
“Life is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance.”
~Amit Ray~

There are many who are still unconscious. They sleep deeply within the grip of illusion and struggle to find meaning in their lives. You have chosen to walk the Earth at this time for a specific purpose and play an integral part in the awakening of our collective consciousness.

Bring your loving awareness to each moment as best way that you can. This may be as subtle as being a quiet source of Presence or as expansive as conscious action inspired by your inner wisdom. When you are balanced, purposeful and empowered, your actions (or inaction) will have greater impact. You are weaving the tapestry of your existence, and as you release the old patterns that no longer serve you, new patterns emerge. They are born of your experiences, but not limited by them.

The purpose of life is to become awake to our true nature – discovering that we are part of the vast mystery residing in a space of infinite possibility. When we choose to see the physical experience as a series of opportunities to discover that truth, obstacles transmute into wisdom. Limitation becomes laughter and we walk in harmony with life itself.

Embrace Your True Nature

“The full moon appears at night with all its might and erases all the stars from the sky! Do the same to impress the world, stand in front of the world with all your strength and all your being!”
~Mehmet Murat Ildan~
Seek only to raise your own consciousness and expand into greater insight and awareness. With consistent effort and intention, you can release all judgement and simply live in harmony with your true nature.
The ego constantly seeks to compare, feeding off the energy of being better than another or worse than another. Richer or poorer, satisfied or dissatisfied, heavy or slender, healthy or ill, the mind never ceases with it’s judgment and creates a sense of dissatisfaction no matter what the circumstance.
The awakened spirit learns to rise above ego-generated feelings of inferiority or superiority. Be recognizing the sacredness of each unique journey, it never compares and harmony with the Self is possible. It is time to embrace your uniqueness and release any self-imposed suffering.
There is an inner grace and fulfillment that arises through living authentically and it’s gentle light is a loving gift to the world.

Creating the New

“When contemplating what our life’s work might be, we are often driven by our attachment to security. Perhaps the one question we don’t ask often enough is “What do I have to offer?”
~Ezra Bayda~
When we begin to break free from the patterns, beliefs and experiences which no longer serve our growth, the ability to create is discovered. Focus on the end result you desire and immediately begin to live it to the best of your ability. What you visualize will come about, though the ego may jump in and attempt to sabotage the process with stories that plant doubt about your worthiness, how long it’ll take or even if you’ll like the outcome of the journey. Trust your initial inspiration, and heed the gentle voice of love found within the stillness of your being.
Inner resistance is often an indicator that something big is about to change. The patterns that have guided you for a lifetime have played an important role in your soul’s development; however, expansion is the goal and new facets are discovered each time we stretch beyond the known into the realm of new experience.
Truly life-changing ideas are rarely heralded by a blaze of trumpets Sometimes they are found in a simple thought that pivots our direction. How you approach the present moment is the key – is it merely a means to an end, or are you celebrating your existence and the journey of your soul? Be led by joy.



“A soulmate is someone to whom we feel profoundly connected, as though the communicating and communing that take place between us were not the product of intentional efforts, but rather a divine grace.”
~Thomas Moore~
When you experience a deep, immediate connection with another, consider the possibility that you have interacted over many, many lifetimes. The history of your shared journey creates a powerful moment of recognition and attraction. We have a strong response and feel the need to connect in some way. Pay attention to the call of your heart. It often portends that a karmic contract is ready to begin.
Soul contracts play an important role on our journey. When we honor the path as sacred and interact with an open heart, we create the space in which transformation can occur. The dance between soulmates is one of awakening that sparks growth in a way no one else can. Keep in mind there are typically 30-40 soulmates with whom we interact in most lifetimes. Though we may change roles, the souls recognition remains constant.
Treat those you love with kindness, patience and compassion. They have agreed to play a specific role to assist you on your journey and it is up you to discover who you are in their presence.



“Don’t be too quick to interpret the moment. Just keep quiet. My encouragement would always be: never think anything is against you, everything is blessing. Why should it be different? Just be quiet. Let it all work itself out.”
Life is a dance of opposites and it is through the contrasts that we learn to appreciate the ebb and flow of experience. This world, filled with its apparent opposition and conflict, is merely a reflection of us; therefore, let its conflict direct you inward to heal the conflict within yourself. Your purpose is to awaken and all of existence conspires to assist you in this endeavor.
Notice the polarizing aspects of your life. Where are you trapped in judgment? Where you do feel blocked? Consciously explore the opposite of egoic mind patterns and utilize the shadows to reveal the splendor of your light.
Winter’s blustery days make the warmth of spring even sweeter. Spice and texture add dimension and nuance to our journey. We experience the yin and yang of every possible type of circumstance until the soul learns the true nature of love – that it has no opposite. Compassion is born of contrast.

The Beauty of Patience

“Patience is about understanding the right moment for action and the right moment for stillness.”
~Alberto Villodo~  

Trust that everything will unfold in the perfect way at the perfect time. When you are fully engaged in the present moment, time stops. Suddenly the energy flows differently. All that is heard, felt and experienced has greater impact because your total awareness is deeply immersed within the Now.

Conversely, when the mind takes control through worry, doubt, excessive thought and confusion, it seems that there is not enough time to accomplish everything that you believe needs to be done. Precious energy is then dispersed in a million different directions and dissipates without truly engaging the power of the Universe.
This planet, and the experiences it offers, is the very beginning of a long journey of awakening. Choose to enjoy it. Cultivating patience strengthens your capacity to relate to life from the higher levels of consciousness rather than the ego-driven desire of false personality.
Life will always present the opportunities, experiences and circumstances that best serve your growth. Pay attention, keep yourself balanced and then step into that flow with a sense of patience and stillness.

The Sacredness of Now

“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.”
~Joseph Campbell~  

In this moment, you can purposely connect with the sacredness of all existence. You needn’t wait for a specific goal to be accomplished, for the “right” person to complete your life, to have enough money in the bank or have the scale read a particular number – the Now is filled with love and infinite possibility.

Every morning I step outside in gratitude and find myself in a sacred space. Each flower and tree and blade of grass reaches toward the light of the sun. The energy of my home is peaceful, filled with kindness and support. Each conscious breath I take reminds me to appreciate the body and life-path that I have chosen for this incarnation and honor them too as sacred.

Purposely choose to stop for a moment and access a state of pure potential. Close your eyes, turn off the mind, relax into the silence and be. See how it feels to touch the infinite without distraction. This is your journey of awakening.

Expanding Consciousness

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Awakening doesn’t happen overnight, it comes through consistent, daily practice. Expecting an epiphany to suddenly change everything may blind you to the gentle and steady transformation of your spirit. For those committed to deepening your spiritual journey, here are some steps to keep you balanced:

Make a commitment to yourself – Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

Follow your inner guidance – Meditate, use tools which resonate with your beliefs, develop your intuition.

Connect with others who support your awakening – One sign of spiritual transformation is the ability to accept support, love, direction and kindness from others. You do not need to walk this journey alone – we need each other.

Use tools that empower you – Your spiritual journey should ultimately be one that balances you on all levels: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. Explore and find the approaches which meet your needs and allow them to transform as you awaken

Allow healing to occur -When conscious growth is the top priority in your life, everything else will benefit

Be creative – Whether writing, exploring artistry, cooking, decorating, healing or communicating, creativity is a conduit for the Divine.

Share what you’ve learned – The act of articulating beliefs anchors them more deeply within us.

The Tao of Now

“Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free: Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.”   
~Chuang Tzu~ 

Today, choose a moment to consciously free your mind from attempting to control the events of your life. Go for a walk and simply let yourself be carried along by the beauty of the day. Observe everything in your line of vision. Notice your breath, the sounds you hear, the wind, the cloud formations, – everything. Simply let yourself be immersed and transported, and notice how it feels to just go with the flow. Now decide to let freedom be your guide. Realize that everything in your experience is taking place at it’s own pace in its own way. You can move in sync with the eternal, perfect Tao as well.

People may be incredulous when you demonstrate authentic neutrality – that lets you know that you’re on the right track. When we are aligned with the Tao, the energy immediately begins to shift. In this magnificent, infinite Universe, there are many ways to find your balance, to create love and to walk in alignment with your own truth. Your journey is unique and in this moment you can choose to be transformed.



“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”     

There are many types of love to explore – the love for a spouse, a child, a friend, a lover – the scent of your favorite flower, enthusiastic doggy greetings, savoring the taste of an exquisite meal, dancing in the rain, beautiful moments of presence… the list is endless.

All that we observe is an outward expression of the love that begins within each one of us. Life’s reflection shows us where we are in relation to the Divine. Love expands our awareness of the Oneness we share. When you choose to fall madly in love with life, limitations disappear, resistance melts away and your energy expands with a passion and power that draws the beauty of existence to you.

Choose to view the world through the eyes of love today. Notice the way the light streams in through your window, appreciate the architecture or the craftsmanship you see, talk about the things which bring you joy, honor your body, your abilities, your passion… and then take it further by expressing gratitude for your challenges, celebrating the journey, your awakening and the unique light you bring to the world. In this moment, you can choose to let the magic of your life begin.