Breaking Free

“Difficult things provoke all your irritations and bring your habitual patterns to the surface. And that becomes the moment of truth. You have the choice to launch into your lousy habitual patterns, or to stay with the rawness and discomfort of the situation and let it transform you.”
~Pema Chodron~

Pay attention to the repeating patterns of your life. Their design will show where healing is required. When you feel anger, recognize that it is anger at yourself that is being projected outward onto the most accessible target. Your understanding of this aspect of the journey will increase self-awareness and allow you to take responsibility for creating change through personal growth and evolution.

Awareness heals. It’s not helpful to create another story out of a perceived mistake (thereby adding another layer of energy to an old pattern) but to remain the observer and consciously shift whenever possible.

Quietly notice the various beliefs that have been put into place in our society. Every situation is interpreted through the filters of one’s belief and current level of understanding as repetitive stories, fears and desires are woven throughout every aspect of exploration. The opposing viewpoints and beliefs, opinions and prejudice are all ego-driven distractions that keep us so engaged in conflict with one another that we forget the power of going within to heal.

You are constantly evolving. Layers of illusion that have distracted you from recognizing the infinite beauty of your soul are being washed away. The light of consciousness is guiding you home.

Opportunities to Awaken

“Spiritual practice includes learning how to open-heartedly receive the shocks of life – the things you don’t like, the people who criticize you, the job that goes wrong, the partner that leaves, the health that fails you – whatever shakes you up.”  ~Ezra Bayda~

As we awaken, the mechanisms of the ego become more subtle by design. One that is most encountered is an inner dialog that says you shouldn’t be facing these challenges because you’re evolved, that you should know better, or perhaps you’re not applying your tools in the right way.

Challenges show us where we are stuck or provide a space to put new ideas into practice. That’s it. There is no commentary from the universe about how we’re getting it wrong or should be doing better. See everything in your experience as an opportunity to awaken or to teach by example.

The twists and turns we experience are part of life. The awakening soul does not seek to avoid problems, but may no longer see them as such. Instead, the foundation of peace and compassion provides stability through the upheaval, and the enlightened soul walks forward, untroubled.


“At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
~Albert Schweitzer~
Celebrate those who grace your life. Everyone has moments of indecision or blockage; however, the love and support that we need always seems to come at the perfect time. With hearts filled with gratitude, we have the ability to receive these gifts. Little kindnesses can spark wonderful changes.
Give yourself moments of quiet contemplation. Your conscious awareness in the present moment is transformative. The world is filled with wonder and with each step we can choose to reconnect with sacred mother earth. Appreciation is often just a joyful acceptance of the beauty that surrounds us.
Purposely fill your life with moments that enrich your soul. Your ability to recognize the gifts the universe has to offer aligns you with a sense of peace and abundance and creates an unshakeable foundation for your soul’s journey.
Step outside, breathe the air, express your gratitude and allow the world to nurture your being. Reconnect with life by pausing a moment to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.

Simplicity of Being

“Take the time to observe the simple and ponder upon the seemingly insignificant. You’ll find a wealth of depth and beauty.”
~Melanie Charlene~

Seek inspiration through a consistent, conscious approach to your spiritual growth. Fill your life with things and people who spark awareness, joy, gratitude and passion. There is no need to search outside of yourself; instead, turn your focus within. Do you feel at ease and fulfilled in the present moment? The amount of peace you are experiencing is a barometer of your level of consciousness.

Don’t try to change, just bring awareness to the Now. Awareness begins the process of transformation. Often, the smallest things brings the greatest joy. Experiencing the quiet of the early morning, enjoying the a favorite scent, getting lost in a moving piece of music or snuggling with a beloved pet can all align you with the love of the Divine.

Keep your life simple. Be patient, honoring the processes of your own awakening and extending that patience to others as they move through the lessons of their lives. Peace, contentment, fulfillment and happiness are choices that we make anew every day. You have the power to create the life of your dreams.

Inner Wisdom

“You have to create your own path to your own temple. No help is possible, and it is the grandeur of humanity, a tremendous dignity, that you can follow only your own path.” 

The energy of the vast, infinite universe lives within you. Masters have suggested that we be in the world, but not of it. As awakening souls, we must learn to stand alone and seek inner wisdom rather than become lost in the collective opinions of those around us. This can be a daunting task at first. Old souls do not fit in with society; however, as consciousness arises, we can interact with others in a way that is empowered and compassionate.

When you recognize the perfection of your journey and learn to live authentically, you’ll discover that ease and peacefulness infuse your experiences. Enthusiasm allows you to access the creative power of the universe. It becomes a wave of energy that has it’s own momentum. As it ebbs, we must surrender, observe, release attachment and be at peace until the present moment inspires motion once again.

Inner wisdom speaks through the wordless language of the heart. Find your muse and live passionately. Doing so benefits us all in ways that might surprise you. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anyone with your unique way of being in the world.


“We can never obtain peace with the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”
~Dalai Lama~

Guilt is one of the most destructive energies in the Universe. It steals the joy from the present moment and blocks one’s ability to be happy. It is quite one thing to feel badly when we have wronged another or missed the mark. We can seek to redress the imbalance and put things right, if possible; however, extended guilt (getting lost in the story) creates clouds of self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness that lead to self punishment… usually in all sorts of creative ways.

While we all ultimately seek mastery and perfection, it’s important to remember that you have always done the best you could with the knowledge, soul experience and insight you had at the time. This is true of everyone. Part of the process of spiritual evolution is to learn from our mistakes, move forward and approach similar situations with a greater degree of consciousness the next time they come around.

The seeds planted by experience take time to mature and grow. Be patient with the process of your awakening. The world has forgotten the beauty of patience. There are many ways to connect to the power of peace within the present moment such as gratitude, meditation or fully immersing yourself in conscious breath work or loving action. Seek beauty and balance throughout the process of action, patience, integration. In the silence, the seeds of transformation continue to grow and the flame of awareness will light your way.

Courage and Understanding

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the silent voice at the end of the day that says, ‘I will try again tomorrow’.”
~Mary Anne Radmacher~

Each of us has a world of potential at our disposal. These seeds are ready to expand into our awareness. Without courage, one remains encapsulated within a hard shell, never experiencing the wonder of life, blocked from all progress. When we begin to drop ego, release our defense mechanisms and become one with the earth, we tap into the courage required for movement. Willing to take a risk, we stretch towards the light of consciousness.

The next phase is the sharing of our gifts – the flowering of love and the willingness to be grateful allow us to explore the realm of beauty, to give our treasures back to the earth (and those who follow along behind)… and finally, we explore the joys of fragrance as our senses become more subtle and merge with the Universe.

When you step into understanding, you are free. Authentic understanding goes beyond experience. The heart never asks “why” or “how”, instead it listens and takes action. Even the tiniest spark of understanding can bring about a tremendous awakening to your life. Allow the seeds of potential within you to grow. Nurture them, give them space to be and open yourself to the light of love…


“After meditating for some years, I began to see the patterns of my own behavior. As you quiet your mind, you begin to see the nature of your own resistance more clearly, struggles, inner dialogues, the way in which you procrastinate and develop passive resistance against life. As you cultivate the witness, things change. You don’t have to change them. Things just change.”
~Ram Dass~
Procrastination feeds the ego-mind in one of two directions. It feels good to contemplate the good things you will do someday, seeing yourself as being better or making positive changes. Conversely, negative self-talk keeps us stuck saying “I know what I should be doing, but I never seem to finish anything.” Either way, it strengthens false personality and creates dissatisfaction in the present moment.
The moment you notice a “should” creep in, simply take action – any action – and allow the energy to move in whatever direction it flows. The choice to take one conscious step opens up a world of possibility.
No matter what challenges arise, observe your inner dialogue. When you change your thoughts, your life is transformed. Inner resistance is something that can be released through conscious movement.

Sacred Communication

“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”  ~Albert Einstein~

As we awaken, we become more aligned with the world around us and therefore, will naturally bring higher consciousness into our decisions and interactions. “Harm none” is more than approaching life in a mindful and magical way. It calls upon us to be aware not only of our actions, but also of the words we speak, where we allow our minds to dwell and ultimately, how we express ourselves in the world.

Your journey is a sacred conversation with life. We live in a world filled with wonder. Delve into it’s depths and discover new facets of your being. Rather than being a slave of old ideas and preconceptions, we can choose to be deeply aligned with the magic and mysteries that surround us.

Recognize the teachers around you. Our domestic animals have great wisdom to share about love, communication, kindness. Wild animals carry specific energy and messages from the Divine that can inspire compassion and empowerment. As agents of light, we are called upon to bring a humility and gentleness to the world.

A Shift in Perception

“We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we have become.”
~David R. Hawkins

Trust. All that unfolds in your experience is simply an opportunity to love. Challenging situations provide an arena in which you can practice the concepts you are seeking to master. You can help others shift their perception to a higher level of awareness by living at a higher level of awareness.
Einstein once said that problems cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness at which they were created. That means that we must seek to rise higher in order to bring new energy to stagnant situations. This process calls upon us to perceive things differently. Awakened people are typically quiet, allowing pauses in their conversations, responding with mindfulness and accepting others as they are. They have learned the art of compassion.
Enlightenment is the systematic removal of limited perception. When you look at a flower or a tree, don’t label or categorize; instead, choose to take a moment to honor its presence. Appreciate each detail, feel its texture, breathe in the scent and listen to its message. The miracles of life are all around you.