Self Discovery

“Call to mind the deepest, darkest, most negative truth about yourself – and know that this ‘truth’ is a lie.”  
~Ezra Bayda~

Sometimes we have to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are and everyone faces their own dark night of the soul as part of the quest to awaken. These moments can create feelings of loss and confusion; however, they are a necessary aspect of transformation. The ego will often play a script that says, “If only this person knew [what I’ve seen, been through, done], they’d see me differently.” And thus, we see ourselves as separate from one another because of our perceived deficiencies.

Nothing is further from the truth. Our very human struggles are what allow us to rise above, cultivate compassion and drop judgment. The more we work with our hidden wounds, the more we discover the love and Oneness that bind us together.
Be gentle with yourself. When someone appreciates beauty or courage or tenacity within you, know that it is a loving reminder of things you may have forgotten. You are a work in progress, a master in the process of awakening. And no matter how much you’ve learned so far, know this – you are just getting started.


“Your work is to discover your world, and then with all your heart, give yourself to it.”


Periodically examine your life experience to discover where you may be limiting joyfulness and positive expectations. You are meant to thrive, to love and to awaken. The challenges you face provide opportunities to cultivate empowerment and open new levels of understanding.

There is no one in the world like you. Your unique insight, history, passion and talents are meant to be expressed. The journey of your soul can inspire others in ways that you cannot imagine.

In a world of limitless possibility, there is great joy in exploration. New experiences awaken facets that are ready to shine. When we choose to share our gifts, we are transformed. Approaching life with childlike innocence and wonder, we can play in the world of form with an open heart, full of infinite potential.

New energy and insight can awaken aspects of you that are ready to shine. Fill your life situation with circumstances, things and people that spark passion. The higher your level of consciousness, the greater your vision. Contemplate the perfection of the present moment and be inspired by the love that surrounds you.


“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
~Alan Watts~

Some see life as drudgery. Everything becomes heavy and difficult because of the energy they bring to their life situations. Yet others, perhaps appearing simple or foolish to the uninitiated, seem to play their way through life and manage to navigate challenges with greater ease.

The higher your vibration, the easier things flow. Bring playfulness into your experiences in any way that you can. Be together for the sheer joy of it. Celebrate as you walk the path of transformation without attachment to an end result.

Life is rarely as serious as the ego would like you to believe and there are many, many opportunities to bring lightheartedness into your experience. When you utilize playfulness as a powerful aspect of your awakening, everything in your experience becomes part of a loving,  vibrant conversation between you and the Divine.

It is safe to be open and vulnerable and filled with delight. May your soul be liberated by laughter. May you discover the many facets of love that seek expression through you.

Peace and Presence

In this moment, you have all that you need. Nothing is lacking; however, it’s easy to get distracted by the ego and miss the miraculous flavor and texture of the awakened life. When you place your focus inward without thought, a gentleness pervades your experience. Settle into this immense energy and simply be.

This is the I Am. This infinite space of pure potential underlies all that we do. When you can access this field of energy in the Now, it flows into your life experience. Moments of grace are available at any time. Bring an awareness to the sacredness of who you are, honor how far you have come, and know that you can face whatever lies ahead.

Gratitude and appreciation take you more deeply into the present moment. Let contentment and stillness free you from the distractions of the mind. The journey inward is limitless. Close your eyes and listen. Be. Accept the love and energy that rains down upon you from all dimensions. The seeds of your awakening are nurtured by purposeful quiet interludes. In the space of infinite possibility we can discover our unique way of being in the world.


The Creative Flow

Creativity is the art of expression. No matter what form it takes – music, cooking, writing, decorating, beading, sculpture, the combination of color and texture in your wardrobe, painting, chanting or anything else you can imagine – creativity is a union with the Divine. In that space you become the conduit between the spiritual and the mundane. Tangible items then carry a spark of the infinite as expressed through you.

Whatever you choose to do, do it joyfully. Fill your creations and actions with love and conscious intention. When you over-think creative action, the mind begins to sabotage, subtly blocking that powerful and mysterious flow of unity. You can break free from limiting patterns through creative expression. It is simply a matter of finding your voice and living in the flow of your truth.

Your gifts are unique, your story divine. Find the joy of sharing them without attachment or expectation. Now is the time to recognize the beauty of your soul. With wisdom and creativity, you can consciously fill all of your desires, projects and relationships with this divine, inspirational beauty. You have the opportunity to be an active healing force in the world.

The Veils of Illusion

“Do not be misled by what you see around you, or be influenced by what you see. You live in a world which is a playground of illusion, full of false paths, false values and false ideals. But you are not part of that world.”
~Sai Baba~

As humans, our point of view is very limited. We interpret life through the filters of our perception and often seek to control the world around us based upon what we perceive our needs or desires to be.

Awakening calls upon us to be aware of our responses to life. Rather than seeking to dominate circumstances, we learn to flow with them. Rather than attempting to bend others to our will, we see the sacredness in each person’s path. The only thing over which you have any control is yourself, and that is challenging enough! We’ve all experienced the take-over of the ego and have temporarily lost consciousness; however, moments of missing the mark become less intense and less frequent as we continue our practice.

Give up your need to control. Cultivate the ability to trust and discover greater peace throughout the journey. Your purpose is to awaken. Enlightenment is nothing more than seeing through the illusion.


Make Love Your Foundation

The foundation of personal integrity and compassion is love. This is a much higher vibration and more powerful than any moral codes, commandments or judgement. Those who are willing to judge others are also ready to suffer separation in order to feed the ego’s need for superiority. It’s much easier to condemn another than to look within and face the need for change.

Conscious spiritual seekers bring an entirely different quality to their experiences. Always ready to forgive (or to recognize that forgiveness is not even necessary), he or she embodies compassion for those who struggle with unconsciousness and understands that everyone is in the process of transformation, regardless of how it appears.

The awakened version of morality comes not from conscience, fear or societal pressure but from a higher state of consciousness. Seek always to become more aware of your own inner mastery and wisdom – this will allow you to live in complete harmony with the Divine and you will see it reflected by the world around you.

Often society will not understand the peacefulness of an enlightened person – Where is your anger? Why aren’t you complaining about the state of the world? Aren’t you worried about what might happen? Let love express itself through you in unusual ways and be the change you wish to see.

This Moment

Whatever you choose to do, do it mindfully. Rather than talking about what you think you should do or what frustrates you, simply begin today with conscious action. The energy that flows from that choice will take on a life of its own.

Creating change often begins with baby steps. One healthy choice leads to another. Positive actions become a joyful aspect of your daily unfolding and you will discover new aspects of yourself that are ready to shine.

What are you creating right now? Stop and observe how you feel and pay attention to the timbre of your thoughts. Notice your state of consciousness. Beyond the mechanisms of the mind lies a vast energetic field of potential. In this moment, each of us has the ability to draw whatever we wish from that field.

Many choose to dwell upon the past, thus destroying their joy in the present. Many choose to project into the future, seeing the present moment only as something to get through in order to get somewhere else. But those who actively seek to awaken have discovered that peace can only be experienced in one place: Now.

In this moment we stand in the presence of the Divine. Honor it as sacred by choosing to truly experience it. Bring the best version of yourself to the Now and the future will take care of itself.

Facing Fear

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”
~George Addair~

Fear is just another pathway to awakening. What remains hidden silently runs our lives. You can utilize the light of consciousness to transform your shadows into empowerment.


To access Presence in the midst of a challenge, observe that fear has arisen and recognize that it is a by-product of ego-driven thought. When faced with a situation that requires immediate response, we simply move into action. When the mind takes over, we become paralyzed by confusion, “What should I do? What if I make the wrong choice? What if I fail?”


Act from the heart and allow circumstances to unfold as they will. You will either move the energy forward, learn something new or get clarity regarding your true motivations or attachments. See life as the patient and loving teacher it is.


You are far greater than the sum of your experiences or childhood imprinting. The soul seeks to break free of limitation and to expand into the realm of infinite possibility. Continually drop the limiting story line of “me” and explore the world around you with the knowledge that you are loved, guided and supported each and every step of the way.

Growth is a Process

“The closer we get to the end of our present evolutionary stage, the more dysfunctional the ego becomes, in the same way that a caterpillar becomes dysfunctional just before it transforms into a butterfly. But the new consciousness is arising even as the old dissolves.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

Butterflies are often seen as a symbol of complete and profound transformation. They spark childlike wonder as they delight in flowering gardens and bask in the warmth of the sun.

But the journey is hard. When it’s time for the caterpillar to change, it naturally feels compelled to create a chrysalis or a cocoon. These protective layers not only shield it from the elements, but also provide a safe space for the transformation. Enzymes are released that begin to break down the old form, leaving only liquid. One can imagine that this could be very disconcerting for the caterpillar, but it’s a necessary part of the process.

Once the old form has been completely destroyed, imaginal discs that have long laid dormant turn on and begin to create the new. When the transformation is complete, the butterfly must chew its way out of the protective shell. No one can help with this aspect of growth. If one were to open the cocoon or chrysalis, the butterfly would die. The struggle is very important.

Finally, the butterfly must get used to the new form. Awkwardness turns into beauty and they are free to fly and explore. Thus it is with us. Each stage of growth is vitally important and cannot be rushed. Trust the processes of your own transformation.