Soul Lessons

“From innumerable complexities we must grow to simplicity; we must become simple in our inward life and in our outward needs.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

Each of us chooses to come to this planet to accomplish the same thing – to awaken to the divinity of Being and the Oneness that connects us all. All of existence weaves together in a tapestry of experience, lessons, insight and awareness that will guide you throughout this process of awakening. There is a primary inner purpose – to awaken, and a secondary outer purpose – whatever role you have chosen as the vehicle for that awakening. For some this means family, for others it may be teaching, artistry, healing, building… thankfully, there are infinite ways to live in one’s truth while remaining aligned with our inner purpose.

When you place more importance upon the outer purpose (the transitory experience of this lifetime), the inner purpose suffers. This often creates repetitive patterns and blockages that plague us until we clear them and return to the true purpose of our earthly experience. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. All joy, clarity and freedom come from this state of inner balance and flow into all that we choose to do.


“Everyone has a purpose in life…a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of goals.”
~Deepak Chopra~
Every moment provides a wonderful opportunity to discover your own true nature and for those in the process of discovery, still seeking your purpose or your direction, I salute you. The willingness to embark upon the path of transformation ensures that you will find it. The road may be long. It may prompt you to pivot again and again as you explore the possibilities that sing your name, – that is the process of awakening.
Challenges will hone your abilities. Your disappointments will teach you how to be strong, to rebuild and step out of limiting patterns. Eventually, you will simply discover what makes your heart flourish as your life becomes a song of joy and celebration.
Our primary purpose is to awaken. Our secondary purpose is the vehicle through which that awakening occurs, often changing at different points in our life experience. When you allow your passions and talents to shine, they will attract the perfect situations and people to facilitate your growth.


“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.”
~Lao Tzu~
The truly empowered see themselves clearly. They do not need outside validation nor do they seek perfection from others. As we awaken, we naturally cultivate the ability to accept things as they are and release the need to struggle. Since everything is a reflection of our inner state of consciousness and level of awareness, this implies a quiet inner acceptance of one’s self.
You have unique gifts and insights to share. Others will notice them in time, or not; however, the goal is to live simply in alignment with your purpose and passion. Don’t waste time attempting to force others to understand you or change their perceptions to match yours. Life needs the blend of differing perceptions, experiences, soul ages and cultures to facilitate spiritual growth.
Attend to your own state of consciousness and enjoy all this moment has to offer. Acceptance expands perception. The ego will imply that you are bound by the need to be accepted; however, you are absolutely free.

The Joy of Experience

“In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration.”
~Ansel Adams~

There is nothing to be gained from making life harder than it needs to be, and yet we sometimes find ourselves doing just that. in the midst of chaos we often spin a bit further into confusion before we remember to breathe and go within.

Everything in your experience can spark an awareness of your purpose in the physical world. When you open yourself to accept assistance and guidance, you create space in which transformation can occur. One of the greatest gifts you can offer yourself is to cultivate healthy detachment and trust. As we release attachment to outcomes, we open ourselves to receive greater ease and joy on our path.

Whatever is experienced fully transforms into joy, while conversely, resistance slows the process. During your gratitude moments, choose something and give it your full attention. Notice any thoughts that arise and pull yourself back into your experience. This awareness will open your heart and energy as you become the observer. Awareness is a process. These few moments connect you to universal love.

Your sojourn here holds great purpose. Seek to be grounded, centered and silent enough to experience life with compassion. From there, anything is possible.


“If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily.”
~Jack Canfield~
Inspiration… what inspires you to keep moving forward in the face of opposition? What inspires you to turn and confront your fears or walk into the unknown? What inspires someone to embark upon a new way of being? Contrast.
The contrasts that we encounter in life call upon us to become more clear about what we personally desire to achieve. By design, in a situation filled with contrasting elements, we formulate an idea of what is fulfilling and what is depleting. This clarity, in turn, sparks the inspiration to make a change.
Many times we may not know exactly how to create the change. In the beginning it feels overwhelming to step into the unknown – but all that is required is movement. Sometimes the only clarity we have initially is that a change is needed, and that’s fine. As we step from a toxic situation, space is created and that often allows us to understand the next step… and the next. With each step forward the layers of restriction or old programming are stripped away.
Embrace the lessons that contrast offers. Honor it as a form of spiritual instruction which allows you to become the conscious creator of your life. This deliberate manifestation is liberating and unlocks the mysteries and subtleties of our amazing playground. If there is unhappiness arising within you, make a point to do something different to shift the energy and see what happens.

Holding Space

“When I dare to be powerful—to use my strength in the service of my vision—then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” 
~Audre Lorde~
When you find your purpose, new strengths are often discovered. The purpose of adversity is to help uncover hidden facets of potential through experience. Likewise, those you love need to cultivate their own courage and empowerment. Knowing your own strength helps you stay balanced when you hold space for another.
Holding space can sometimes be challenging. The ego may want to swoop in to fix or rescue; however, that can actually block someone from completing karma or learning a particular lesson. To offer support, acceptance, and peacefulness in the midst of intensity is a gift of love. To hold a hand, to offer encouragement, to be a mirror that reflects the others’ strength and potential are gifts of spirit.
Some people obviously learn more quickly than others. Be patient. This human experience is an exploration and lessons learned, no matter how great or small, will be carried forward into the next life. Breakthroughs can happen at any moment. Let us all hold space, set an example and remember that we are walking one another home.

Going Within

“May you realize that the shape of your soul is unique,
that you have a special destiny here,
that behind the facade of your life
there is something beautiful and eternal happening.”
~John O’Donohue~

It’s important to create moments of quietude in order to go inward to connect with Presence. An immense stillness resides within you that is simultaneously filled with everything and nothing. Stillness is the key to self-discovery.

The cacophony of daily experience can be overwhelming and distracting. When you cultivate the ability to quiet the mind and reside peacefully within life’s chaos, you create a space of connection that allows you to access the strength of your soul.

Choose to be in the world but not of it. Rather than following the crowd, find your unique way to contribute to global consciousness and expansion. Just by being yourself, you add something beautiful to the world that has never been experienced before and because of your presence here, we are all transformed.

Even if you feel you do not consciously know your purpose, simply be the best version of yourself that you can in this moment. The rest will make itself known in the perfect way at the perfect time.


Anam Cara

“In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.”
~Albert Schweitzer~
A chance encounter, reconnecting with an old friend, recognizing a kindred spirit… these everyday miracles are transformative. As we grow in awareness and experience, we learn to embrace these moments of love and connection. They often seem to come in the perfect way to assist with times of change, bringing new insights and perspectives.
Be grateful for those who grace your life. Celebrate the bond of love between you and elevate one another. Let your soul friends, your Anam Cara, inspire you to be the best version of yourself. The gifts we share become our strengths. When friendship connects on a deep inner level, the soul responds with a resounding “Yes!” and we are renewed.
Compassion and clarity are the fulcrums of this journey of awakening. We can act as mirrors for one another and remind those we love of their beauty and potential. Nothing is more sacred.