Leave enough space in your experience for the Universe to surprise you.
“Whatever I am guided to do will be a success.”
~ Louise Hay ~
When you choose to live from the heart, amazing things begin to happen. Love life as it is and see it as an adventure, exploring and experiencing with innocence and excitement. With each challenge you have the opportunity to learn something new about yourself. These facets bring new sparkle and dimension to the journey.
Joy allows you to transform from being someone who survives life to someone who participates as an empowered co-creator in his or her own experience. See if you can devote this entire day to operating from a space of love and acceptance. Ensure that your thoughts and actions are congruent and observe how things unfold. Reside in this energy no matter what you read, how you choose to speak or where your interactions take you.
You can create a healthy, balanced approach to life. Excessive planning creates limitation based upon the minds input. Your spirit knows exactly what it is doing.
Today my intention is to allow myself to have new insights and new ways of looking at the world.