Loving Awareness

“Wherever you are and whatever you do, be in love.”

Learn to look beyond the physical roles that people play in this life. Awakening calls upon us to see and respond to one another with open hearts and this cannot be done from a space of judgment. Only conscious practice can help you to cultivate the skill of loving awareness.

As always, the place to begin is within. Create a moment of stillness. Close your eyes, just be present and breathe. Feel the energy of the divine flowing through you and from you and notice how it extends outward. Your human form is a temporary expression of spirit. Now open your eyes. Whatever you see is another temporary form of spirit – a tree, a chair, the sky, a grasshopper… stop everything and honor that form as sacred. Sense its energy and recognize the reflection of yourself within it.

Try this as you walk through the world. When interacting, stop and look beyond the physical expression of the person in front of you. Sense their spirit and purposely interact with them from this level of awareness. You may be surprised at the openness with which they respond. Teach Oneness through your compassion and kindness. Honor this place, this moment, this experience as sacred.

The Dance of Exploration

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
~Carl Jung~

You bring something unique and sacred to the world of form and it can only be fully expressed when you choose to live from the heart. Whether you seek to touch one life or many, realize that you do make a difference. There has never been, nor will there ever be someone with your unique energy and way of being in the world. The journey of your soul can inspire others in ways that you cannot imagine.

Some may express themselves through art, invention, writing stories or raising children while others may be wonderful listeners, someone who remains positive in the face of challenges or free thinkers who accelerate our collective awakening. When your gift comes naturally, you may underestimate the impact it has on others, but you are quite literally fulfilling your life’s purpose simply by being yourself.

In a world of limitless possibility, there is great joy in exploration. New experiences will awaken facets of your spirit that are ready to shine. As we weave the threads of personal experience, a unique design comes into view. Each new insight cultivates a different facet and adds sparkling nuance to the unfolding spiritual journey.

Sacred Journey

“Every action that is conscious, and that aims at bringing about a result, arises from a motivation. My religion is very simple: my key motivation is love. My religion is kindness.”
~ The Dalai Lama ~

It’s important to remember that you are responsible for your own joy. When you seek fulfillment outside of yourself, you choose to give away your power. Then happiness becomes measured by expectation, attachment to outcomes and reliant upon other people’s choices.

When gratitude, mindfulness, joy and peace come from within, we gain mastery over our own experience. Now life becomes a journey of discovery and adventure. We bring a different energy to the present moment – one that is empowered and aligned with life itself.

Should you notice any form of discontent arise in your experience, observe your thoughts.When you shine the light of consciousness on the ego, it loses momentum and creates space where transformation can occur.

Compassion and love are empowering qualities to explore. Infinite and immeasurable, there will always be new levels to discover. As we learn to create balance and joy within, we become less susceptible to outside events and a greater source of peace in the world.

Love More

“The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one two things: either love, or a call for love.”

~Marianne Williamson~

Together we walk the path of awakening. Relationships provide opportunities to facilitate your personal growth. When you choose to view the world through love’s filter; it changes your perception. Everything becomes simple: it is either love or a call for love.
When challenges arise, we must sometimes dig deeply within in order to access our ability to love. See those who challenge you as healing angels playing a role that strengthens your ability to see beyond the mechanisms of the ego. When you can recognize sacredness in yourself and in the other, life opens.
The ultimate goal is unconditional love. This calls upon us to begin within. Outward experiences of love and acceptance are directly related to the love and acceptance we have for ourselves. As kindness awakens with you, it overflows into your life experience and is reflected throughout your interactions.
As an awakening master, you have the ability to observe life from a higher state of consciousness. Practice looking for ways to express love. Challenging people and circumstances can sometimes take more conscious effort; however, the rewards are immeasurable. They allow you to cultivate facets of your soul that would otherwise remain fallow. Love is transformative.

This Moment is Sacred

“The wise heart is not one that understands everything; it is the heart that can tolerate the truth of not knowing.”

~Jack Kornfield~

The mind seeks answers and explanations. The ego projects the belief that all will be well with a definitive plan in place and creates distraction by constant search and analysis. There is more truth to be discovered by genuinely living in the present moment and placing your full attention on whatever you are experiencing now.

As I was writing the words above (a mind generated process to be sure), my dog Minky distracted me mid-sentence with a gentle middle-of-the-night “woof…” At once I was prompted to stop and gaze into her eyes. We experienced a moment of smiling doggy love which I joyfully realized was the most important thing to experience in all the world at that moment. Rather than being a distraction, it was a simple reminder that love is alive and all is well.

The profundity of the human experience lies in our ability to honor the present moment as sacred, however it presents itself. And in that sacredness, we can act with integrity, do our best and accept what is.

The Celtic Vows of Friendship

“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

Relationships offer fertile ground for spiritual practice. When in doubt as to the appropriate action or response, utilize the Celtic vows of friendship. Ask yourself, “Am I honoring his or her path as sacred?” Often we try to get others to adjust to our path. The key is to allow enough space for each person to thrive while offering love and support. Love is simply discovering who you are in the presence of another.

It’s important to be self-observant. Are you bringing an open heart to your interactions or do you keep protective measures in place? Relating to another is authentic when we feel safe and empowered; therefore, notice when you are closed down and tend to your inner state of consciousness prior to your interactions to ensure that you are open.

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. Zen calls upon us to reside in the Now without distraction. Practice being fully present with those who grace your life. You’ll discover that time slows as inner joy is awakened. Love creates a space in which a transformation can occur.


“To an Earthkeeper, love is not a feeling or something your barter with. Love is the essence of who you are, and it radiates from you as a brilliant aura: You become love, practice fearlessness, and attain enlightenment.”

~Alberto Villoldo~

There is something beautiful about nurturing what you love. Selfless acts of kindness and personal responsibility  demonstrate the power of a loving heart. The awakening master walks gently in the world with no thought of recognition, and a higher state of consciousness infuses every decision.

We are defined by what we do when no one is watching. Enter into the stillness of your soul and bring that grace and wisdom into your daily journey. Quietly become part of the solution by honoring this playground as sacred. We all have our roles to play in our collective experience and each is vitally important.

Everyday offers the possibility of discovery and insight. When you walk through life with an open heart and mind, you create space for inspiration, motivation and right action. Dance with the breezes, revel in the mystery of awakening, sing with the birds as they greet the dawn. We are the Earthkeepers.

You Are Unique

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit”
~E.E. Cumming~

There is something extraordinarily captivating about someone who is authentic, unique and comfortable in their own skin. See if you can drop the need to have any defining labels in your experience. The ego seeks to belong and therefore, will often identify strongly with a particular ideology, culture, political party, religion, or role. This is an act of separation and creates division.

Older souls create a unique path. Yes, we don’t fit in and are often misunderstood, but that’s ok. The awakening spirit learns how to see beyond the identifiers and roles to the Oneness of which we are all a part.

In a world beset with conflict, you have an opportunity to be a source of peace. Embrace your uniqueness, see all life as sacred and utilize love instead of judgment. It’s not the easiest path to be sure, but is one that will uplift your soul and create something beautiful in the world.

Let’s bring about a radical transformation of the mind and find ways of living differently. You are love in human form.

Everything Dances

“The moment is everything. Don’t think about tomorrow; don’t think about yesterday: think about exactly what you’re doing right now and live it and dance it and breath it and be it.”

~Wendy Whelan~

The dance of this moment is a beautiful expression of who you are. Seek only to flow with the rhythms of life and you will discover your unique way of being in the world. There is no need to convince anyone of anything. Instead, honor the beauty of your soul through Presence. The Now offers an opportunity to connect with the sacred in a way that is authentic, magical and vibrant.

We are not here to please everyone. Some will connect with you and join your dance. Others will watch from the sidelines, and yet others will likely ridicule no matter what you do. When living in alignment with your inner truth, no outside validation is required. joy will light up your life experience.

Passion for life – not technique, intelligence or savoir faire – is a powerful foundation to build upon. Your passion ignites energy and sets it in motion. Once in motion, we can find our place in the dance and see where it takes us.

See The Light

“We wonder how people can’t see the most obvious things about themselves – yet we forget those people are us!” 
~Ezra Bayda~ 
When we get caught up in the ego-driven role that someone may be playing in this life, it is easier to judge them, see them as “wrong” or something to fight against. This is the trap of the human experience; however, there is far more to life than meets the eye.
Many spiritual seekers have the ability to see beyond the mundane. To recognize and respond to the sacred in everyone you meet is a powerful practice. Those that challenge us are willing to play an antagonistic role (sometimes at the expense of your love and good-will in this lifetime) in order to fulfill a sacred promise: to assist in our spiritual awakening.
While it may initially be challenging to be objective in the midst of drama; you may discover that you get there more and more quickly as time goes by. What once took weeks, months or even years to heal will eventually move through your experience in minutes. Ultimately, we cultivate mastery, compassion and unwavering love and learn to respond to the soul rather than the ego.