To most of us, a chair is a chair. However, to a child who has yet to learn the concept “chair”, that object may be a fort, a place to hide or anything their imagination can conjure. At some point, someone solidifies their imprinting with a statement such as “No, that’s not for play. We sit on chairs.” And, all at once, infinite possibility and joy are limited to a particular “truth” and eventually the child becomes an adult who forgets all the fun moments and discoveries he or she once had.
Consider that our early years are spent experiencing – everything is interesting, sometimes magical or scary, but we are willing to explore without preconceived ideas or concepts. Then we begin to learn – both from our own trial and error and from watching those around us and limitations become hard-wired into our experience.
The next step of personal evolution is the re-awakening of consciousness. We begin to play in the realm of possibility, creating new realities, changing things that once seemed so permanent and find that freedom awaits. So, the next time you find yourself embroiled in a discussion of right vs. wrong or differences of perception, remember that we all process life from our own level of consciousness. Therefore; everyone’s perception is “right” to them based upon their own experience and the lessons which are needed for their soul’s growth. Giving the opportunity to explore and learn, our perceptions will surely expand to encompass every possibility.