Creative Fire

“If you cling too much to logic you will never be able to be part of the living process that this existence is. Life is more than logic: life is paradox, life is mystery.”

The joy of creativity lies in the act of creating itself. When we open to inspiration, our energy and actions enhance life on every level. We cultivate more beauty, gratitude, joyfulness and passion in our experience. Whether you write, play music, celebrate the art of cooking, add your flair while decorating your sacred space or dance your way through raindrops, in creativity we discover our unique connection to the Divine.

Creativity connects you to your bliss and adds dimension to your experience. Solitude provides a space to play alone in your vision, to  experiment without fear, discard what doesn’t work and celebrate when it feels right. In moments of deep connection thought disappears, the art disappears, the artist disappears and all that remains is the Divine, expressing itself in physical form.

Express yourself from the highest vibration possible and you will touch the energy of the masters. Then, because you are a channel of light and wonderment, life becomes a powerful, mystical experience.


“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.”
~C.G. Jung~

This lifetime is the culmination of all the experience and knowledge you have gathered throughout many incarnations on this planet. The higher self seeks to integrate the wisdom it has accumulated and thus you will attract the teachers and circumstances which allow you to do so. Be patient, open and trusting throughout your exploration.

Our sojourn here is a continuing exploration into the expansion of the heart chakra – expansion which leads to greater compassion, more peace and infinite possibilities. Ultimately, the process of your awakening is to honor, forgive, accept and love all that you have ever been.

One of my favorite ways to nurture the seeds of inner growth is to light a candle. Sit a few moments contemplating the flame, perhaps even losing yourself in the flickering light. Gently draw the energy from the flame into your heart chakra with both hands and then visualize your soul light expanding outward. Touch the world in love, sending light and compassion to those who have walked the journey with you.

Be The Light

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
~Martin Luther King Jr.~

Change how you see everything and everyone around you. All are our brothers and sisters in this dance of life. Nothing is separate. Our role is to be the loving witness of experience, bringing light and consciousness to the collective energy of the planet. Be motivated. Be magnificent. This is your moment to shine.
We are called upon to be conscious of the energy we bring into our life situations. Mastery simply means that we are willing to take responsibility for our actions knowing that we have a definitive impact on those around us. Each of us plays a role in the collective awakening of humanity. Some heal through adversity, some through loving example and teaching, while others simply bring light and kindness into daily activity. Find your truth and live it to the best of your ability.
Allow light to flow into everything you do. When you direct energy with the intention of sharing kindness and compassion, you bring something beautiful into being. You never know when your presence or loving action will be the miracle that changes someone’s outlook.

Experiencing the Mystery

“Death has nothing to do with going away.
The sun sets.
The moon sets.
But they are not gone.”
We are Consciousness currently having a human experience. The infinite power of the Divine seeks only to express itself through you and though this life will have a beginning and an end, your light continues to shine on in new forms. Tonight I stood bathed in moonlight, experiencing the mystery of existence. For aeons every being who has ever lived has looked up at the same moon and been impacted by its beauty.
Our dance of awakening is just beginning. Again and again we will come together to explore the contrasts of separation in order to discover the Oneness from whence we came. Be grateful for those who have come before – the artists, writers, philosophers, creators, designers and builders – for they are us. Each and every soul has played a unique role in our collective development and we will continue to do so.
This world is a playground of discovery. You are infinite. Let the moon inspire you to be a pure vessel for the love, light and laughter of the Universe. There is more to life than meets the eye.

Guardians of Light

Aaron Rose “Love is a deep empathy with the other’s “Beingness.”
You recognize yourself, your essence, in the other.
And so you can no longer inflict suffering on the other”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Love rains down upon you from all dimensions. From the first conscious breath of a day filled with limitless possibility, to the embrace of twilight and everything in between, if you seek to find love you will find it. That’s the power of being awakened. We discover the joy of choosing how we wish to approach each moment and understand that life reflects it back to us.

No matter where you are on the journey, recognize that you are a master in the process of awakening. When it seems like challenge after challenge is being presented, walk courageously forward knowing that it is merely a pattern making itself known because it’s ready to be released.

You can create the life of your dreams and it begins now. Live it this moment. Forgive those who challenge you and make the choice to see them instead as healing angels who are helping you cultivate your most precious qualities.

Take some time today to listen and observe. Open yourself to the energy which is beyond the sound and you’ll discover the sacredness in which all things manifest. See the beauty, the transition, the stillness or the lesson which is being presented.

Inner Beauty

“Beauty isn’t in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.”
~Kahlil Gibran~

You bring something beautiful and unique to the world. When we drop man-made imprinting and self-criticism, we create a space where something new can emerge. Seek to engage in an inner dialogue that is supportive, kind and adventurous. There is an art to living fully immersed in the beauty of the present moment – see it, experience it. Wherever you are, be the soul of that place.

As a child of light you are entire, complete; nothing is missing, you are fulfilled. One act of trust leads to another, and another. And when doubt arises, choose to see through it and trust anyway. This creates a momentum of transformation and your true potential shines through.
Once you learn to see life as an opportunity to love, a new quality arises in your experience. Begin within. Turn your gratitude and appreciation inward. It will naturally be reflected to you through the whole of existence.