
When we come together, a synergy is created that shines brilliantly throughout the universe. This is what love looks like. It is fluid and expansive and allows us to explore life as we discover who we are in the presence of another.

In union, watch how your energies merge and change. Relationships reflect our desire for Oneness. Choose to leave enough room for the winds of heaven to dance in between and enjoy the beauty you create during moments of connection.

All relationships ultimately lead us to a greater union with the Divine. As we learn to provide consistent, loving acceptance for those who grace our lives, we experience the joyousness that results from watching them discover their unique way of being in the world.

Acceptance allows those you love the freedom to shine. In the present moment we can choose to give support and affection with a peaceful, open heart, and honor the riches and inspiration the other has to offer as sacred.

Allow compassion, kindness and gratitude to create a foundation for healthy, supportive relationships. Love with a gentle strength. Love in a way that expands your own heart and you’ll discover a well that never runs dry.

Know Thyself

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
~Ramana Maharshi~

Some people seek recognition or validation. Some seek to be needed. Others base every decision upon what they believe is required of them… and all feel trapped by the expectations of others.
The awakened spirit lives in his or her own truth. Led by passion and compassion, they walk the path less traveled. If others seek to admonish them, it’s OK. When others seek to revere them, they simply turn inward. Each of us walks a unique path and it cannot be truly defined by anything other than our inner wisdom.

Rather than fighting particular aspects of your personality or appearance, cultivate acceptance and reside in the positive poles of each. Even so-called negative traits can be expressed in a healthy way when one is conscious – stubbornness becomes tenacity of spirit, impatience can be transformed into healthy, mindful action, arrogance can shift into pride of one’s accomplishments combined with humility. It’s the unique differences between us that create so much beauty. You bring a glorious and valuable energy to the collective experience of the planet and sharing your light may inspire others to do the same.

The Joy of Friendship

“Friendship … is born at the moment when one man says to another “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .”

~C.S. Lewis~

Old souls tend to be drawn to those with whom they have a long and varied history. Through lifetimes of experience, they have played several roles with one another, learned together, and can ultimately interact with a sense of familiarity and safety. These are the souls with whom you can be yourself. There is nothing to prove, just a true acceptance that is not impacted by time or space.

When you meet someone and immediately feel something like, “Oh, it’s you!” it’s likely that you’ve rediscovered a soul mate. Long talks feel like you’re simply catching up and there is a sense of safety. Celebrate the beautiful souls that grace your life. Whether near or far, remind them that they are loved and appreciated.

Since most beings on the planet are currently Young or Mature souls, we do not typically have as many in our spiritual peer group. You may just have a few very special connections and find that it is enough. You are loved and supported on many different levels.

Releasing Worry

“Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose”

~Eckhart Tolle~

Challenges can draw us together in miraculous ways. It’s easy to get lost in the stories of the mind, the collective dramas we experience and fears regarding an unknowable future. Every day ego-driven souls fill our consciousness with “what ifs?” that attempt to destroy the peace of the present moment. As an enlightened spirit in the process of awakening, utilize this tendency of our culture to practice your ability to see things differently.

The higher your vibration, the greater your perception. Life’s interpretation is far different when viewed from the levels of Acceptance, Love or Peace. You have chosen to incarnate during these times with a specific purpose in mind, perhaps to teach others a new way of being and assist in the awakening of a new level of consciousness.

Challenging moments are usually followed by an outpouring of love, kindness and compassion from those who have reached a level in their soul’s growth to recognize the potential that resides in the midst of heartache. Each time you choose to allow challenging situations to empower your spirit rather than corrupt your mind, your soul awakens to limitless possibility. Become a living flame of awareness.

Know Thyself

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
~Ramana Maharshi~

One challenge that many spiritual seekers encounter is opposition from those around them. The ego may, for a time, flame the inner struggle between the human desire to be accepted and the souls desire to live in ones truth. Those who oppose you teach you how to be authentic. They will be the first to point out when your actions are hypocritical. They will demand explanations and then pick apart spiritual ideas in a way that may cause the newly awakened to doubt their own experiences and insights; however, this articulation (especially to oneself) is an important aspect of spiritual awakening.

True empowerment resides in humility and enlightenment. When you notice the egos desire to be right, to score points off a frustrating person or even to be recognized as a spiritual master, go within and consciously release the need to speak. Watch how strongly the mind responds… Your authenticity has a greater impact than changing someones mind, performing miracles or receiving temporary adulation from the uninitiated. Life will always present the ideal situation for your growth. The spiritual student will look at a challenge and ask themselves what there is to be learned. A master will look at the ease and joys of life asking the very same question.


“Must I fear what others fear?
Should I fear desolation
when there is abundance?
Should I fear darkness
when that light is shining everywhere?”
~Lao Tzu~

(from the Tao te Ching, 20th verse) 

Higher consciousness calls upon us to be deeply rooted in the Now. Presence brings a new type of freedom into your life experience. When you find yourself striving for more or trying to please others at the expense of your own joy, choose instead to relax into the power of the present moment. Set down your burdens. Notice any “what ifs?” that arise – see how they steal your peace?

Be present, move into complete acceptance and see yourself as whole and complete. This empowered choice aligns you with the flow of life. We live in a vibrant, thriving energy field. Our thoughts and beliefs send waves of energy throughout the Universe and they always return in unexpected and beautiful ways.

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is. Know that everything unfolds in the way that is most appropriate for your souls evolution. You are a child of light, a master in the process of awakening. Imagine having a worry-free existence. That is the gift that awaits you.

Releasing Limiting Patterns

“You have the power to choose bliss.”
~Amy Leigh Mercree~

When we recognize infinite possibilities in the world around us, life becomes a mystery to be lived rather than a business to be managed. You can choose to become more aware of limiting patterns and focus on making joy the top priority in your life.

Limiting behavior includes complaining… if something bothers you, change it. If it cannot be changed, change your response to it. Whatever we put our energy into grows stronger, so complaining in any form is an act of self sabotage that robs you of joy in the present moment.

Certainly there will be circumstances that inspire us to shift consciousness or make necessary changes. As soon as you notice the desire to mention how something bothers you, take a moment to go into silence. Ask yourself if you have the power to change the situation. If the answer is yes, make the conscious decision to speak about the solution or new approach rather than the problem itself. If the answer is no, become aware of the ego’s desire to speak and begin the process of moving into acceptance. This process will transform your life and experiences in magnificent ways.

Life’s Gifts

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” 

~Albert Einstein~

We have the opportunity for expansive growth in this moment. By choosing not to be offended by anyone or anything, by releasing hurt and resentment, by rising above the mechanisms of the mind, we create space in which a transformation can occur.

Set yourself free from all fear and limitation. Recognize that your interpretation of the world is a reflection of your own level of consciousness and be willing to learn from any challenges that arise. Everything serves a specific purpose on your journey of discovery.

I am forever grateful and humbled when circumstances show me ways in which I limit myself. As a lifetime student of love, I am willing to explore its nuances no matter how they are presented. The willingness to release judgment and move into acceptance is a lifelong process.

The more consciousness you bring to a situation, the more you’ll be able to recognize the inherent possibilities it contains. The awakening spirit is willing to explore the unknown rather than continuing to repeat old patterns. Observe your interpretation of the world and choose to celebrate the many gifts that you are offered.

What We Choose

“You are not the victim of the world, but rather the master of your own destiny. It is your choices and decisions that determine your destiny.”

~Roy T. Bennett~

Empowerment begins with ownership. Ego would have you believe that you are a victim of life’s challenges, that things happen to you rather then for you and that you are trapped by circumstance. Though each journey is different, there comes a time when a whisper cuts through the barrage of thought to remind us that change is possible. That whisper is the gift of infinite possibility.

For those ready to shift, that is the moment that everything changes. Rather than repeating old patterns, we bravely try something new as we  fumble our way toward ecstasy. Through consistent practice and experience, we refine our way of being in the world. Each new playground provides ample opportunity to master the art of awakening as we shed limiting beliefs and step into conscious awareness.

When shadows arise, turn toward them and they will disappear in the beauty of your light. Acceptance sets the stage for a new way of being to emerge. Your willingness to seek the gift ensures that it will be discovered.

Love and Understanding

“We’re fascinated by the words–but where we meet is in the silence behind them.”

~Ram Dass~

Compassion and understanding are the side effects of conscious listening. Whenever you choose to bring an open heart to your meeting place, you create an opportunity to learn something new. In this space of awareness, you’ll discover an alternative viewpoint, garner understanding of others’ challenges or fears and have a greater opportunity to move into love.Love and judgment cannot coexist in the same space. Look upon yourself with compassion. Look upon others with compassion. Seek only to bring the best version of yourself to your life experiences. This is even more important within the workings of the mind. Every thought sends energy out into the universe. Purposely send kindness whenever possible… and as the Dalai Lama says, “It is always possible.”

Consciousness is rooted in the deep stillness of your being. It expands your energy to touch the Divine, provides clarity and brings understanding, not through the mechanisms of the mind, but through harmony with the pulse of life itself. See yourself as the observer who acts and loves and holds space while cultivating the art of detached compassion – for yourself, for those who grace your life with their presence and for the world.