Thoughts create

Your thoughts have power. Direct them wisely.

“My thinking is peaceful, calm and centered.”
~Louise Hay~ 
The mind will often “kill time” by imaging, projecting, replaying, worrying or getting lost in daydreams. It’s helpful to observe moments when you become lost in thought and draw your attention to what the mind has deemed to be more important than your joy in the present moment.

Once you have noticed, bring your attention fully into the Now. Notice your surroundings, listen to the sounds around you, focus upon the rhythm of your breath. Initially, the mind will attempt to jump in automatically with it’s opinion, judgments or replaying the same old tape of inner dialogue.

Purposefully and consciously break the cycle of unconsciousness by choosing to be present as often as required. Knowing that each thought sends waves of energy throughout the Universe, send loving-kindness outward. You make a difference. Your presence and state of mind has everything to do with how you choose to experience this moment.
Today my intention is to remember that I am unlimited in my own ability to create the good in my life.

Be inspired by kindness

Rise above. Let your actions be inspired by kindness.

“I take full responsibility for every aspect of my life.”
~Louise Hay~
The awakened are called upon to be living examples of higher consciousness. There are moments when you may miss the mark and others where you shine like a beacon in the darkness. Without judgment, simply notice how you respond to life and allow your actions reflect your inner connection with the Divine.

Every action we take plants a seed that has the potential to blossom into something exquisite and beautiful. Whether you’re in a position to observe this growth or not, consider what types of seeds you are planting. Old souls have the capability to see the world differently. Bring cheerfulness, bliss, kindness and the expression of joy in the little things of life to the forefront of your experience. When you are able to recognize the sacred within the ordinary, you begin to create an extraordinary life.
Today my intention is to embrace whatever life has to offer. I can choose to see differently, respond differently and create experiences of my choosing.

Be led by joy

Breathe. Be Allow.

I am grateful for all that I have experienced, and all that is yet to come.

“This moment is a new beginning, the beginning of a new life, the beginning of a new vision…
the beginning of a new way of being.”


You must drop the past in order to step through the gateway into a new world. Release all the baggage and the burdens, the identification with victim-hood, the addiction to pain and suffering and discover what brings you joy. The ego seeks to keep you chained to the known. The light of consciousness burns away that which you are not. What remains is an infinite, eternal, Divine energy that seeks only to express itself through you.

When you are aware that you are in the grip of the mind, it indicates that you are becoming more conscious. This awareness provides a space of freedom and detachment and peace in the Now. There is no need to wait. It’s all around you and within you. Choose to let joy lead you forward.
Today my intention is to remember my good comes from everywhere and everything. I am willing to accept a miracle. 

Pay attention

Pay attention.

“I am willing to release the need to be unworthy. I am now becoming all that I am destined to be.”
~ Louise Hay ~
How we see the world is a direct reflection of our innermost beliefs. It’s often easier to recognize dysfunction in others than it is to see ourselves clearly. If you spot it, you got it! Notice how people project their negative perceptions – via social media, when driving, yelling at the tv or gossip – and observe any repeating trends. This will give you insight into how they truly feel about themselves.

The advanced soul has learned the value of non-reaction when faced with a barrage of projection. Rather, they quietly look deeper and move into compassion more quickly knowing that the mind is the projector and others are the screen.

As we address our own wounds, we become less reactive by the dysfunction around us. Attending to one’s own state of consciousness is always the best place to begin. If you desire to see yourself more clearly, pay attention to what you see repeated in the world around you. Go deeper into the Now, find your grace within the present moment and honor the path of your own awakening.
Today my intention is to remember that I am a work in progress. There is always something new to discover.

Live in a world of wonder

Choose to live in a world filled with wonder.

“I laugh at life (and at myself), and choose not to be offended by anyone or anything.”
~ Louise Hay ~
Life has tremendous meaning if you look at it as a game and don’t take it too seriously. Bring a childlike innocence and simple joy to all that unfolds in your experience and you will learn many, many things.

Everything and everyone is your teacher. There are many lessons and nuances to discover and each is designed in love with the evolution of your consciousness in mind. The more awareness you bring to your experience, the more value you will get from the process.

The playful soul fears nothing. He or she can be authentic and simply accept from unfolds from there. After a lifetime of dreams, challenges, losses, disappointments, successes and transitions, choosing to be childlike and innocent while trusting the processes of awakening is a form of inner mastery. Only then can you become a living flame of awareness.
Today my intention is to look past the illusions created by the mind – the seriousness, judgments and opinions – and allow the love, light and laughter of the Universe to express itself through me. 

Your inner light

Express yourself.

“I breathe life into my vision and create the world I desire.”
~ Louise Hay ~
You are the master of your experience. Seek to cultivate inner balance and peace in order to see it reflected in your life. If you find yourself met with resistance, irritability or miscommunications, remember that all of life is a reflection of your inner state of consciousness. Use these moments of insight to tend your inner light. The goal is to learn how to stay balanced in the midst of whatever life has to offer.

“What you create does not matter, but it should enhance life, beautify existence, make living more joyous, the song a little more juicy, the love a little more glorious.”

See yourself as a conscious creator. Pay attention to what you are sending out into the Universe. Your thoughts, words and actions have great power – use them wisely.

Today my intention is to dance with the joy of life.

Becoming “the one”

Love is the goal, life is the journey.

“Loving people fill my life, and I find myself easily expressing love to others.”
~ Louise Hay ~
We allow intimacy when we feel safe. True feelings of safety come from within. When we have a healthy self-image, when we no longer seek approval or verification from others and have healed the wounds of the past, we allow ourselves to open to another without fear.

The awakened soul learns how to transform wounds into empowerment. It is said that we must live in the light in such as way that others must enter the light in order to find us.

When neediness disappears, love is possible. When you are blissful and fulfilled on your own, others will be drawn into your presence. Love yourself. Be certain of yourself. Know your beauty and share the light of your soul… for it is simply breathtaking.
Today my intention is to remember that love is based in freedom rather than expectation or need.

What remains?

Your purpose is to awaken.

“I am aware that what I do not want to change is exactly what I need to change the most.”
~ Louise Hay ~
The flames of awareness burn away all that is false. Layer by layer we release old energy, beliefs, attachments as well as the perceived limitations that block us from seeing our inner beauty and divinity.

Everyone’s journey is different. Though we walk the path of awakening together, each of us is responsible for our own joy. This moment is the beginning of a new way of being. Drop the baggage that you carry and step into the light of consciousness.

When we release attachment, we create space for the Universe to surprise us. As we release ego, we begin to see more clearly. The natural side effect is a life filled with joy and wonder.
Today my intention is to see beyond the mechanisms of the ego to the power of the present moment.

The mysterious

This moment is filled with mystery. Don’t sleep through it!

“I constantly have new insights and new ways of  looking at the world.”
~ Louise Hay ~
We live in an infinite Universe filled with unlimited potential. All that we see is constantly evolving and changing, as are we. No matter how much we have learned so far, it’s humbling to realize that we have barely begun to scratch the surface.

Keep a childlike sense of wonder and adventure. The mind will often distract by wanting to know “why?” or “how?” or “when?” and may plant the idea that you must know the answers prior to moving forward or being healed. Conversely, a child will explore and become immersed in the present moment and live in a constant state of discovery.

“Knowledge creates argument, wonder creates dialogue… this existence is so complex that definite answers can only be wrong.”

Allow room for paradoxical truths to live side by side with the understanding that all dualities merge into one. As we awaken, we become more comfortable with the unknown while cultivating a life that is immersed in wonder.
Today my intention is to remember that strength comes from being rooted in oneself. I am safe in my ever-changing experience.

Masters in the process of awakening

You are the master of your experience.

“I now choose to release every negative, destructive, fearful idea and thought from my mind and my life.”
~ Louise Hay ~
Think of those who have achieved a sense of peace and grace in their experience and surround yourself with their teachings. Their mastery is merely a reflection of the awakening that is happening within you. Inner mastery is not about control or beliefs; rather, it is an awareness of our Divine potential. These masters walk among us to inspire. They help us to see our own shadows and rise above perceived limitations. This awareness burns away all that is false until only truth, peace and empowerment remain.

You are a master in the process of awakening and can transform your experience into one filled with bliss and blessings. Ultimately, every gesture and word will reflect this higher state of consciousness and your life will become your message. To access this energy, be willing to approach the teachers who inspire you with an open heart. Let them awaken the truth that is already within you.
Today my intention is to celebrate every lesson and breakthrough that has graced my life.