
Look beyond your challenges to the beauty that fills your life experience. The present moment provides an opportunity to live in a way that allows you to contribute rather than being propelled by desire. The awakened heart sees through the eyes of love and gratitude with the realization that fulfillment is a state of mind.
Spiritual abundance and contentment have greater depth than simple prosperity or having a particular financial goal. Things, by their very nature, bring limitation and the worry of “what ifs?” that can destroy one’s well-being. One who is truly abundant is already complete. Outer expressions of prosperity can ebb and flow; however, the heart that is fulfilled is untroubled and lives in a sacred state of grace.

Take the time today to slow down and observe the miracles that surround you. Watch the bee as it pollinates, drink the nectar of life with hummingbird, experience patience with your favorite tree while sensing Oneness with everything you see. Together we weave the tapestry of existence, each of us playing a unique and vital role.

You can bring creativity and Presence to all that you do by approaching each task with an attitude of joy, enthusiasm or acceptance.


Abundance is having more than you need. The energy around money offers an array of opportunities to examine our core beliefs. Since everything is energy, your perception creates your experience. There are those who always need to chase the next deal or reach the next level of wealth. If this an aspect of your journey in this lifetime, observe the joy you experience around doing so. Weave it into your spiritual work and watch the energy flourish.

If your primary focus is elsewhere such as artistry, family, healing, etc., recognize that abundance comes in many forms. Part of the physical experience is honoring the flow that is created when following a passion or trusting that one can attract what is needed for a fulfilling, expansive life.

Gratitude and appreciation are powerful magnets. Even the act of drinking water, done mindfully, can be experienced as a recognition of abundance.

This world offers contrast as a means of learning, so we also may explore the nuances of abundance by experiencing lack. The struggle can show where energy is blocked, and through addressing limiting beliefs we can tap into our infinite potential.

Sharing is powerful. When we give of our time, wisdom and energy we create space to receive the many gifts that life has to offer.

Be Open

Live in abundance, totality and with conscious intensity. Through your loving attitude and actions, you spread seeds of unlimited potential in a celebration of life and love. Willingly choose to be present with the experience you are having.
When we share without expectation or limitation, we create the possibility of growth in unusual places. Your dance of awakening is about relaxing into who you truly are and allowing your expression of creativity to manifest in unique ways – through work, relationships or ordinary daily experiences. Spiritual awakening is about bringing light to the dark corners of your life.

We evolve through a conscious willingness to be open to new ideas and experiences. When we are able to listen without judgment or reaction, insight is possible. Honoring others’ paths as sacred allows us to explore and embrace the sacredness of our own path.

Do others see you as non-judgmental? Peaceful? Compassionate? These are the traits of an open person. Conversely, close-minded people are very opinionated, judgmental, often in conflict and travel through life without much empathy or understanding for others.

Be a living expression of the awakened life. Let your heart be open and joyous. Embrace what is. Be peaceful in the midst of drama. Learn to be comfortable with the unknown. Consistent practice will bring these innate gifts to the surface and your light will transform the darkness.


Spiritual awakening is not like flicking on a light switch. It is a consistent process of candid self-observation, the ability to address each challenge and trigger as it arises while practicing new ways to bring the best version of yourself to each situation you encounter.

Over time we explore uncharted facets of ourselves and cultivate qualities that bring peace into our lives. One by one, we drop the limiting patterns and beliefs that cause frustration. Give yourself credit for how far you have come. When you miss the mark, forgive yourself for being human. Awakening is not about expectations of perfection or “Buddah-hood.” It is the slow, transformative process of freedom.

We teach by living our truth. Conscious actions leave a lasting imprint. Each step of the way we have an opportunity to walk our talk and speak our truth with integrity and the results can be incredibly transformative. As the soul awakens, we learn to recognize the magnificence of being. Consciousness expands by honoring the space in which life is experienced. Be the one whose only desire is to be kind. Scatter seeds of joy, tend to them and reap the harvest of your awakening.
Your work and intention will yield results. The amount of energy you expend determines what will return to you ten-fold. Remember to share your gifts. Create an energy of flow in your experience.


Abundance is not tied to a specific dollar amount nor is it achieved through attainment. It is the grace that naturally arises when we feel balanced and safe as we engage the physical experience. When we view the world through the eyes of love, we are fulfilled. A beautiful sunset, the laughter of friends, the smile of a dog… all create a sense of “enoughness.”

We are not diminished by sharing; conversely, such an act increases our own store. Knowing that all you send out into the world will return ten-fold, giving becomes an act of joy. And in your joy, you can discover and step into the flow of energy that moves through your experience.

Gratitude, practiced mindfully, creates a snowball effect that expands your perception. It’s a powerful practice to pause and appreciate the fullness of the present moment. Nothing is lacking. You are enough. You have the power to create your own experience. Explore what brings you joy. Let enthusiasm inform your choices and you will certainly reignite the spark of wonder within your heart.

Live multi-dimensionally. Appreciate art, nature, others, yourself and all that has yet to be experienced. Abundance is an expanded state of being.

Levels of Experience

“The principles of abundance, synchronicity detachment, and oneness are operative in the universe. All you have to do is tune in to them and let them work through you.”

~Wayne Dyer~

Untold facets make up the whole of human experience. There may be certain aspects of life that you handle quiet well, demonstrating an ability to approach them from a high level of consciousness and navigating successfully. This is likely the result of many lifetimes of work. As you perfect your ability to handle a particular lesson, it will no longer be needed in your experience.

Conversely, other lines of energy may be quite triggering. Should you notice any reactivity in you, observe it without self-criticism or blame and  take ownership of your state of consciousness around that issue. This is where your work lies. Your awareness begins the process of transformation.

It’s OK to be human. No matter where you reside on the journey of awakening, remember that the soul always seeks to expand and love desires greater expression. Whether sacred or mundane, every experience has something to teach. The ultimate goal is to be a well-rounded, balanced, empowered and joyful being whose energy is transformative.


Who You Are

“Enlightenment is understanding that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, and nobody you have to be except exactly who you’re being right now.”

~Neale Donald Walsch~

Our infinite Universe has a limitless supply of all that you desire. There is enough love, abundance, joy, health, radiance and fulfillment for each and every being on the planet. It is our birthright to immerse ourselves in life in such a way that we can simultaneously tap into the depths of understanding and wisdom while enjoying all the beauty that life has to offer.

The wonder of spiritual awakening is learning to balance all these varied aspects of experience while leaving the ego behind. As each layer of blockage or limitation is removed, we discover new realms of contentment. Wholeness allows you to be rich in physical experience, rich in discovery, in meditation and in consciousness.

Abundance and Fulfillment

“What is truly a part of our spiritual path is that which brings us alive. If gardening brings us alive, that is our path, if it is music, if it is conversation… we must follow what brings us alive.” 
~ David Steindl-Rast~
Look beyond challenges to the beauty that fills your life experience. The present moment provides an opportunity to awaken in a way that allows you to give rather than being propelled by desire. The awakened heart sees through the eyes of love and gratitude with the realization that abundance is a state of mind.
Spiritual abundance and fulfillment have greater depth than simple prosperity or obtaining a particular financial goal. Things, by their very nature, bring limitation and the worry of “what ifs?” that can destroy one’s sense of well-being. One who is truly abundant is already complete. Outer expressions of prosperity can ebb and flow; however, the heart that is fulfilled is untroubled and lives in a state of grace.
Celebrate existence! Embrace the joys and beauty that life has to offer. See yourself as an expression of the divine, step into service and discover the love that resides at the core of everything. Then, your walk will become flowing and harmonious.


“Even the smallest shift in perspective can bring about the greatest healing.”
~Joshua Kai~

Abundance is not tied to a specific dollar amount nor is it achieved through attainment. It is the grace that naturally arises when we feel balanced and safe as we engage the physical experience. When we view the world through the eyes of love, we are fulfilled. A beautiful sunset, the laughter of friends, the smile of a dog… all create a sense of “enoughness.”

We are not diminished by sharing; conversely, such an act increases our own store. Knowing that all you send out into the world will return ten-fold, giving becomes an act of joy. And in your joy, you can discover and step into the flow of energy that moves through your experience.

Gratitude, practiced mindfully, creates a snowball effect that expands your perception. It’s a powerful practice to pause and appreciate the fullness of the present moment. Nothing is lacking. You are enough. You have the power to create your own experience. Explore what brings you joy. Let enthusiasm inform your choices and you will certainly reignite the spark of wonder within your heart. That is abundance.


“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”
~Mary Oliver~

Many associate abundance with material wealth or physical items; however, abundance is the feeling of having more than you need. It’s not surprising that the word ‘dance’ is contained within it, for when we feel abundant, on many levels we dance through life with enthusiasm. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Nothing great has ever been achieved without enthusiasm.”

Enthusiasm is deeply aligned with the present moment which is the source of it’s joy and power – it needs nothing because it lacks nothing. Joy is not a result of what we do, but is an energy that flows through us into what we do. This happiness creates expansion and positive change which becomes the motivating factor behind life itself.
Most people misunderstand the purpose of life. They strive and suffer and often die never having lived at all. Miracles are happening all around us – in every moment – and the universe is consistently expanding, evolving, transforming and flowering with incredible speed. The purpose of life is to love, enjoy, share and learn.

Live multi-dimensionally. Appreciate art, nature, one another, yourself and all that has yet to be experienced. Abundance is an expanded state of being.