How We Awaken

Prior to birth we arrange various soul contracts to facilitate awakening. These may show up as foundational family experiences, “chance encounters”, finding someone with whom we are deeply connected or anything imaginable. From the human perspective, we may not consciously recognize them; however, the patterns begin to show themselves clearly as we age.

Celebrate those who have played a role in your spiritual evolution. From challenges to celebration, we are always on the path of transformation. Rather than regret past perceived mistakes, honor that something powerful may have come from them. When you say the wrong thing or your actions miss the mark, spirit may be working through you to trigger another into healing in their own experience. Be gentle with yourself and others – we are all fumbling our way towards ecstasy.

As we awaken, we tend to bring higher awareness to daily interplay. Without adding drama or creating conflict, we purposely focus on our state of consciousness in the present moment and choose to be a loving reflection for those with whom we interact. This is how we awaken. We help one another, love one another and spark the light of playfulness in our soul mates.

Act With Integrity. Do Your Best. Accept What Is.

Every thought, word and action sends ripples of energy across the Universe which returns to us in miraculous and unexpected ways. Our ability to understand the perfection within the nuances of life is limited at best; therefore, never underestimate the value of sharing your gifts and unique perception. Realize that life is rarely as serious as our minds would like us to believe… as we learn this, we find more opportunities to play.

Something wonderful awaits. It’s up to you to welcome it with open arms and joyful innocence. You can release the burdens of your heart. In the presence of infinite love, limitless possibility and Divine grace, it’s impossible to be weighed down by fear.

Look beyond the external form to the eternal truth within you. The rising sun of awareness shines through and opens up new dimensions of stillness. In that space of awakening, we find that we can drop judgment, limiting patterns and the illusions which trap us in the mind and move ever more deeply into the truth of who we truly are.

The Key to Transformation

All change begins within. Your thoughts become the things you draw into your life situation; so, when you notice an aspect of your experience that no longer serves you, observe your inner dialogue. It’s likely that an ego-driven script has been running on a loop, once suppressed and unconscious, feeding off your energy, and gathering various moments of self-fulfilling prophesies that reinforce the original limiting beliefs.

Your awareness begins the process of transformation. Once you shine the light of consciousness on the ego, it cannot function with the strength it once did. Little by little the script starts to break down and new experiences are drawn in. The next step is to reinforce your expanding awareness with empowering thoughts, words, deeds and desires. Consciously tap into your ability to take ownership and create change.

In the midst of all this “work” it is helpful to realize that it is play. You have entered the realm of infinite possibility. When old patterns rise to the surface, turn towards them and redouble your efforts. Their appearance indicates readiness to be healed and released. All true change is preceded by chaos; therefore, realize that resistance verifies that you are on the verge of a breakthrough.

Live in Celebration

You can choose to make your life a celebration or a drudgery. When we add playfulness to our spiritual work, everything in your experience takes on new meaning and purpose. The light of your smile is transformative, and desperately needed in a world driven by ego.

Life responds to our energy; therefore, bringing joy and connection into your interactions lightens any loads you may carry. Often, awakened ones seem to have a gentle smile for everyone they meet. It’s as if they can see what others can’t, and indeed that is the case. They have learned to see beyond the roles and reactivity to the soul that shines through.

The goal of life is play. Adults sometimes forget the value of childlike wonder in their quest to succeed. As the ego takes hold, seriousness ensues. Snicker at the absurd. Giggle with your best friend or roll on the floor with a pet who is ready to play. These are sacred moments that will truly heal the soul

Know that you are loved, supported and guided each and every step of the way. You cannot fall. With trust and celebration, create a reality that works for you and then live it fully.


“The more creative you are, the more divine you are. To me, creativity is religion. Art is just the entrance to the temple of religion.”


The joy of creativity lies in the act of creation itself. When we open to inspiration, our energy and actions enhance life on every level. We cultivate more beauty, gratitude, joyfulness and passion in our experience. Whether one chooses to write, play music, cook with a flair, bring inspiration to their sacred space or dance through raindrops, creativity expresses our unique connection to the Divine.

Creativity connects you to your bliss and adds dimension to your experience. In solitude you find a space to play alone in your vision. You experiment without fear, discard what doesn’t work and celebrate when it feels right. In the greatest moments thought disappears, the art disappears, the artist disappears and all that remains is the Divine, expressing itself in physical form.

You have an opportunity to be a creative healing force in the world. The way to maintain balance in your life is to ensure that every thought, word and action is aligned with the truth of who you are. Allow your heart to be inspired by compassion.

Playing in the Field of Consciousness

“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
~Alan Watts~
Often the only difference between work and play is attitude. As we awaken, the field of consciousness takes on new meaning. Rather than plodding along through life tolerating work, waiting for the weekend or the next vacation, we find joy in the present moment. This playful attitude then creates a difference experience – a vibrancy that is stimulating and smile inducing.
The choice to see spiritual exploration as play rather than work brings out childlike innocence and wonder. It expands our ability to maintain humor in the face of challenges and reminds us to celebrate the ridiculous rather than fall prey to self-criticism. The old adage “he who can laugh at himself will never cease to be amused” comes to mind.
Since the world is built on contrast, every situation offers an opportunity to find and maintain a healthy balance betwixt two polarities. When you choose to utilize playfulness as a powerful aspect of your awakening you demonstrate a willingness to be responsible for your own joy. This is empowerment.