Turn off the television, the radio, the mind and listen.
“What is required to truly open to life is dropping the harshness of the judgmental mind.”
~Ezra Bayda~
~Ezra Bayda~
Give yourself moments of purposeful stillness throughout the day. The human condition typically creates a tremendous amount of busyness that seems purposeful but in reality, distracts us from accessing our inner wisdom.
When we listen intently and without commentary, the mind pauses. The world is playing a beautiful symphony and it’s important to slow down and appreciate all that is has to offer.
Notice the beat of your heart and the sound of your breath as it flows through the body. Remember that you are vibrant and alive, part of the whole and become a loving witness to the perfection of it all.
Go inward. Insight awaits discovery. Feel the expansion of your spirit as it fills all the empty spaces.
Today my intention is to be still.