Love Who You Are

Live as if you had purposely chosen every aspect of your life. All of your experiences have set the stage for your awakening.

Far too many people carry the energy of self-hatred which creates a filter that warps all that they see. This is self induced torture. Unfortunately, this energy is compounded by the outward projection of hatred and judgment of others, often triggering others to return it in kind, and a loop of entrapment is created.
Self love, conversely, brings out laughter and the joy of being. It celebrates. It’s silly. It’s innocent and free and expansive. We purposely arranged every aspect of our life experience in order to facilitate the quickest spiritual awakening possible; therefore, embrace your quirkiness, for it is sacred.
What would life be like if there was nothing to complain about? How would you use all the excess energy that is no longer being wasted? There are no limitations. Observe how self-love and celebration transform the present moment. You are a spark of eternity having a unique physical experience. Celebrate it! We’ll be off on a new adventure soon enough.

Find Your Inspiration

“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.”
~G.K. Chesterton~

Greet the day with joyful expectation and explore the world with an open heart. When we approach the present moment with the innocence and openness of a child, miracles begin to unfold. Releasing attachment and choosing to embrace what is allows a new perception to unfold.

See your life as an adventure in time and space. Become a loving witness to the infinite ways in which the Universe speaks to you. When you really pay attention, everything is a message meant to guide your unique path of transformation.
The new friendships, experiences, ideas and circumstances will break you free from any limiting routines you may have created. These compelling energies will awaken the aspects of yourself that are ready to shine and bring them to the surface.
Those who view each moment as an adventure are open to new experiences. They live from the heart, meeting new people and exploring the unfamiliar. Even challenges are transformed into something of incredible value. These vibrant souls are the trailblazers of this world and their courage inspires others to awaken to their own potential.

Joy in Discovery

“It is only when the mind is free from the old that it meets everything anew, and in that there is joy.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
Through experience you will discover your inner wisdom. Though nothing is guaranteed, the search plays a significant role in our awakening. Allow yourself to be insecure, to face adversity and accept the challenges that the unknown has to offer.

Any limitations in your experience are self-imposed. Life is here to provide whatever is needed in order for you to explore your unlimited potential. Take one step at a time and give your complete attention to the Now. New passion, creativity and clarity will undoubtedly expand within your experience.

Walk forward, allowing yourself to be drawn by a sense of wonder into the unknown. Choosing to experience life as a journey of discovery changes everything and when you learn to trust the processes of your awakening, it becomes easier to experience life as an adventure. Leaving behind the need for plans and a mapped out future, we explore with the exhilarating sense of freedom that comes from being open and vulnerable.

Sparks of Light

“The real gift of life is not what you give, but who you become in the process of giving.”
~Debasish Mridha~
You are a radiant being of light and wonderment. When you live in such a way that your joy impacts those around you, then you are fulfilling beautiful aspects of your soul’s purpose. Sparks of light can create a magnificent impact. Whether emitting soft flutters like lightning bugs or awe-inspiring cascades of fireworks that light up the night, your light is transformative.
An unlit candle isn’t sad or evil, it’s potential is simply unrealized. By gently demonstrating a different way of being in the world, we can be an inspiration to those who have yet to discover their inner light and potential. We must begin by recognizing our shared humanity.
We are all engaged in a lifelong exploration of the nuances of awakened living. Choose to be led by joy, enthusiasm, passion and humor and you will become a powerful, conscious co-creator in your own experience. Your adventure is unique and the Divine seeks to express itself through you.

Self Discovery

“I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me.”
~Hermann Hesse~

When you learn to trust the processes of your awakening, it becomes easier to experience life as an adventure. Leaving behind the need for plans and a mapped out future, we explore with the exhilarating freedom which comes from being open and vulnerable.

Discovering your inner truth comes through experience. Nothing is guaranteed, but the search helps us to grow. Allow yourself to be insecure, to face adversity and accept the challenges that the unknown has to offer.

Any limitations in your experience are self-imposed. Life is here to offer whatever is needed in order for you to explore your unlimited potential. Taking one step at a time, giving your complete attention to the Now, can bring new passion, creativity and clarity to all that you do.

Be drawn forward by a sense of wonder. There are infinite levels within you waiting to be explored.


Facing Challenges

“The spiritual practice of relationships is about working on ourselves only, freeing ourselves from the constricting grip of our own unhappiness. It is not the other person’s job to take our unhappiness away; our discomfort is our own responsibility. Attending to our own spiritual tasks – seeing our judgments, opinions, beliefs, demands, and staying present with the fears out of which they all arise – frees others to move toward us. Then, when they no longer feel the need to defend, they become more willing to take care of their job. Thus joy in relationships becomes possible.”   
~Ezra Bayda~   

The obstacle is the path. Be aware that what you do not want to change is exactly what you need to look at the most. Have the courage to turn inward and face your shadow-self with loving, ruthless honesty. Your attention and awareness begins the process of transformation.

Bring a sense of adventure to the journey of your life and seek to find unique ways to face the hurdles you encounter. Whether found in health, relationships, finances or within your spiritual practice, you are ready for something transformative to enter your life. Your willingness to be an active participant in your own growth guarantees movement in your experience.

Be kind to yourself. There will be moments of brilliance as well as times when you may miss the mark. Empowerment calls upon each of us to take personal responsibility for our current state of consciousness so that we can engage life with an open heart. Act from the heart and allow circumstances to unfold as they will.

Inner Freedom

“I don’t mind what happens. That is the essence of inner freedom.
It is a timeless spiritual truth: release attachment to outcomes,
deep inside yourself, you’ll feel good no matter what.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Have you ever been overwhelmed by a beautiful day? Have you allowed yourself to sit and just be, appreciated the breeze as it touched your skin or loved a moment of stillness in the midst of a busy world? That is reality. That sense of wonder which connects you to life is available in every situation. Underneath the chaos of the mind lies an eternal reservoir of grace that you can drink from anytime you wish.

The light of your consciousness transforms whatever it shines upon. Periodically take a moment to bring your attention to the Now and reside fully within it. Even the most mundane aspects of life will sparkle with brilliance and you will be able to recognize the sacredness of your own divinity.

This moment provides a wonderful new opportunity to see yourself clearly. Bask in the radiance of the light which shines through you. You are love in motion.



“We need the tonic of wildness…At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.”
~Henry David Thoreau~

Adventures await. You will always attract the ideal circumstances to facilitate your awakening. While it can be frightening to walk into the unknown, realize that trust and innocence are better guides than skepticism born of past experience.

When trust is pure, no one can corrupt it. Where fear creates blockages based upon old patterns and expectations, trust allows life to unfold and illuminates the dark corners of the mind.

Exploration isn’t about planning every everything one might experience prior to taking that first step. The thrill is in the discovery, the exhilaration of the free-fall. Trust your intuition and allow something immense to open. The ordinary becomes extraordinary when you dance in the realm of infinite possibility.

We create a balance of mind, body and spirit when we heed the call of the soul towards self-actualization. This balance provides a firm foundation for conscious, transformative exploration.

The Uses of Adversity

“I’ve come to trust not that events will always unfold exactly as I want, but that I will be fine either way. The challenges we face in life are always lessons that serve our soul’s growth.”
~Marianne Williamson~
Consider the uses of adversity. Challenges refine our skills and prompt us to cultivate our strengths. We discover that life doesn’t end when things fall apart; rather, space is created to explore aspects of ourselves that are ready to shine. Even when the ego is caught up in desire and attachment, the soul understands exactly what is needed.
Trust in the unique processes of your awakening. Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. When you view life as an opportunity to evolve and grow, everything becomes more manageable. Ultimately, you can walk the journey as a source of grace and peace and even humor knowing that there is far more to life than meets the eye.
Life will present the perfect circumstances to assist in your spiritual awakening. This is true for each of us – singularly or collectively. Seek the lesson or the gift in any circumstance, and most assuredly, you will find it.

Living in the Paradox

“Humor and paradox are often the only ways to respond to life’s sorrow with grace.”
~Matthew Fox

As spiritual beings having a human experience, our purpose is to discover the delicate balance of grace while living within a paradox. Awakened spirituality creates a dance of evolving energies, weaving dark and light into insight, compassion and understanding.

Love creates the movement of connection. When we learn to see everything and everyone as our reflection, we bring a different response to the events of life. Wisdom calls upon us to realize how little we know. We are at the very beginning of an incredible journey, and no matter how much we learn in the physical realm, we will ultimately experience the humility that comes through the realization of how much there is left to discover. That’s the beauty of living in an infinite Universe.

Allow yourself the opportunity to flow between the frequencies of love and wisdom. See yourself as an adventurer in the midst of discovery. Bring a sense of innocence and trust to your experiences and walk the journey with faith. You are loved, supported and guided each and every step of the way.