
I wish that you could see you the way that I see you…

“Liberation from fear is not about becoming fearless; it’s about seeing that fear is not the deepest truth about who we are.”
~Ezra Bayda

Spiritual growth is simply the process of releasing all that blocks you from seeing the truth. Most people carry a litany of ideas, beliefs, resentments and expectations which occupy their entire existence. Yet, underneath it all is the shimmering, infinite source of all life.

As we awaken, we begin putting down the baggage. With each thing we release, we feel lighter and freer and our perception becomes clearer. This progression of transformation has no time limit or demands. Enlightenment is a work in progress.

The entire Universe celebrates you and supports your journey. Whether you choose to speed through the process or utilize hundreds of lifetimes, the end result is the same: Oneness, joy, peace, compassion.

Honor your journey. Bless those who walk with you, be a light in the darkness and seek to take full responsibility for your own experience. Awareness is the beginning of transformation.
Today my intention is to hold a deep respect and reverence for life in all its forms and expressions. 


Learning through contrast

What energy do you bring to our collective experience?

“Thank every one of the ten thousand things: gratitude turns our world right-side-up.”
~Ezra Bayda

Everything and everyone has a role to play in our collective awakening. When we can pull back from judgment and look through the eyes of love, we discover the grand beauty of existence. Light cannot exist without dark, we learn compassion after experiencing our own limitations, hatred can show us where we are blocked.

The world is filled with beautiful souls – all of us walk the same path of awakening, and all of us ultimately have the same destination: peace, bliss, Oneness. It’s helpful to remember that everyone (yes, everyone!) is doing the best that they can based upon their soul age, level of consciousness, lifetime imprinting and experiences and attitude.

We live in an infinite universe. There are levels and lifetimes ahead to continue our journey of discovery. The villains you encounter in this life may have chosen to play a role that incites others to growth. Keep it simple – tend to your own state of consciousness and seek only to uplift the world around you.
Today my intention is become open to life by dropping all judgment.


We can reprogram our minds to consistently recognize and appreciate the beauty and perfection of the present moment.

“Being blissful is not a goal by itself. It’s just a good condition to make life’s journey.”

Don’t wait for everything in your life to fall into place before you choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice that we can make again and again as we walk the path of awakening. Find joy in the little things and take time to appreciate the miracles that are all around you.

The mind is addicted to it’s own movement – solving problems, creating and then enhancing its stories, worry about the future – and many habitually fall under the spell of its mechanisms; however, habits can be broken and addictions can be transformed into empowerment and compassion.

You are a living expression of the Divine in human form. Take yourself to a higher level of consciousness whenever possible. When you no longer need to control, seek approval or judge others, you’ll discover the peace that is the core of your being.
Today my intention is to pay attention to the energy that I choose to contribute to the world.

Navigating obstacles

Life Path

An empowered, positive attitude can transform any obstacle into strength.

“Whenever you’re stuck in distress, penetrate your confusion with this question: What is my most believed thought right now?”
~Ezra Bayda

When it arises, drawing your awareness to discomfort is an effective way to begin the process of transformation. When we choose to slow down and look clearly at any obstacles we encounter, we activate the ability to consciously change our perception.

Changing your thoughts can change your life. Practice re-framing challenging situations as they arise. Cultivate your ability to be peaceful and joyous in the present moment. You have the ability to rise above frustration and transform it into a powerful aspect of your souls journey.

Remember, your interpretation of the world is a reflection of your state of consciousness. Create interpretations that lift you into a state of empowerment and freedom. Life will meet you wherever you are.
Today my intention is to be sincere, authentic and open to new insights. 


Love everything

You choose how you will experience life.

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”
~Ezra Bayda

It’s important to look beyond “good” and “bad” to understand the spiritual essence of our experiences. The ego will project fear, sometimes causing us to push perceived negative memories beneath the surface; however, until we face them, we can never move into the healing power of love.

Everything plays an integral part of your awakening. For those who choose to see clearly, life becomes a teacher. The willingness to learn opens your energy for new insights, and insights lead to empowerment.

Practice bringing love into the challenges that you face. Perhaps love calls upon you to take care of yourself or shift how you choose to respond to others. Love may ask you to listen, accept, let go or forgive. You’ll know that you’re on the right path when your choices bring you peace.

Today my intention is to remember that true joy is often just a quiet presence in the Now. 


Naming or knowing

Don’t mistake naming for knowing.

“To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment.”
~Eckhart Tolle

Consider the difference between knowing everything about a particular tree – perhaps verbalizing that knowledge to another as you stand before it – and the miracle of being fully present with the sacredness of the tree.

You may know its gestation season, how quickly it grows, the scientific name or how it came to be where it is. The time spent in the presence of the tree is utilized by sharing the workings of the mind.

But for one who lives in the power of Presence, the tree is more than an accumulation or expression of knowledge. It is a vibrant, living expression of the Divine. If you were to stop and stand beneath it, hug it and feel your heart chakra come alive or absorb its patience and stillness, the knowing would come from the heart rather than the mind.

This is how we should interact with one another. Drop the labels and see beyond what you feel you already know. Seek to be present and fully experience all that there is to offer. You will awaken a deeper connection that aligns you with your inner wisdom.

Today my intention is to see everything only as an opportunity to awaken.

Wisdom and love

Live the paradox.

“The heart that seeks to awaken, to live genuinely, is more real than anything. That nameless drive calls you to be who you most truly are.”
~Ezra Bayda

Our human experience is one of paradox – everything is messed up, yet everything is ok. When we pull back from the stories of the mind and become loving observers, we discover the ability to live within the paradox.

We are One, yet each of us has a unique path of awakening and each of us must do our own work. Contrasts are required: there is no love without hate, no light without the darkness, no awakening without sleep.

Learn to see the value in everything. Move out of blame and desire and instead, see yourself as an infinite source of energy experiencing the illusion of separation. Seek only to awaken. Know that your journey is infinite and that you will never stop learning. But also, know that you are Divine, a master in the process of remembering. Human perception is small and limited… life and love are immense.
Today my intention is to live in the gap, entering the space between thoughts, breaths and heartbeats. 

Begin Now

All things are possible.

“An end result, imagined clearly and acted upon with expectation, will always force the circumstances necessary to bring about its own manifestation, no matter how unpredictable, unlikely, or even ‘impossible’ those circumstances may have previously seemed.”
~The Universe

Don’t wait for things to be perfect before you take a step forward. See the end result and know that if you can imagine it, you can create it. Some people become blocked because they want guarantees and want to see that it is safe before they move; however, the movement must happen first.

When I first transitioned consciously into a magical life, I had no idea how much I would learn as I went along. I leapt without a net, changed my expectations and became a witness to the miracles as they unfolded. Sure, there were occasional missteps (or what I perceived as errors at the time); however, each led me into a new realm of knowledge and insight. Every person who crossed my path became a teacher.

The work I do now is far different from what I had to offer 25 years ago. I am eternally grateful to that impulsive, trusting younger version of myself for being willing to take the risk… and I find myself wondering how amazing my life will look 25 years from now…
Today my intention is to be a lifetime student of love, to never stop learning and walk forward knowing that the best is yet to come.


Trust the processes of your awakening

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

“We dread the helplessness of losing control. Yet freedom lies in recognizing the reality that some things are ever beyond our control – and the only option is to make peace with helplessness itself.”
~Ezra Bayda

Excessive planning and attachment to specific outcomes creates a narrow, limited life. The willingness to flow with the energy you have set in motion with faith and trust allows room for miracles to flow through your life.

The ego desires to create a sense of false comfort and security. Notice the fear that can arise when things go awry. There’s no indication of danger, yet the situation differs from what the mind expected; therefore, the ego deems that things are “wrong” or out of control.

As we awaken, it becomes possible to live more authentically. Be present with what is and move into acceptance as quickly as possible in every type of situation. Practice when waiting in line, sitting in traffic or dealing with stressful situations by quieting the mind, observing and being still. This practice allows you to overcome any inner resistance you may have to the present moment. In your stillness, you may receive the gift of grace.
Today my intention is to free myself from limitation by seeing life as expansive rather than constrictive.

Release old conditioning

Each of us plays a vital part in the raising of our collective consciousness.

“Anger is one of enlightenment’s many barometers.

Basically, the more you have of one,
the less you have of the other.

Don’t get mad, get smart.”
~The Universe

When we operate with the knowledge that all things work to the highest good for all involved, it opens us to receive wisdom and grace, no matter what the situation.

As we change, the world around us is transformed. The energy of pure potential flows through us into our experience and interpretation of the world. Grace has it’s own momentum. From a space of empowered action, we can bring about a higher state of consciousness.

Observe how often anger arises in your experience, using it as a barometer to check the progression of your spiritual growth. You may discover yourself in situations where anger used to arise and instead find that you are calm, centered and insightful. This is the beautiful evolution of your soul entering new levels of awareness.
Today my intention is to be the change I wish to see in the world.