Celebrate the Day

“Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, love is knowing that I am everything, and between the two my life moves.”


You bring something beautiful to the world that will never be seen again.

When you are able to share your gifts with the world, something amazing happens… People respond to your authenticity. They seek to interact because your energy is uplifting and together, you become part of the dance of awakening.

In every moment we have a choice: to participate or to be the observer. Participation allows you to discover the various nuances of life in a way that observation cannot. Taste, see, touch, feel, hear. Immerse yourself in the beautiful experience of rising consciousness. Your loving energy is an integral aspect of our collective awakening.

There will be moments when you choose to rest in the stillness of infinite possibility. These pauses are also necessary and help to keep you balanced. Peacefulness, when combined with a sense of adventure and humor, provides the foundation for your spirit to thrive throughout your human experience.

See yourself as an explorer in the midst of discovery. Rather than wishing others would awaken, help them to awaken. Your life is your message.

Flowing With Change

“It’s amazing the synchronicities that can happen when we embark on a journey with open hearts, with supportive friends by our side, ready for adventure.”

~Laurie E. Smith~

Our grandest adventures often begin with an intuitive whisper. Something calls us to embark upon a new phase and often we begin without knowing exactly how everything will pull together. These first steps may be tentative; however, each step sparks new energy in motion. Coincidences, synchronicities, and creativity come together, allowing us to discover some new skill or passion as we experiment with various ideas.

We become more proficient with change when we hold no cherished outcome. Allow your vision to adjust as you learn more about yourself. This approach creates an ego-free mental environment where exploration can combine with inspiration. As a conscious creator, you will discover new ways to enjoy utilizing your talents. Aristotle once said, “Where your talents and the needs of the world cross, there lies your vocation.” You bring something to the world that no one else can.

It matters not whether you find your gifts early or late in life. The joy is in the discovery. Follow the flow and heed the calling of your heart.

Discover Your Gifts

When you have reached a place where you are completely at peace with who you are and what you have experienced, a sense of grace will fill your life. Others will recognize and respond to the radiant energy of innocence and joy which emanates throughout your being. This wisdom emerges after various challenges and experiences have broadened your perception while allowing you to fully discover your unique talents and gifts. Then, the world becomes a playground where you can commune with the Divine.

To get to this point, you may need to periodically break through the perceived minutia of your life. Shift existing patterns (even if you’re afraid of making a mistake) and create movement in a new direction. The key is to drop everything that you have accepted from others – perceptions, limitation, obligation or desires – and step into new experiences, ready to receive.

All aspects of your spirit contain amazing beauty and there is no need to fear the process, no matter how intense it may be. Life’s greatest adventure is to lovingly and consciously break through old patterns. You can set an intention to recognize the beauty in the dance while choosing to live with an open heart.

The Artscape of Emotion

Whether flashes of joy, celebration, fear, overwhelming passions, or the arduous journey of self-exploration, feelings create an artscape through which we must travel. Emotions add flavor and nuance to the journey of awakening.

When seemingly untenable feelings arise, it’s empowering to turn toward them. The light of your consciousness is transformative and facing your shadows begins the process of deeper self understanding. You are right where you need to be. Whatever is unfolding in your experience contains gifts that will allow you to shine. By honoring your pilgrimage as sacred, you can drop the ego-driven belief that something is wrong.

It’s healthy to observe and feel deeply; however, it’s equally healthy to cultivate the ability to recognize when the voice of ego is in play. It will always jump to ones deepest subconscious fear and amplify it; therefore, feel with understanding. Feel with purpose. Feel to cultivate compassion for all sentient beings who seek fulfillment, peace and balance in their experience.

Earth can be a challenging playground. The paradoxes of humanness are storied, and yet absolutely required for the artscape of your unique adventure. All of life participates in your awakening. Realize how far you have come. You are amazing.

The Pilgrimage

The journey is a sacred place and by honoring the present moment, we consciously move through the beautiful landscape of our souls awakening. Whenever you enter periods of movement and change, allow yourself to feel a sense of adventure and growth. This is your pilgrimage.

Be willing to accept and embrace the new. This attitude of openness and acceptance invites new opportunities, friends and experiences into our lives. There is no way to force healing of the heart chakra – it is the natural flow of your energy as you mature and learn to rest in your inner silence.

It has been said that one must lose all to learn how to be simple. We fill our lives with people, things, and ambition in order to stay busy and distracted. The Universe will often create a space for us to discover the joys of simplicity; however, one doesn’t have to wait for all to be lost – we can simply lose our attachment.

Guidance is available when you heed the whispers of your heart. The more you move into love and balance, the more receptive you’ll be… and your life will become radiant with blessings. This is your birthright, a gift that has awaited you since the moment you first set foot on this planet. Will you choose to embrace the journey?


“…something very beautiful happens to people when their world has fallen apart: a humility, a nobility, a higher intelligence emerges at just the point where our knees hit the floor.”
~Marianne Williamson~

Acceptance is saying “Yes” to life. It is not dependent upon liking what is unfolding, rather, it is an inner awareness that releases the ingrained habit of struggle and allows you to step into the present moment with power and grace. Life’s disruptions reveal your strengths.
You are much more than this body or this experience. You are a vast, infinite energy that is in the process of discovery. Simultaneously unique and part of the Oneness that connects us, we are here to discover how to live from the heart.
The purpose of the human existence is to experience every facet of life. So, lifetime after lifetime we play in the world of form. We interact with one another as lovers, enemies, teachers, family and friends in order to discover compassion. Our challenges send us on new roads of adventure and discovery. When you are ready to learn, you’ll find that everyone and everything is your teacher. Living in alignment with your unique way of being in the world will help you to access your inner wisdom.

Living Courageously

“The crowd neither wants nor seeks knowledge, and the leaders of the crowd, in their own interests, try to strengthen its fear and dislike of everything new and unknown. The slavery in which mankind lives is based upon this fear.”
~G. I. Gurdjieff~

To be a spiritual seeker is to discover your courage. Leaving the confines of the familiar we venture out into a new world, risking all. The willingness to explore the unknown paves the way to adventure as we learn to experience life with an open heart and open mind.

Throughout this process we encounter a stripping away of the ego. Layer by layer we drop beliefs and blockages that no longer serve us. Challenges allow us to cultivate fortitude as we discover new ways of experiencing all that life has to offer.

It’s important to be vulnerable and authentic. Don’t hold yourself back out of fear. The path of awakening calls upon us to recognize our potential. Faith and action transform that potential into actuality.

When you recognize the sacredness in all things, it brings a different quality into your experience. Operating from a detached sense of unconditional love also brings courageousness to the surface. Detachment allows us to give without demands. It is a purity that expresses itself through us. What would your expression of life be if you were fearless? Be that. Do that. Live that.

The Paradigm of Wisdom

“…sometimes you can feel that you’ve lost something… but, then at the same time you can discover you’ve actually found or gained something. Life’s untold adventures… the adventure within & without… will often begin here… in this paradigm.”

Planet earth is merely the first stop in a greater journey of discovery. This is where we explore the concept of separation and contrast. Differences spark lessons that allow us to explore the various facets of being human. You are a spiritual being having a human experience… Many people think it’s the other way around and strive to reject or deny themselves joy in the human experience as part of their spiritual awakening.

The present moment is the portal to greater wisdom and understanding. Seek to explore all that it has to offer. The joy that awaits is your spiritual journey. When you accept what is with an open heart, there is a greater possibility that you will be open to new experiences, a paradigm shift or simple grace in the Now.

You are perfect. As you evolve and change you will continue to discover layers of energy that connect us through the commonality of experience. Let love guide the way.

Inner Strength

“Self discovery is the most empowering time of your life, you remember who you are and you become the best version of yourself but what they forget to tell you is, to get to a point of pleasure you must face the pain.”

~Nikki Rowe~

The challenges that you have faced have forged aspects of your personality that are ready to shine. In times of uncertainty, you can tap into these inner strengths to give you fortitude to face whatever unfolds in your experience. Resilience of character is often a silent wisdom and competence that underlies your actions while providing a firm foundation throughout the journey.

Remember to give yourself credit for how far you have come. The weight of the past is nothing compared to the power of the present moment. Allow the light of your soul to guide you home. The story of your awakening is unique, and all the supporting characters have played their roles to perfection.

You are ready to thrive. All that is required is one more conscious step forward, and then one more. Pay attention to the calling of your spirit and choose to be open to discovery and adventure. You’ve got this.




Stepping Into the Unknown

Spiritual awakening requires a willingness to step into the unknown. When you stop playing it safe and move beyond the edge of previous experience, your energy expands. Saying “Yes” to life, welcoming it all – even the moments of discomfort or challenge – allows you to cultivate new aspects of strength.

As an infinite being, there is always something new for you to discover. This is the path of lasting joy. Imagine a life of mystery and enchantment… it is there waiting for you in the midst of the chaos of human experience.

When you rise above a challenge, it changes you. Don’t wait for your life to be perfect before you choose to feel happy and fulfilled. Open fully to what is. Use it. Embrace it. In this way you can live in real engagement with the world around you.

Life is designed to awaken your inner wisdom. Consider what you have asked for on your spiritual journey and then view the circumstances of your experiences thus far. Have you not had ample opportunity to develop the qualities for which you have searched? Your sense of adventure may prompt you to courageously walk forward in the direction of your dreams.