Soul Purpose

Every breath you take is part of a loving conversation between you and the Divine.

“I learned that every mortal will face death.  
But only some will taste life.” 

Close your eyes. Breathe. Imagine that each inhale draws peace, love and joy into the heart chakra, while each exhale releases all that no longer serves you on your journey. Set an intention to be an authentic example of kindness and compassion.

When we choose to recognize the sacred in everyone and everything, our experiences change. No longer bound by roles, reactivity or desire, we simply become unique and loving expressions of the Divine.

Put down your burdens. Whatever you do, do it with grace, joy and enthusiasm. Let your laughter transform the ridiculous into the sublime, tears into empowerment and fear into gratitude.

You purpose is to awaken. Let your light be an inspiration and honor your journey by living it to the fullest.

Posted in Wow Moment.