
“Awareness is more essential than a hundred skills. To be aware is to be open. And to be open is to know the path of every master who has roamed the earth.”
~Thomas Lloyd Qualls~

Living your potential is not about achievement, it’s about discovery and the joy of finding what you have been carrying within you all along. Look inward by taking a moment to sit quietly and be fully present without the distraction of thought. Simply reside in the fullness of Now without expectation or desire and see what you discover. Ultimately, you will perceive Oneness.

The goal is to gain a new vision. The moment we begin to see clearly, things begin to change. The mind creates confusion – thoughts fighting to be heard, noticed or believed – and once we become aware of the mechanics of the ego, we find freedom from the clamoring cacophony because we are no longer identified with the old way of being. Whether found in the mystical or mundane, infinite possibilities await discovery.

Consciously used, this moment can is the gateway to inner wisdom. Utilize whatever arises as powerful aspects of your growth. You may be pleasantly surprised at the insights you receive.


“This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy.”
~Susan Polis Schutz~

One of the things I love most about this planet is how many doorways we can utilize to dive deeper into the present moment. There are endless sparks of light and energy to explore and limitless ways to access the Now. This is your moment of liberation and discovery. Allow a tree to teach you about patience and stillness. Lose yourself in the artistry of the clouds as they make pictures in the sky. Listen to the multiple voices of nature and let them awaken the songs within you. Take all this energy and inspiration, blend it with your joy and your passion and then live it to the best of your ability. You have chosen to be here now, to be a light in the darkness.



The Paradigm of Wisdom

“…sometimes you can feel that you’ve lost something… but, then at the same time you can discover you’ve actually found or gained something. Life’s untold adventures… the adventure within & without… will often begin here… in this paradigm.”

Planet earth is merely the first stop in a greater journey of discovery. This is where we explore the concept of separation and contrast. Differences spark lessons that allow us to explore the various facets of being human. You are a spiritual being having a human experience… Many people think it’s the other way around and strive to reject or deny themselves joy in the human experience as part of their spiritual awakening.

The present moment is the portal to greater wisdom and understanding. Seek to explore all that it has to offer. The joy that awaits is your spiritual journey. When you accept what is with an open heart, there is a greater possibility that you will be open to new experiences, a paradigm shift or simple grace in the Now.

You are perfect. As you evolve and change you will continue to discover layers of energy that connect us through the commonality of experience. Let love guide the way.

The Flow of Experience

This too shall pass… whether you are enjoying expansion and joyous transition or facing significant challenges, this truth remains. It’s a delight to fully celebrate moments of breakthrough while riding the waves of positive energy; however, it’s also important to understand that everything is cyclical. Beyond the perception of good and bad, there is simply soul-enriching experience.

Share your joy with others and participate fully in whatever the present moment requires. Too often we try to hold on to that which is fluid instead of experiencing what is. Whether we are celebrating or learning, consciously remember, this too shall pass.

The only constant in life is change. We live magnificently within the ebb and flow of experience – living, dying, rebirth, expansion. All contrasts and apparent opposites have their part to play and it can be exceedingly helpful to observe the patterns we encounter. Learn to flow with what is without clinging and embrace your transformation.

Quiet pauses allow us to gather our energy for the next moment of movement. Much like the tidal flow of the ocean, the power and healing lies within the highs and the lows, blending together to form the natural, evolving and mysterious playground of life.

Creativity and Empowerment

“True creativity flows only from stillness. When stillness becomes conscious, the spiritual dimension enters your life and you begin to be guided by an intelligence far greater than the human mind.” 
~Eckhart Tolle~ 
Practice getting out of your head and let yourself be totally immersed in whatever you choose to do. When you bring a creative component to your actions, you become a channel for white light and higher consciousness. Imagine the difference between one who agonizes over a recipe, determined to get it totally right, stressing throughout the process and one who tastes and explores, dancing around the kitchen, enjoying the act of creating. What type of energy is being channeled into the food?
Art is your singular expression. Whether writing in a journal, painting, creating music, decorating your home or finding your unique style, releasing ego opens you as a conduit for divine inspiration.
Expression is the basis for transformation. You may wish to create (or renew) a sacred space in your home. Fill it with anything that inspires you and just sit with the energy. Just be… then, bring that higher state of awareness and peacefulness into your day. You add something beautiful to our collective experience.

Conscious Living

“What happens when we slow down and pay attention? Everything! Innumerable delights are right at hand.”
~Ezra Bayda~
We are masters in the process of awakening – all of us. The only difference is where one resides on that journey. It can be hard for some to imagine the spiritual awakening of someone who still resides at a lower level of consciousness; however, it will happen. Lifetime after lifetime we seek enlightenment through experience.
Everything that seems to be an obstruction to your happiness is actually facilitating your spiritual growth. Choose to bring a different point of view to challenging situations. See them as something that your soul has agreed to experience with a specific purpose in mind. Know that you have reached a point in your soul’s development where you can absolutely handle whatever comes your way, and most importantly, consistently ask yourself “What am I trying to learn?” Your primary purpose is to live consciously, to awaken.
As you change, the world around you is transformed. Set yourself free by choosing empowerment and acceptance, and let that wisdom inform how you present yourself to the world. The greatest gift that you have to give is that of your own awakening.

This Moment is Sacred

“The wise heart is not one that understands everything; it is the heart that can tolerate the truth of not knowing.”

~Jack Kornfield~

The mind seeks answers and explanations. The ego projects the belief that all will be well with a definitive plan in place and creates distraction by constant search and analysis. There is more truth to be discovered by genuinely living in the present moment and placing your full attention on whatever you are experiencing now.

As I was writing the words above (a mind generated process to be sure), my dog Minky distracted me mid-sentence with a gentle middle-of-the-night “woof…” At once I was prompted to stop and gaze into her eyes. We experienced a moment of smiling doggy love which I joyfully realized was the most important thing to experience in all the world at that moment. Rather than being a distraction, it was a simple reminder that love is alive and all is well.

The profundity of the human experience lies in our ability to honor the present moment as sacred, however it presents itself. And in that sacredness, we can act with integrity, do our best and accept what is.


“Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.”
~Alan Wilson Watts~
The way to create balance in your life is to consciously seek it in all that you choose to do. Fill your home with beauty and music and love. Celebrate your friendships. Surround yourself with things that delight you and periodically take moments to simply appreciate where you are. Whatever you choose to do, be completely present.
Life is a reflection of your inner balance. How do you handle challenges, joyful experiences, disappointments or motivate yourself to expand? When you pay attention, everything in your experience becomes a teacher.


No matter what the situation, seek to become consistently aware of your state of consciousness. There may be recurring patterns that are trying to get your attention. Everything in your experience has one purpose – to facilitate your awakening – and even the smallest of interactions are filled with infinite meaning and possibility.


Nothing is more important than your joy in the present moment. Make yourself a priority and explore various ways to keep yourself balanced. This will positively affect every relationship and interaction that you have.

Going Inward

“Go inwards, find your inner space and suddenly you will find an explosion of light, of beauty, and ecstasy.”


Awakening occurs as we release the need for outward validation and become deeply aligned with our authentic, true nature. The journey inward is a powerful one. Within it, we discover the courage to face our shadows – both personal and collective – only to emerge completely transformed by the experience.

Going inward is a perfect description of one who is fully present within the Now. The deepness of the present moment is unfathomable. Beneath the layers of desire and interpretation is pure Presence, a joy that sparkles as we recognize and embrace the sacredness that is both within and without.

Your conscious awareness brings a unique nuance of peacefulness and beauty to the planet. Imagine how our experience of the world would change if each of us could recognize the love that connects us. Begin within. Use the lessons and challenges of the past as stepping stones. Let your wounds be the place where the light enters you. Ultimately, you will discover that an infinite wellspring of light, love, possibility and purpose within you… and that light will guide you home.

Moment to Moment

Step lightly. Be gentle. In this way you can be the observer and rise above the intensity of life. Find balance and peace by bringing loving awareness into this moment and honoring the sacredness of your journey.

There will, of course, be times when you stumble or miss the mark. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn to find the humor in the situation, dust yourself off, get up and move on knowing this is just another seed of wisdom that has been planted into your psyche. The light of consciousness will nurture and help it to grow.

Fulfillment is found by going deeper into life. Willingness is the gateway to enlightenment. When you are willing to accept what is, the lack of resistance allows your energy to be channeled into the present moment without being diffused. Pure Divine energy then flows into all that you experience and all that you do.

As evolving souls, we are learning to master the ability to see beyond the physical, beyond the obvious, and dance in the light of infinite possibility. You may be surprised at what you discover as you journey through the days experience…. all that you need is already here.