
“Wherever you feel that life is growing, celebrate it, love it, welcome it, and a great transformation will happen to you. If life is revered in all its forms, you become more alive. ”
Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in this moment – no anger or frustration, no problem, desire or regret. If this were your last moment, how would you spend it? Would you keep old antagonisms alive or want to hug those you love and appreciate one more sunset? Petty differences would become meaningless.
You can choose to put down any baggage that you carry. Once you realize that loving celebration leads to enlightenment, you’ll discover that there is no need to postpone your joy. Live as if each moment were your last because the next is not certain. Find your bliss here and now and choose to embrace it. The choice to be blissful will change your experience of life.
It is said that Zen is the acceptance of the ordinary existence with all your heart. When there is no desire for anything to be different than it is, the mundane becomes sacred. This is your moment of transformation.

Your Unique Journey

“Life is about celebrating uniqueness, diversity, and then bringing it all together like the varied colors of a rainbow. Different yet connected.”

You bring something unique and sacred to the world of form and it can only be fully expressed when you choose to live from the heart. Each of us plays a specific role in our collective awakening and times of great change are often preceded by chaotic energy. Shake-ups are intended to break us free from old limiting patterns.

Become an active participant in life. You have a purpose and it can only be expressed through sharing your unique gifts. Rather than add confusion and drama to challenging situations, the awakening spirit seeks to live by example. When you discover your role in the tapestry of life, realize that your expression of it is a vital aspect of the world we are creating together.

Choose to align yourself energetically with harmony and balance. In a world bombarded by opinion, things deemed “newsworthy” and fear, it’s important to remember that happiness is a choice. We can demonstrate a conscious way of life in this moment. Do not wait for the rest of the world to awaken, help them to awaken.

Whispers of Wisdom

“Open the bloom of your heart and become a gift of beauty to the world.”
~Bryant McGill~

Simple things matter. Small acts of kindness can change situations in powerful ways. When we choose to live gently, we discover that our sojourn is filled with majestic spaces. Instead of rushing from one thing to another, one person to another, solving problems or acquiring more, we have the capacity to hear the whispers of wisdom.

Consciously create quiet space in your experience. The world is a sanctuary that is overlooked all too often because of our focus on the mundane. Today, seek to bring gentleness to your life situation, whatever it is, and treat yourself well.

In the stillness we can slow down and experience the fullness of life itself. You can step into the inner sanctum of the Divine, drink deeply of peace and bring that sacred energy into the present moment.


“Turn your wounds into wisdom.”
~Oprah Winfrey~

Challenges are a necessary aspect of enlightenment. They allow us to cultivate the tools of trust, patience, insight and empowerment. Don’t shy away from these moments of apparent darkness; instead, turn and shine the light of consciousness upon them.

Shamanic traditions utilize the energy and lessons of Jaguar to assist with transformation. This power animal represents sudden and intense change. When we call upon her for guidance, inspiration or assistance, she walks by our side and helps us find the strength to address adversity in such a way that we are changed by the experience. Having faced the dark night of the soul, we emerge transformed.

You can face any interaction consciously. Even those who are challenging may be bearers of wisdom, bringing messages from the Divine. Seek to examine your own shadow when confronted with unconscious behavior. Every encounter you face brings greater understanding and plays a specific role in your development.

Life will always provide the perfect circumstances to facilitate your evolution. You have the tools to navigate whatever unfolds in your experience and when you recognize these moments as opportunities, you will discover your true sacred nature.


“May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.”
~John O’Donohue~
The depths and nuances of your many experiences have shaped your interpretation of life. Contrasts teach us about various perceptions until we come to reside deeply rooted in stillness with the understanding of completeness.
Allow yourself the gift of emotion, for even in the deepest sorrow there is beauty to be discovered. When energy flows through the heart chakra we are transformed. Expansion comes through both our tears and our joy, and the process of discovery calls upon us to connect with one another in this very human way.
As we awaken, we naturally bring greater consciousness to our life situation. We learn how to observe ourselves without judgment, and in doing so, utilize the highs and lows we experience as stepping stones to awareness, peace and empowerment.
The joyful heart is not one without pain. It simply is. No matter what unfolds, we ultimately find that love resides at the core of all things. You bring something unique and beautiful to the world that is ready to be expressed. Embrace your humanness. You are a bridge between the spiritual and the mundane.


“And I learned what is obvious to a child. That life is simply a collection of little lives, each lived one day at a time. That each day should be spent finding beauty in flowers and poetry and talking to animals. That a day spent with dreaming and sunsets and refreshing breezes cannot be bettered.”
~Nicholas Sparks~

Expect the very best. When you live in alignment with your inner truth, life becomes simple. Choosing to honor each moment as sacred brings a quiet quality of empowerment to any situation.

Simplicity, patience and compassion form the core of each interaction, the foundation of every relationship, and most importantly, the realization of joy in your experience.

Fill your life with sparks of awareness, joy, gratitude and passion. Experiencing the quiet of the early morning, enjoying the a favorite scent, getting lost in a moving piece of music or snuggling with a beloved pet can all align you with the love of the Divine.

Keep life simple. Be patient and honor the processes of your awakening. Most importantly, allow compassion to be the defining quality that you express throughout your experience. It is your birthright to express yourself in ways that are deeply fulfilling. No matter what has come before, every moment is a new beginning.

Space in Togetherness

“But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: but let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.”
~Kahlil Gibran~

Choose to bring an unprotected heart to your meeting place.

Love empowers us to discover who we are in the presence of another. As we release limiting beliefs, heal old emotional wounds and come to realize our own value, we cease seeking outside validation. Love is transformed from ego-driven neediness into healthy, supportive interactions.

Everyone in your life is in a continual process of growth and one of the greatest challenges is to drop your own expectations and attachments. Your willingness to allow those you love to learn their lessons in their own way creates space where transformation can occur.

Ram Dass once said, “We are all just walking each other home.” Whether someone graces your life for a moment or for many years, simply love them as fellow travelers. Should your paths diverge, be grateful for the aspects of the journey you have shared and all that you have learned together.

Awakening Intuition

“At times you have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.”
~Alan Alda~

In a world filled with overwhelming sensations and distractions, the ego-mind has cultivated a collective script that results in continued conflict and dysfunction. As we awaken, we begin to break free from the overwhelming cacophony to once again enter the stillness of being.

In that space of stillness, we can access our inner wisdom. Rather than being reactive, we can consciously respond to life from a higher level of consciousness. Our ability to slow down and go within creates a secure foundation which supports our journey of awakening.

Strengthen the intuitive aspect of your experience by trusting your instincts. When the voice of ego begins its repetitive mantra of fearful “what ifs?” simply recognize it, observe it and slow down. Ask how you can bring light, kindness or compassion to the situation. Most often you’ll discover that the voice of your heart directs you to do the exact opposite of what the ego insists is the right course of action. Acting on your instincts builds a pathway of energy that grows stronger over time.

The great miracle of awareness is that it transforms the mundane into the sacred. There is much more to life than meets the eye.


Unconditional Love

“But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.”
~Kahlil Gibran~

Unconditional love calls upon us to honor each path as sacred. Regardless of how it sometimes appears, life is perfect and will always facilitate the appropriate circumstances for our continued growth. Choose to allow enough space in your relationships for each person to thrive. The awakening soul provides a consistent place of safety and acceptance for the other.

Love is discovering who you are in the presence of another. This type of soul-based love has no opposite. It will never get triggered into hate or anger, nor will it become mired in the endless loop of desire. It allows the present moment to be as it is.

When you can be grateful for every moment of your life without expectation or regret, you have arrived. Unconditional love creates a profound transformation in the way you choose to interact with the world. This is the true nature of your being.


The Spiritual Experience

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
~Eleanor Roosevelt~

There are times when we are transformed by new perceptions. Miracles unfold and we witness the Divine plan in operation all around us. These spiritual experiences are sprinkled throughout a lifetime, often filed away in journals or carried in memory.

But “experiencing” is learning to consistently live a life filled with wonder, to recognize the sacredness of the moment and recognize the Oneness that connects us. Let nature be your guide. Watch how it unfolds in majestic splendor – without fanfare – and hear the whispers of love that call us home.

All my healing work begins with this silent invocation: Sacred Mother, I come in honor of this person, this moment and this space as sacred. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. In love we create a space where transformation can occur. What would your daily interactions be like if you chose to bring an attitude of reverence to each situation? Set your intention step into empowerment by experiencing the sacredness of the present moment.