Stillness speaks

Inner stillness is the true essence of your Being.

“When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.”
~Eckhart Tolle

Practice being in stillness. When things are quiet, stop and take a moment to actively listen to the silence. It will awaken your inner peace. Nature provides wonderful opportunities to connect with the present moment through stillness – let your awareness rest upon a flower, a tree, a stone, and allow them to teach you.

In the midst a cacophony, stillness can be accessed by dropping your resistance to the noise. Your acceptance is another gateway into stillness. As you practice being at peace with what is, you’ll discover a new depth of perception and serenity. This is where your inner wisdom will arise.

We have two aspects of experience – our true infinite nature and the egoic self of personality. When you step into stillness you’ll discover the difference between these two expressions of your life situation. When we drop thought we are able to see more clearly. Observe how often you can bring that inner awareness to your experiences.
Today my intention is to allow stillness to direct my words and actions.

Collective love

See everyone you meet as a spiritual work in progress. We are One.

“As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.”
~Eckhart Tolle

We are collectively engaged in a process of growth that is taking us deeper into the shadows of the human condition. In order to utilize the experiences of life to facilitate spiritual awakening, we must make a concerted effort to honor the process itself as sacred.

David Hawkins teaches that one person vibrating at the level of 300 (between Neutrality and Willingness) counterbalances 90,000 people who reside at the lower levels of  unconsciousness. The key is to approach dysfunction from the level of love. Have compassion for others’ suffering and help them to see how often it is self-inflicted while demonstrating a practical example of what optimistic, conscious living looks like.

You make a difference and your light adds a unique nuance of energy and potential to the planet. Seek only to bring the best version of yourself to your daily interactions and you will see the difference. This is the moment of transformation.

Today my intention is to remember that love resides at the core of everything. 

You are never alone

The entire universe supports your journey.

“Accept yourself, allow your unconscious to be revealed to you. This is how each human being is. By knowing it, you become a different kind of human being. By accepting it, cherishing it, you bring a revolution to your life. And when you look at others with that understanding, you will not find strangers; you will find all are friends.”

People often build walls around themselves because they seek safety or protection. They close off ideas and experiences and create a static world that is understandable to them – perhaps not a joyful world, but one they believe they can navigate.

Enlightenment is the removal of the enclosures that we have built. Yes, this process can be messy and challenging but it is absolutely necessary if one is to attain freedom. Do not fear your own shadow – it is not the truth of who you are. Look inside with love and compassion with the knowledge that your light will transform all that it shines upon.
Embrace life, commune with it. See it for the awakener it is meant to be. There are no enemies – only opportunities to shed things you no longer require. Tend to your own state of consciousness by releasing anger and blame and choosing to observe what is. Utilize it in your quest for enlightenment.

Today my intention is to act with integrity, do my best and accept what is.


Be led by joy.

“We unnecessarily go on seeking advice from the outside when existence is ready to speak to us from the innermost core of our being. It is already there, but we never listen to that still, small voice.”

We experience harmony when we live authentically. With no one to please and nothing to prove, we can discover the joy of being. This passion for life allows each of us to thrive in our own unique way.
Don’t wait for life to fall into place before you choose to be happy. Create happiness in your experience and life will rise up to meet you there. When you feel off balance, observe your thoughts, words and actions to determine where you are in-congruent. Without self-criticism, simply notice and make the appropriate adjustments as required.
Everything you experience is a living, vibrant and ongoing aspect of your communication with the Divine. Listen to your body, observe what repeats in your life situation and know that the world will reflect what you need to see. Heed the messages of love, remembering that sometime they lie hidden in the unlikeliest of places… and finally, be led by joy.

Today my intention is to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.

Humility and grace

As spiritual beings having a human experience, our purpose is to discover the delicate balance of grace while living in a paradox.

“Humor and paradox are often the only ways to respond to life’s sorrow with grace.”
~Matthew Fox

Seek to break free from the limiting belief that life “should” be a certain way and instead, operate from a space of complete acceptance of life as it is. Acceptance is not predicated on liking something; however, its presence opens the possibility of clarity and empowered movement.

Resistance implies that something is wrong. When an imbalance is recognized or you find yourself in the midst of a challenge, choose to bring yourself into a state of grace prior to taking action. Balance is achieved through acceptance, humor, faith and joy. When you operate from these higher levels of consciousness, you have access to more energy and insight.

Your journey is your own. Each of us is ultimately responsible for our own joy and the unique way that we choose to walk through the world. As Einstein once said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Today my intention is to recognize the miracles that abound in my experience.

Heartfelt gratitude

Heartfelt gratitude and joy draws in even more for which you can be grateful, creating an infinite cycle of abundance.

“Celebration is a thankfulness; it is a prayer out of gratitude. It is a recognition of the gift that has been given to us…”

It seems that many people forget that life is sacred. In their unconsciousness they create an existence that is filled with drudgery and conflict. For them, the world feels like an unsafe place. This is the high cost of unconsciousness.

Those who have awakened understand that there is no need to postpone their joy. They can see the beauty in every situation and are deeply rooted in the Now. Nothing is missing and this moment has great cause for celebration. They do not wait for everything to fall into place before they dance in celebration of life.

When we treat one another with generosity and compassion, we create a space filled with infinite possibility. Become more sensitive to the nuances of life itself and allow its essence to enter you. Choose to be more trusting and open while purposely living in a world of wonder.
Today my intention is to express gratitude with every work I speak.  Each breath draws in the light, love and laughter of the Universe.

A shift in perception

Help others to shift their perception to a higher level of consciousness by living at a higher level of consciousness.

“We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we have become.”
~David R. Hawkins

Trust. All that unfolds in your experience is simply an opportunity to love. Challenging situations provide an arena in which you can practice the concepts you are seeking to master.

Einstein once said that problems cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness at which they were created. That means that we must seek to rise higher in order to bring new energy to stagnant situations.

The higher your state of consciousness, the more powerful you become. This state of empowerment looks very different from that sought after by those who are still struggling to awaken.

Enlightened people are typically quiet, allowing pauses in their conversations, responding with mindfulness and allowing others to be as they are. They have learned the art of compassionate listening and response.
Today my intention is to be deeply rooted in the present moment. As I focus on bringing the best version of myself to the Now, I know the future will take care of itself.

The celtic vows of friendship

Love is simply discovering who you are in the presence of another.

“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh

Relationships offer a fertile ground for spiritual practice. When in doubt as to the appropriate action or response, utilize the Celtic vows of friendship. Ask yourself, “Am I honoring his or her path as sacred?” Often we try to get others to adjust to our path. The key is to allow enough space for each person to thrive while offering love and support.

It’s important to be self-observant. Are you bringing an open heart to your interactions or do you keep protective measures in place? Relating to another is authentic when we feel safe and empowered; therefore, notice when you are closed down and tend to your inner state of consciousness prior to your interactions to ensure that you are clear and open.

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. Zen calls upon us to reside in the Now without distraction. Practice doing one thing at a time with your full attention and you’ll discover that time slows and inner joy is awakened.
Today my intention is to be forgiving, nurturing and supportive to those who grace my life with their presence.

Using relationships as spiritual growth

Those who enter your life are responding to a call from your soul.

“We often look to our relationships to mask an anxious quiver of being that cries out for relief. Yet another person can never heal our anxiety; we can only do that for ourselves. But that doesn’t keep us from asking others to do it.”
~Ezra Bayda

Some relationships can seem to cause a lot of pain once the honeymoon period is over. Relationships do not cause pain – they awaken the pain that is already carried within, and do so for the sole purpose of healing.

Many people confuse this process and feel they may have made a mistake. That is the voice of ego saying “Run!” When we turn from a challenging situation without attempting to learn the lessons that it has to offer, we may buy a moment of temporary peace; however, the exact same issue will then be created with the next person… and the next… until the lesson is learned.

We can consciously shorten this process of discomfort by turning into the karma and looking within to determine the true source of the trigger. Look beyond the history that says “so-and-so did this to me years ago, so of course I get upset whenever this happens” to “I feel unworthy of love.” The lesson is then to do your work around unworthiness until you can see the sacredness of your true infinite nature.

When healing has occurred, you will see it reflected in all of your relationships. Once your wound was reflected, now your peace is reflected.
Today my intention is to be responsible for my own joy.

The practice of love

The who are the hardest to love need it most of all.

“If you follow awareness, witnessing, you will attain to a hidden harmony. Then you are not bothered by the opposite, you can use it. And once you can use the opposite, you have a secret key.”

When someone is struggling with self-hatred, they project dysfunction on the world around them, often being boisterous, negative or filled with consistent drama. While we don’t need to stay in toxic situations, love calls upon us bring a higher level of consciousness to our life circumstances. When you can use those who express hatred as an opportunity to cultivate your ability to love, you can be transformed.

For those of you who practice shamanism, Reiki or energy work, purposely send light to those with whom you disagree or those who challenge you. Make your practice one of bringing love to the world. The seeds you plant will blossom. The energy you emit increases and returns; therefore, this kindness becomes a cycle of self love.

Opposites are not opposites, they exist as two sides of a coin and each requires the other to survive. Hatred and love, life and death, happiness and sadness – all exist to teach us how to grow by embracing Oneness. When you step outside of judging right from wrong and see everything as an opportunity to love, you set yourself free from limitation.

Today my intention is to trust the processes of my awakening.