The Power of Stillness

“When you enter a place of stillness, you awaken the divinity within you.”

~Peggy Sealfon~

These are extraordinary times and you are an extraordinary being. It’s important to remember that you will always benefit from re-balancing your energy with moments of quietude and mindfulness. In this space of awareness we have the opportunity to touch ancient wisdom.

When aligned with your true nature, you’ll discover that there is nothing to fight. There is only love. In compassion, we can meet one another in the field of form. In kindness, we have the strength to extend a hand and lift someone from the throes of darkness. Our words of hope plant seeds that can transform the consciousness of those with whom we come into contract.

It’s important to consider that you have chosen to be here in this time and space for a specific reason. Your unique perception and abilities are integral aspects of the tapestry we weave together. The lessons you learn or facilitate in others shape the rising consciousness of humanity. Together we can discover how to see past the limitations of the mind and step into infinite possibility.

Be The Light

“Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.” 

~ Rumi~

Each of us must demonstrate personal responsibility by observing the energy we bring into our life situations. Mastery calls upon us to take ownership of our state of consciousness in the present moment. We can then take right action knowing that we have a definitive impact on those around us.

Every circumstance offers an opportunity to discover the infinite facets of love. Periodically check in and ask if you’re bringing the best version of yourself to the present moment. It’s empowering to observe, see clearly and shift when required. These are some of the many gifts of expanding awareness. As you awaken, you’ll have access to greater perception. Don’t be surprised if you have a significantly different view of the world than others around you. Let your life be your message and bring gentleness to your journey.

Each of us plays a role in the collective awakening of humanity. Some heal through adversity, some through loving example and teaching while others let the light of the divine shine through them by bringing kindness and compassion into daily activity. Find your truth and live it to the best of your ability.

Walk Gently

“Peace is found not through seeking peace, but through residing completely in what is.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The awakened spirit walks gently through life, seeking to be present and peaceful. This creates a powerful blending of the spiritual and the mundane.

Living a spiritual life is not some perfection that you will experience at some point in the future. It is the consistent practice of bringing a sense of peace and inner purpose to your journey as best as you can, from where you are with what you have. As we awaken, we naturally cultivate more tools and a greater ability to navigate through the challenges and beauty of life.
Listen to the prompting of your inner guidance. Celebrate your breakthroughs while learning from the challenges that arise. Everything works toward your highest good – always. With this in mind, fear departs as we take a greater role in what we choose to create and how we interpret the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
Trust your inner wisdom. You will draw in the teachers and experiences that are most appropriate for your journey. See each moment only as an opportunity to shine. Infinite gifts of love are waiting to be discovered. 


Higher Consciousness

“Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.”
~Aldous Huxley~
Everything is interconnected; therefore, your awakening sends waves of energy throughout the Universe, touching and transforming life itself.
Ones level of consciousness determines their vibrational frequency and together we form a symphony of exquisite beauty and nuance. The purpose of life is to utilize your experiences to awaken your inner wisdom and compassion. The spiritual seeker pays attention to the underlying energy that is inherent in all situations.
Awareness helps one to be more grounded and rooted in the present moment. This allows us to navigate challenging situations without getting lost in the drama or reverting to lower levels of consciousness. When you have mastered a particular lesson, it will no longer appear in your life. The energy around it will decrease and you’ll feel completely neutral when sharing your experiences or reflecting upon your journey.
As you discover your life’s purpose and your life task, you’ll create greater meaning, substance and balance that will reverberate throughout every experience that you have. Simply put, act with integrity, do your best and accept what is… You are contributing to the awakening collective consciousness of us all.

Love and Compassion

“For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that gets you.”
~Neil deGrasse Tyson~
Awareness transforms the way that we walk in the world. Collectively and uniquely, we fumble our way towards enlightenment and as our consciousness expands, we gain a greater understanding of one another and view life from a broader perspective. This dance of awakening calls upon us to give greater consideration to how our actions impact one another as we move forward. Integrity is found in the choices that we make when we’re alone.
I feel honored when I am witness to loving behavior. I see people picking up trash as they walk their dogs, opening doors for another as they enter the store, working in community gardens, helping those whose voices are not heard and countless other demonstrations of love and compassion. These kindnesses are the by-product of awareness. Rather than being lost in the world of illusion or trapped in their own problems, they reach out – simply and quietly, fulfilling the souls purpose to awaken.
Open your heart to new knowledge today. Hear someone’s story. Understand a different point of view. Research a new topic. This world is filled with many opportunities to learn from one another, to love one another and to honor each path as sacred.

The Sacredness of Laughter

“There are many ways to the Divine. I have chosen the ways of song, dance, and laughter.”

Your presence is transformative. When life seems challenging and the weight of expectation feels a little hard to bear, it’s important to remember that you do not need to seek the light. You are the light.

Humans tend to get lost in illusion and forget their sacredness, innocence and inner beauty. One way to spark healthy self-awareness is through laughter. When you can share a moment of connection, laughing until tears come to your eyes, everything else fades away and you are fully present once again. Laughter is the souls way of reminding you of the joy that always lingers just beneath the surface.

Share kindness. Share compassion. But most importantly, remember to let your inner clown out to dance once in a while. Trust the love that flows through the universe. Your willingness to laugh opens you to receive the blessings that life has to offer.

Conscious Transformation

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.”
~Lao Tzu~
The slow, transformative process of change leads us inward. We must learn to turn and face our fears, acknowledge our challenges and honor them as sacred aspects of our awakening. The experiences of life allow us to cultivate new spiritual strengths and insights while providing the opportunity to apply them in the world of form.
Don’t shun the darkness, it makes the light even more beautiful. Love in the face of hatred is profound. The awakened soul sows kindness when others flee in fear. This world was created to teach through adversity and contrast and this is why we are called upon to rise above judgment. Rather than seeing some things as good and others as bad, we now are able to see the Oneness that connects them all.
You are right where you need to be. All that you need to know will make itself known to you in the perfect way at the perfect time. When you live authentically, your light will shine in the darkness.

Inner Peace

Peace is inner joy, tranquility, nonjudgmental love and universal compassion.
~Debasish Mridha~
Life happens. The stillness of infinite potential resides beneath egoic judgments and interpretation of the world around us. As we release the need to create a running commentary of opinion, we discover the ability to consciously choose how to respond in alignment with our soul’s purpose rather than distracting from it.

You are here to awaken. Everything that you choose to do and all that unfolds in your experience simply provides the playground in which you explore. See how accepting and neutral you can remain within polarizing situations. Eventually, this sense of peace will become the bedrock of your life.

More and more you may notice yourself in the role of observer – untainted by reactivity and at ease within the present moment. When you do choose to take action, your approach will be clear and empowered. Awareness calls upon us to be consistently mindful. As you awaken, your movement through the world takes on a new quality.

Challenges provide an opportunity to rise above. How else will you cultivate and strengthen your best qualities? Honor those who play roles in the development of your emerging strength and self-mastery. Those who challenge you the most on the physical plane, love you the most on the spiritual plane. These amazing souls have agreed to assist your souls evolution and play their part to perfection.


Be Kind

“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.”
Every moment offers opportunities to be kind to yourself, to one another, animals, the planet, and future generations. When we bring the practice of compassion to the forefront of our life situation, we become integral aspects in the dance of creation.
Sometimes the ego seeks immediate gratification through reminding another of their shortfalls (as we perceive them), getting in a snarky comeback or simply expounding opinions. That sort of response feeds more negativity into a situation and is a missed opportunity to bring a higher level of consciousness to the present moment.
We are called upon to be channels for Divine energy. Release the need to blame anyone and instead, choose to accept people as they are. There are no enemies – simply souls playing various roles in our collective awakening. Those who are still asleep need your love, not your judgment.
See every experience as an opportunity to cultivate a greater understanding of your life’s purpose. Kindness is never wasted.

You Matter

“You matter. That smile you shared could be the sun on someone’s darkest day.”
~Amy Leigh Mercree~

Together we weave a tapestry of exquisite design. Throughout every moment your unique light adds another thread to an ongoing masterpiece. Though we are deeply intertwined, we may not fully realize the results of any given action; therefore, seek only to add love to our collective energy with the knowledge that your existence serves a divine purpose.

The world is your reflection. Strong emotional reactions indicate a need to go within and examine your personal beliefs, perceived limitations and triggers. Even in solitude, your state of consciousness matters. Our thoughts and words send waves of energy throughout the universe that will eventually return to us tenfold.

Love yourself. Project kindness whenever possible (and it is always possible). Pay attention to any judgment that arises and do your best to heal old wounds. This allows our collective consciousness space to expand into new realms of joy.

When we honor every path as sacred, our experience of the world is transformed. It takes practice, but it is very possible to see through the roles that people play to the vibrant, ever-evolving soul seeking to expand. Begin within.