Act from the heart and allow circumstances to unfold as they will.
I trust in the Power that created me to protect me at all times and under all circumstances.
~ Louise Hay~
Detachment is powerful practice. It changes the energy that you emit and opens a world of infinite possibility. Before you make a choice or take an action, go within and see if you are attached to an outcome. If so, wait. Shift your perception or change your inner conversation prior to acting. When you are at peace and equally happy with any response you may receive (or no response at all), you have arrived.
It\’s fine to have preferences. They create unique and enjoyable experiences; however, when preferences crystallize into absolute requirements, suffering ensues. Leave space for the Divine to surprise you. Act from the heart and allow circumstances to unfold as they will.
When you choose to walk through life with a sense of trust and adventure, you create space in which miracles, coincidences, synchronicities and new experiences abound. Everything is an opportunity to awaken.
Today my intention is to laugh at life (and myself) and choose not to be offended, attached or limited in any way.