
Artistic Expression

  Yesterday I was tending some basil I planted last new moon. This is part of a fun little spell I found to increase wealth. For the last few years I’ve been working on an oracle card deck and book for self-awareness and the project is coming to fruition. While this is taking me into […]

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Look beyond your challenges to the beauty that fills your life experience. The present moment provides an opportunity to live in a way that allows you to contribute rather than being propelled by desire. The awakened heart sees through the eyes of love and gratitude with the realization that fulfillment is a state of mind.

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Abundance is having more than you need. The energy around money offers an array of opportunities to examine our core beliefs. Since everything is energy, your perception creates your experience. There are those who always need to chase the next deal or reach the next level of wealth. If this an aspect of your journey

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Be Open

Live in abundance, totality and with conscious intensity. Through your loving attitude and actions, you spread seeds of unlimited potential in a celebration of life and love. Willingly choose to be present with the experience you are having. When we share without expectation or limitation, we create the possibility of growth in unusual places. Your

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Spiritual awakening is not like flicking on a light switch. It is a consistent process of candid self-observation, the ability to address each challenge and trigger as it arises while practicing new ways to bring the best version of yourself to each situation you encounter. Over time we explore uncharted facets of ourselves and cultivate

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Abundance is not tied to a specific dollar amount nor is it achieved through attainment. It is the grace that naturally arises when we feel balanced and safe as we engage the physical experience. When we view the world through the eyes of love, we are fulfilled. A beautiful sunset, the laughter of friends, the

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Levels of Experience

\”The principles of abundance, synchronicity detachment, and oneness are operative in the universe. All you have to do is tune in to them and let them work through you.\” ~Wayne Dyer~ Untold facets make up the whole of human experience. There may be certain aspects of life that you handle quiet well, demonstrating an ability

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Who You Are

“Enlightenment is understanding that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, and nobody you have to be except exactly who you\’re being right now.” ~Neale Donald Walsch~ Our infinite Universe has a limitless supply of all that you desire. There is enough love, abundance, joy, health, radiance and fulfillment for each and every being

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Abundance and Fulfillment

“What is truly a part of our spiritual path is that which brings us alive. If gardening brings us alive, that is our path, if it is music, if it is conversation… we must follow what brings us alive.”  ~ David Steindl-Rast~ Look beyond challenges to the beauty that fills your life experience. The present

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“Even the smallest shift in perspective can bring about the greatest healing.” ~Joshua Kai~ Abundance is not tied to a specific dollar amount nor is it achieved through attainment. It is the grace that naturally arises when we feel balanced and safe as we engage the physical experience. When we view the world through the

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