
Expansion Through Contrast

It is love that allows us to expand. It transforms our vision and interpretation of experience. It awakens the ability to heal or to hold space for another. When faced with hatred or fear, love can shine through inspiring hope in its wake. The power of connection is often learned through contrast. It doesn\’t matter […]

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Love\\\’s Gifts

Love, given freely, is extraordinarily powerful. It transforms both the giver and the receiver. It awakens desire that is beyond the ego-driven self and weaves the threads that bind us together. These inter-connective threads are simultaneously both our weakness and our strength. What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all. When you consider

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Love\\\’s Gifts

Love, given freely, is extraordinarily powerful. It transforms both the giver and the receiver. It awakens desire that is beyond the ego-driven self and weaves the threads that bind us together. These inter-connective threads are simultaneously both our weakness and our strength. What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all. When you consider

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Love\’s Gifts

Love, given freely, is extraordinarily powerful. It transforms both the giver and the receiver. It awakens desire that is beyond the ego-driven self and weaves the threads that bind us together. These inter-connective threads are simultaneously both our weakness and our strength. What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all. When you consider

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Love\’s Gifts

Love, given freely, is extraordinarily powerful. It transforms both the giver and the receiver. It awakens desire that is beyond the ego-driven self and weaves the threads that bind us together. These inter-connective threads are simultaneously both our weakness and our strength. What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all. When you consider

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The quickest way to empowerment is by taking personal responsibility for all that you experience. This creates greater insight through introspection, conscious action and awareness. Consider adding humor into the mix and watch the process of change become more pleasurable. Blame is often used as a tool of avoidance. We project energy at another person,

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Be Yourself

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~ Our cultural imprinting teaches that something is missing. Many feel pressured to look or be a certain way, and indeed we have entire industries dedicated to ensuring a subconscious (or not so subconscious)

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Passion and Purpose

\”Live the Life of Your Dreams: Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.” ~Roy T. Bennett~   Passion is the fire that sparks movement, experience, and ultimately, wisdom. Since our only true purpose is to awaken, why not

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Being Love

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”   ~Ezra Bayda~  The purpose of our journey is to discover the love that resides at the root of all situations. Unconditional love – for oneself as well as others – once discovered,

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Stand in Your Truth

“You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are.” ~Mister Rogers~ Our actions have greater meaning when they are aligned with our true nature. The dance of awakening calls upon us to explore

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