerful and positive changes in your life. Begin now by being conscious of the energy that you send out into the Universe.

Your Light

“Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.”
Your bring something beautiful and unique to the world. When we drop man-made imprinting and self-criticism, we create a space where something new can emerge. Seek to engage in an inner dialogue that is supportive, kind and adventurous. There is an art to living fully immersed in the beauty of the present moment – see it, experience it, learn from it.
As a child of light you are entire and complete; nothing is missing, you are fulfilled. One act of trust leads to another, and another. When doubt arises, choose to see through it and trust anyway. This creates a momentum of transformation and your true potential shines through.

Express yourself in joyous, loving ways. When creating a healthy, balanced life, remember to consistently be kind and compassionate to yourself. All too often people give and give until they are burnt out, stressed out and overwhelmed. Your kindness must begin within.

Once you learn to see life as an opportunity to love, a new quality arises in your experience. Begin within. It will naturally be reflected to you through the whole of existence.


“The moment that judgement stops through acceptance of what it is, you are free of the mind. You have made room for love, for joy, for peace.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

When you utilize everything in your experience as a vehicle for awakening, you step into empowerment. Acceptance has nothing to do with liking something; however, it allows you to handle any challenges you may face with grace.

Resistance causes pain. Conversely, acceptance creates a state of willingness to address the situation with a greater degree of clarity. There is nothing wrong with having preferences. We would all prefer that life flows smoothly, to see those we love thrive, to feel appreciated and understood. But when we demand that life conforms to our desire, we miss opportunities to witness consciousness in action.

As you awaken, you’ll find that you handle discomfort with greater ease and humor. While frustration may arise, it no longer takes control of the experience you are having. Observe it, work with it and it will dissipate. The way forward will make itself known. Observe how you respond to unexpected setbacks or challenges. The amount of disappointment you feel indicates the amount of attachment you held – and that is something that is in your control.


We are in the process of breaking free from limiting patterns. Do not resist the transformation that is at hand. Empowered surrender calls upon us to trust the processes of our awakening and enter the realm of harmony, awareness and compassion.

To transcend duality means to rise above seemingly opposite energies. Rather than getting caught in the polarities, we seek instead to see everything as an aspect of love. This conscious viewpoint releases us from the emotional cacophony of drama.

You are an integral part of our collective transformation. Light and dark are inseparable and Oneness is learned through contrast. Utilize the symbolism of the yin/yang symbol, the snake shedding its skin, the lotus flower emerging from the muck… all teach through acceptance, the deep letting go of attachment, finding the balance within interconnected energies.

Move with the spirit of adventure through any darkness you face knowing that you will ultimately emerge into the light of awareness. Understand deeply that the presence of the ego becomes more acute when one is on the verge of profound transformation. With this in mind, consciously choose to see through its mechanisms with an open heart and become an active participant in your own awakening.

Limitless Possibilities

“Our minds are finite, and yet even in these circumstances of finitude we are surrounded by possibilities that are infinite, and the purpose of life is to grasp as much as we can out of that infinitude.”

~Alfred North Whitehead~

As consciousness expands, limitless possibilities are presented. The exploration into the unknown becomes a vital place of ingenuity, potential and empowerment. It’s humbling to remember that no matter how far you have traveled on the path of transformation, you have barely scratched the surface of what you will discover.

Rather than immediately being reactive when presented with challenges, seek to bring new awareness into your life situation. Every circumstance can be viewed as an opportunity to discover aspects of ourselves that are ready to shine. Remember, all perceived mistakes are due to ignorance. As we awaken, we do better. This is true of everyone.

Spiritual wisdom is expressed through kindness and humility. In the face of eternity, we are merely sparks of love seeking expression. The most powerful thing that you can do is to be mindful and consistent in your day-to-day journey. There is a vibrant playground of discovery waiting to be explored. This is your moment of transformation.