Words Have Power

“People often ask me what is the most effective technique for transforming their life. It is a little embarrassing that after years and years of research and experimentation, I have to say that the best answer is – just be a little kinder.”
~Aldous Huxley~
Your words have power. How often do you hear yourself or others say things like:

It’s too hard
There’s never enough time
I’m broke
I always get sick this time of year
Life isn’t fair

…and then you witness it play out again and again?

Words are habitual and it can be challenging to recognize where these mantras of limitation began – we often pick them up from others around us. It’s important to remember that form follows energy.

Be aware of what you send out into the Universe. Transformation begins when we keep our words, thoughts and actions aligned with what we want to occur rather than putting precious energy into creating blockages and limitation.

So, make empowering choices when you speak:

Everything flows together perfectly
There’s more than enough time

Let your life be a series of kindnesses. Over tip others and treat yourself well. Be joyful and recognize your abundance. Be willing to engage life’s magic and live the life of your dreams now.


“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

In this vast, infinite universe, there is more than enough energy for all to experience abundance and fulfillment

Each person resides under the law of their own prosperity consciousness. No matter what you choose to believe, life will support it. Rejoice in the blessings that others manifest in their lives, be generous in your giving, open your arms and be willing to receive.

Your thoughts and attention direct your energy. Personal beliefs of lack and limitation block the ability to recognize the abundance that is  already available to you. Enjoy paying bills and taxes, make sure that you are not rejecting the gifts that come your way and treat yourself with love and kindness.

As we begin to create feelings of greater safety and abundance, it becomes easier to demonstrate kindness and generosity to others. Know that your constantly expanding consciousness will be amplified by choices that support creating and living the life of your dreams. Consider adding this statement to your gratitude walk or affirmations: I am grateful for the effortless, ever-increasing flow of abundance that moves so easily through my life.

Be Willing to Receive

“If you want the moon, do not hide from the night.
If you want a rose, do not run from the thorns.
If you want love, do not hide from yourself.”

Know how to accept sustenance and fulfillment from life. Instead of striving, allow. Instead of stress and worry, receive. The Tao te Ching teaches that the less we do, the more we get done. Many people run hither and yon trying to squeeze in as much as they can. They multitask and let anxiety run their lives.

Everything is energy. See yourself as a magnet that draws in the people, circumstances and resources that you require. Let your actions be simple and mindful. Endless striving actually pushes away the object of your desire, much in the same way that magnets repel one another until the poles are reversed.

There is great power in this moment. Tap into it. Recognize the abundance and love that rains upon you from all dimensions. The reward is a strong sense of inner peace and contentment as you allow yourself to align with the perfection of the universe.