
The world is ready to share it’s gifts with you.

“And into the forest I go
to lose my mind
and find my soul.”
~John Muir~

Trees seem to call to me. No matter where I live or travel, I find myself being drawn into their loving energy. Each morning on my gratitude walk I take a moment to meditate under a copse of pepper and oak trees. Their silence grounds me. Their peace comforts me, and I leave their presence renewed. Nearing home I stop to hug another tree that stands patiently with open arms. In our embrace my heart chakra opens to receive pure love.

These brief moments play a significant role in how I decide to begin my day. It’s important to recognize what brings you joy and incorporate it into your daily routine. Your conscious choices will expand your experience of life in miraculous ways. The world is filled with beauty for those who have eyes to see.

The Universe has secrets to share. Love rains down upon you from all dimensions. How will you choose to receive it?

Posted in Wow Moment.