
“The next thing you think, the next action you take, will either create a new possibility for you, or it will repeat the past.”
Deepak Chopra

Each thought, word, and action creates a powerful momentum that is ultimately experienced in the world of form and it’s important to ensure that all are in alignment. For instance, choosing to apply for a job and then immediately saying to yourself, “…I probably won’t get it anyway…” negates the action. Dieting while hating your body is another example of contradictory energy, as is tying to solve relationship problems by telling the story of how you were wronged again and again to all who will listen.

When all aspects of the personality are in harmony, it can be surprising how powerfully and quickly things can move. Take the time to be mindful of your thoughts and allow your actions to be led by joy.

Enthusiasm, gratitude and appreciation spark an expansion of conscious energy throughout your life experience. Your perception of the world is a reflection of your level of awareness; therefore, practice maintaining a conscious, empowered interpretation of the events, lessons and interactions you experience. Life will respond accordingly.

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