Compassion is an inclusive and uplifting energy that can shift our experiences. As we change, the world around us is transformed.
That’s Right! I must be the love I wish to see
The most powerful aspect of spiritual growth is choosing a tool that works for you and applying it to your experience again and again until it is your natural way of being. “By the practice of kindness, one becomes kind, for kindness itself is transformative.” (David R. Hawkins)
As love becomes more spiritual, we discover that it is aligned with the Divine rather than attached to a specific person or outcome. Peace and inner joy become a lifestyle and interpersonal issues cease being about whether or not we can be forgiving, loving or compassionate, but more about how they can best fulfilled within our experience.
Be willing to respond to the needs of others (and ultimately the needs of all creatures and the planet itself) with kindness, forgiveness, compassion and love. As a unique channel of Divine energy, you will draw this wonderful energy through your mind, body and spirit and it will flow out into the world in beautiful ways.
Today my intention is to choose love