
“Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.”
~Carlos Castaneda~
Happiness is a choice. So is misery. Each of us is responsible for our own joy; therefore, change begins with consciously changing our thoughts – choosing happiness again and again until it becomes our natural response to daily events. All transformation comes from within.
Life will provide ample opportunities to practice acceptance, forgiveness and compassion. The process of growth is both deeply personal and collective. Your unique journey is one of learning mastery and those who grace your life play the roles required for your awakening.
When you choose thoughts that create empowerment and peacefulness, nothing has the power to take your happiness away. Even in the midst of tremendous challenge, there will be a groundedness of spirit that is unshakable.
In the present moment, can you choose to surrender to what is? That is the foundation of genuine happiness. Make this a daily practice of walking meditation as you go deeper into your own expression of joy. Open yourself to the experience of life without judging or trying to control. This is the art of contentment.

Discover Your Gifts

When you have reached a place where you are completely at peace with who you are and what you have experienced, a sense of grace will fill your life. Others will recognize and respond to the radiant energy of innocence and joy which emanates throughout your being. This wisdom emerges after various challenges and experiences have broadened your perception while allowing you to fully discover your unique talents and gifts. Then, the world becomes a playground where you can commune with the Divine.

To get to this point, you may need to periodically break through the perceived minutia of your life. Shift existing patterns (even if you’re afraid of making a mistake) and create movement in a new direction. The key is to drop everything that you have accepted from others – perceptions, limitation, obligation or desires – and step into new experiences, ready to receive.

All aspects of your spirit contain amazing beauty and there is no need to fear the process, no matter how intense it may be. Life’s greatest adventure is to lovingly and consciously break through old patterns. You can set an intention to recognize the beauty in the dance while choosing to live with an open heart.


“For most people, their spiritual teacher is their suffering. Because eventually the suffering brings about awakening.”
~Eckhart Tolle~ 

Suffering, whether self-inflicted or the result of outside events, brings hidden aspects of our shadow self to the surface of our consciousness. Often these are things that have been repressed or ignored in the past and their appearance now has great import on your path of transformation.

When you are faced with intense internal challenges consider viewing them as teachers rather than something that needs to be eradicated or hidden. Look deeply within to the source of your conflict and then purposely surround it with love and compassion. Know that you are on the verge of an awakening.

These inner paradoxes lead us down roads we would never consciously choose to travel. They call upon us to shatter the ego-self and strip away things and ideas that no longer serve us. Intensity accelerates your spiritual growth in ways that simple study and desire cannot. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you are ready for this. Your spirit has requested movement and the fact that something new is arising indicates that you are ready to navigate your way to higher levels of consciousness.


“Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
In a world filled with expectation, opinion and judgment, it’s often challenging to consistently be vulnerable and authentic. Should you experience stress, anxiety, frustration or disappointment, it’s likely that you are out of your integrity in a given situation. Take a moment to self-assess and adjust when necessary. Once realigned with your integrity, live it to the best of your ability.
All of existence celebrates your journey and contributions. Cultivate the ability to be totally present. Take one step at a time, giving the Now your full attention and energy. This authenticity and Presence will bring a wonderful new dimension into your life experience.

Those who have drawn you into their lives need to experience your unique way of looking at the world. Authenticity inspires expansion into higher levels of consciousness. When you have learned to embrace who you are with calm confidence, your spirit will dwell in truth and light and that energy will be infused into every aspect of your life.

Creating a Conscious Foundation

“The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.”
~Henri J.M. Nouwen~

Life will always reflect what is happening energetically on the inner plane. Should you encounter perceived blockages or frustrations, pay attention to repetitive scripts of the ego. Awareness begins the process of transformation and by taking full responsibility for whatever is unfolding, we can step into empowerment.

Life sets the stage for exploration of the human experience. Sometimes light and whimsical, sometimes frustrating or painful, within each situation we discover a doorway to greater wisdom.

Begin the process of change by creating a conscious foundation. In your exploration, it’s likely that you have discovered habits and perceptions that speak to your unique spirit. Utilize these consistently to align yourself with sacred energy throughout your daily journey. As you grow in awareness, allow these to expand and change, reflecting your new state of consciousness.

The soul seeks only to awaken. In moments of challenge we discover opportunities to rise above, to assist one another and open our hearts in love. Moments of inner silence play a valuable role in your spiritual awakening. Let your life be a communion with all that you see. The sacredness you feel is a reflection of your own energy.

Inner Mastery

“Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Spiritual Mastery is often not something that is learned, but remembered. An idea or teaching touches your heart or ignites your passion and the soul opens to receive. Your practice will likely lead you to many wonderful teachers and ideas. Each of these is merely a reflection of you. The aspects that are ready to awaken make themselves known. In the words of Rumi, “Don’t go back to sleep!” Find a way to keep them relevant in your experience until they become natural aspects of being.

Consistent practice and authenticity create inner mastery. It’s likely that your expression of consciousness will mature over time as you activate new facets through experience and exploration. Ultimately, your journey is unique. Be your own guru. Celebrate the many manifestations of the Divine as you walk the path of transformation.

May your life contain the richness of spirit that you desire. May your light be a blessing to those who seek inspiration. May the gifts of your soul expand with every step you take.

Exploring the Infinite

“To clarify ‘eternal’ just a smidge… Once the river of time has rounded her final bend, and the last star in the sky has brightened its last night, and every child who may ever be conceived has been given ten thousand names… we will have just begun.”
~Mike Dooley~

When pondering the infinite, one might consider the continual expansion of the universe, the depth and breadth of the ocean, or the workings of the human mind, but how often do we truly explore inward?

Rather than seeking outside validation of your worth, seek instead to expand your consciousness. The nuances you discover will bring new dimension into your overall experience. Explore without attachment. Feel deeply. Love often. These are the gifts of an awakened life.

No matter how much we have learned or how far we have come, it’s important to realize we are still at the beginning. Joy informs energy which sets the miracle of discovery in motion. Being fully present with the totality of life brings freedom. There is no worry, no judgment… only the expansiveness of a divine spirit exploring the facets of love, light and laughter that only the earth-bound experience has to offer.

The Unique Treasures of Your Soul

While doing healing work, I am occasionally gifted with beautiful visions of the upper world. In this space of exploration, I’ve discovered that every challenge is unique and the way to healing changes from person to person.

Imagine being in a place that is completely safe, peaceful and restorative. The waters run clean, light sparkles in a way that makes everything come alive with meaning and awareness. The food and drink found here is grown from the depth and breadth of your soul. Unique plants, nuts, fruit and grains combine to create sustenance that reminds you of who you truly are.

When faced with the need for a new perception, you can walk through a small wood to a pool of water that, in it’s divine stillness, shows the truth that needs to be seen. Whether a vision of potential, wholeness, courage, peacefulness or passion, the answer always comes and the way forward makes itself known. You are supported by various helpers, ancestors, healers and angels and can bathe in the waters of life.

Each of us has access to this inner realm. Whether you find it through meditation or prayer, gratitude or creativity, it waits for your loving Presence.


Anam Cara (Soul Friend)

“The one you love, your anam cara, your soul friend, is the truest mirror to reflect your soul. The honesty and clarity of true friendship also brings out the real contour of your spirit. It is beautiful to have such a presence in your life.”
~John O’Donohue~

Our purpose is to learn how to give and receive love. That can only be discovered through the removal of any barriers against love that we have built. As we cultivate independence and self-confidence, we can interact with one another without fear. This freedom allows us to discover who we are in the presence of another.

Most of us have a group of 30-40 souls with whom we incarnate throughout our multiple lifetimes. This soul group works together in various forms, utilizing lessons, drama and unwavering support to help one another evolve. Over time, these beautiful souls demonstrate a seasoned love and steadfastness that can lift us to new heights – even in the midst of our challenges.

Give space to those you love. When your souls meet, consciously bring a gentle recognition to the beauty of the depth of love you have for one another. Your interactions will ultimately awaken a sense of safety, authenticity and support.

Outside Validation

“When you do something noble and beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps.”
~John Lennon~

Once you discover your authentic way of being in the world, everything becomes very simple. You effortlessly embrace the call of your spirit and consistently demonstrate your level of consciousness, whether or not anyone else is around to witness. Beautiful, vibrant energy flows through you, infusing all that you do with the higher vibrations of love, light and laughter.

Seeking outside validation is an ego-generated journey of frustration and soul crushing compromise. When we are constantly trying to determine what others may be seeking from us, we discover that chasing recognition ultimately leads into the abyss of fear.

Understand deeply that those who grace your life need you to be your most authentic self. This is the energy that you weave into our collective experience and there is no one in the world with your unique way of being. Observe your inner state of peace. This is the barometer that will inform that you are fulfilling your purpose here. There is nothing to prove. You are amazing.