Embrace This Moment

“We wish for people to accept us as we are, but in so doing we reject them for who they are.”
~Ezra Bayda~
The awakened heart sees beauty and potential. In a world where many struggle in darkness, we must cultivate the ability to shine the light of consciousness in order to assist with the collective awakening of which we are all a part. Never doubt the difference your light can bring to a situation.
Old souls see the life from a higher perspective, and while your voice may seem to be in the minority, part of your journey is to learn how to maintain your faith in the face of opposition.
Sometimes it may be challenging to bring your grace, optimism and light to the present moment. Begin by being the change you wish to see. Operate from love and allow your conscious actions and measured responses to demonstrate a different way of being. Choose to see the perfection in the imperfection.
Gratitude opens our ability to see clearly. Appreciate the beauty that is around you with the knowledge that your energy will enhance whatever it is focused upon.


“There is only one perpetrator of evil on the planet: human unconsciousness. That realization is true forgiveness. With forgiveness, your victim identity dissolves, and your true power emerges–the power of Presence. Instead of blaming the darkness, you bring in the light.”
~Eckhart Tolle~
Allow this moment to be the most transformative of your life.

The way to experience life fully is to bring your complete awareness to what is unfolding right now. This is the moment of transformation. Observe your thoughts and actions. Are they allowing you to be fully present with the experience or are they projected toward some future moment or desire?

When you focus your awareness on the Now, you’ll discover that you are right where you need to be. The lessons unfolding are perfect for the souls development and through complete acceptance, joy begins to expand throughout every aspect of your life. Embrace what is. You have chosen these experiences for the express purpose of accelerating your spiritual growth.

Take brief, frequent pauses often throughout the day to check your state of consciousness. 30 seconds of mindful breathing can help to align you with the present moment. Within the ebb and flow of life, you can choose to create a foundation of calmness, peace and empowerment,  the natural by-products of acceptance.

Explore the Mystery

“Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the mystery, unique and not to be judged.”
Look beyond the role you play. Look beyond the physical appearance you have chosen. See beyond the stories of the mind. Breathe in the breath of life… slowly, mindfully, sacredly… and just be. Bask in the radiance of present moment. When you can quiet the mind, you can begin to tap into the infinite potential of the Divine.
You are an infinite being. There are endless facets for you to explore, worlds to experience, levels of consciousness to discover. The role that you play in this lifetime is simply that – a role that is utilized as just another way for you explore the contrasts and perceived separation this planet has to offer.
When you quiet the mind, it becomes possible to merge with the energies of the sky, a tree, the ocean or music. Allow yourself to enter the realms of limitless possibility, if only for a moment. Visualize that each breath you take draws in the love, light and laughter of the Universe while each exhale causes the barriers of the mind to dissipate.
Just be. Explore Oneness with the world around you. The more expansive your vision, the more able you’ll be to see beyond the roles and limited perception of others.

Love is the Absence of Judgment

Love and judgment cannot coexist in the same space. In our spiritual work, everything offers an opportunity to awaken; therefore, it’s imperative to release all resistance.

Judgment, whether directed at others or internalized, is a rejection of what is. It creates a filter that blocks us from experiencing love and balance and adds additional layers of conflict into our life situation.

To truly awaken, we must be willing to experience oneness in a world of difference. When we allow love to guide our interactions, it helps us see beyond the mechanisms of the ego to the commonality that connects us to one another.

What are your most cherished beliefs? These are often the very things we need to examine the most. If resistance arises around changing a viewpoint or expectation, then change is typically what is required. Love yourself enough to open to the power of transformation.

Personal Responsibility

“We are responsible for our own ignorance or, with time and openhearted enlightenment, our own wisdom.”
~Isabel Wilkerson~

The only thing over which you have any control is how you choose to respond to life. It’s important to drop all judgment and blame (which is projecting thoughts and beliefs outward) and embrace personal responsibility for whatever is unfolding in your experience. No blame should be directed inward either. Simply observe, take ownership and consciously direct the course of your own life.
When we take full responsibility for our own experience, we put ourselves in a position of empowerment. Everything has a spiritual solution and serves a specific purpose in our soul’s growth.
A new level of consciousness is waiting to be discovered. Do not tolerate – love. Do not condemn – seek to understand. The most powerful aspect of embracing the concept of Oneness is to remember that we are all on the same journey, although at differing levels of consciousness, soul age and experience.
This dance of awareness allows you to be a conscious co-creator of your own journey. Begin by fully accepting the present moment as it is. Complete each task mindfully and completely and observe how life responds to you.

Simple Joy

“The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
The mind will often tell us that life must fall into place before we can relax and enjoy it; however, the opposite is true. When we relax and enjoy, life falls into place. Rather than chasing a thousand solutions or achieving something of value to leave behind, we discover that the true point of power is in the present moment. Bringing conscious peace into the Now is transformative.
When you are mindful, any choices or actions taken have incredible vitality. It sounds simple because it is. Life is what it is. We can choose how to respond to whatever unfolds in our experience and utilize it as a gateway to higher consciousness. The old saying to be in the world but not of it points to this. We create our own reality, and in doing so, walk gently upon the earth.
Consider being consciously playful and accepting today. Approach each moment without expectation and immerse yourself within it. Operate from love. Observe the antics of the mind. You may discover that everything gets accomplished with greater ease and grace.

Be Kind

“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.”
Every moment offers opportunities to be kind to yourself, to one another, animals, the planet, and future generations. When we bring the practice of compassion to the forefront of our life situation, we become integral aspects in the dance of creation.
Sometimes the ego seeks immediate gratification through reminding another of their shortfalls (as we perceive them), getting in a snarky comeback or simply expounding opinions. That sort of response feeds more negativity into a situation and is a missed opportunity to bring a higher level of consciousness to the present moment.
We are called upon to be channels for Divine energy. Release the need to blame anyone and instead, choose to accept people as they are. There are no enemies – simply souls playing various roles in our collective awakening. Those who are still asleep need your love, not your judgment.
See every experience as an opportunity to cultivate a greater understanding of your life’s purpose. Kindness is never wasted.


“What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined to strengthen each other?”
~George Eliot~

As we mature, love begins to transform from sexual or ego-based neediness into honoring the unique individuality of another. We learn to accept rather than attach. We find wholeness within instead of looking to someone or something else to make us feel complete. We begin to realize that those who grace our lives (whether for a moment or for a lifetime) act as mirrors, supporting us in our quest to awaken.

Picture how life would unfold if you were never disappointed by anyone’s choices or behavior. The light of acceptance would shine brilliantly through any moments of darkness of the soul. Consider that the only way to live without disappointment is to approach each moment without attachment to a particular outcome. Therefore, as you cultivate absolute acceptance as a way of relating, disappointment will disappear from your experience.

When fear departs, freedom remains. Give for the joy of giving. Live for the joy of living. Your passion will morph into compassion, transforming all of your relationships into stepping stones of higher consciousness.

Conscious Parenting

“Your most important job as a parent, or as a friend to a child, is to mentor children in a field of unconditional love and acceptance. Your gift is to see the rightness in them and reflect it back. You are the witness of the Divine in them.”
~Tara Bianca~

Conscious parenting calls upon us to see the very best in one another. Every soul who chooses to come to this planet seeks to become more aware, and each relationship we have provides an opportunity to set the stage for that awakening.

Lower levels of awareness teach that life is something to be conquered, controlled or won. When parents seek to shield their children from hardship or intervene immediately when challenges arise, they rob those in their care of the ability to cultivate personal empowerment. It’s healthy to allow those we love to experiment while providing support, safety and gentle reminders to seek out one’s own potential.

Likewise, children can teach the adults around them. It’s powerful to remember that they are mirrors. Laughter can allow a family to grow together in consciousness. Experiment, observe, love, and remember (in the words of Ram Dass) that we are simply walking one another home.

Embody Grace

“Life is a gift, and I try to respond with grace and courtesy.”
~Maya Angelou~

Creating harmony in your life experience is imperative. It softens the voice of ego and allows you to engage with others in a way that is healthy, supportive and patient. Honor those who grace your life by nurturing them. Release attachment and hold space as they explore and learn and grow.

This dance of awakening is ever-evolving. As we enter new playgrounds of experience we support one another and joyfully discover unexplored aspects of ourselves in the process.

Mastery calls upon us to be conscious of our state of consciousness in the present moment. Your peacefulness creates peaceful experiences. Your love creates loving experiences. Embody grace and acceptance and your life will be easier.

When you approach your life experience with humility, humor, non-attachment and compassion, greater access to your inner wisdom is assured. From this place of empowerment it becomes easier to recognize the limitless possibilities that are available. Allow the gentle whispers of love and wisdom to guide your way.