
“The seeker embarks on a journey to find what he wants and discovers, along the way, what he needs.”
~Wally Lamb~

Be drawn by a sense of wonder into the unknown. When you learn to trust the processes of your awakening, it becomes easier to experience life as an adventure. Leaving behind the need for plans and a mapped out future, we explore with the exhilarating freedom which comes from being open and vulnerable.

Discovering your inner truth comes through experience. Nothing is guaranteed, but the search helps us to grow. Allow yourself to be insecure, to face adversity and accept the challenges that the unknown has to offer.

Any limitations in your experience are self-imposed. Life is here to offer whatever is needed in order for you to awaken. Take one step at a time and give your complete attention to the Now. This will bring passion, creativity and clarity to all that you do.

Enlightenment is a process. Layer by layer we dance our way through the spiral of experience and discovery. Within the limitless energy of the Divine, infinite possibilities await. Live from the heart, meet new people and explore the unfamiliar.

We Are One

“The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one of two things: either love, or a call for love.”

~Marianne Williamson~

There is no “other” – no enemies or evil to fight against. There is only awakening. Though we experience life from varying levels of consciousness we share the same journey, one that ultimately leads to wisdom, healing and enlightenment.

The ego seeks to create a sense of separation. Casting judgment is divisive and it distracts us from looking within. As long as one perceives the need to fight against another, healing remains elusive.

Seek to find the spark of love in every situation. Compassion opens the doors of perception and allows us to see beyond the roles of this lifetime to the soul. From this space of awareness we have the capability to heal our own wounds; thereby eliminating the spiritual need for that particular conflict in our experience.

Once healing has occurred, a shift in perception allows us to truly be grateful for the lessons, emotional intensity decreases and our knowledge of Oneness reaches new depth and dimension.

All the answers lie within you. Advice from others may point you in one direction or another; however, you must trust your own instincts. Your path is unique.

Higher Consciousness

“Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.”
~Aldous Huxley~
Everything is interconnected; therefore, your awakening sends waves of energy throughout the Universe, touching and transforming life itself.
Ones level of consciousness determines their vibrational frequency and together we form a symphony of exquisite beauty and nuance. The purpose of life is to utilize your experiences to awaken your inner wisdom and compassion. The spiritual seeker pays attention to the underlying energy that is inherent in all situations.
Awareness helps one to be more grounded and rooted in the present moment. This allows us to navigate challenging situations without getting lost in the drama or reverting to lower levels of consciousness. When you have mastered a particular lesson, it will no longer appear in your life. The energy around it will decrease and you’ll feel completely neutral when sharing your experiences or reflecting upon your journey.
As you discover your life’s purpose and your life task, you’ll create greater meaning, substance and balance that will reverberate throughout every experience that you have. Simply put, act with integrity, do your best and accept what is… You are contributing to the awakening collective consciousness of us all.


“Every test successfully met is rewarded by some growth in intuitive knowledge, strengthening of character, or initiation into a higher consciousness.”
~Paul Brunton~

When we live in harmony with all that surrounds us, we learn how to be in the moment and leave the past behind. The awakened spirit sees life as a dance with the Divine where adventures await. As we release our fears, knowing that we are loved and supported each step of the journey, an innocence and trust emerges. This support makes itself known in unusual and ever evolving ways and we learn to follow our inner guidance and intuition.

Making the leap into the unknown is nothing less than a leap of faith. In the beginning this can be very difficult – we have spent lifetimes cultivating our knowledge. However, maturity allows us to surrender with joy to what is, continually release the past and go on trusting as we walk forward. Every situation has something to teach and with this inner flowering and wholeness comes unlimited possibility.

All of life’s experiences have brought you here and this moment contains a gift. Let your intuition lead the way forward as you walk this amazing journey of discovery.

Emotional Freedom

“Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart.
…live in the question.”
~Rainer Maria Rilke~
You can create joy wherever you are. While the spiritual journey may never be completely free from life’s ups and downs, there will come a point where you don’t need it to be. Emotional freedom  the ability to ride the currents of experience without resistance while bringing a calm inner presence into the Now.
This lifelong process of discovery is a dance of love with the Divine. Every circumstance offers something of value and when we trust our inner wisdom enough to drop reactivity and fear we cross a threshold into a different type of experience. Periodically access your emotional temperament. It’s quite likely that you interpret and respond to life quite differently than you did 5, 10 or 20 years ago.
We share this slow and transformative process of awakening. Don’t wait for life to fall into place before you choose to be happy. Let your happiness inform your experience. Approach the infinite energy of limitless possibility with awareness, faith and openness and there you may discover a sense a peaceful self-love and acceptance that sets you free.

The Pilgrimage

“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

The journey is more important than the destination. The path that you walk is a sacred place, filled with adventure, new discoveries and old friends. As you move from one place to the next, growth is assured. There is no need to struggle or plan too much (though if you choose to do so that’s ok too…). Consider embracing the new with an openness and acceptance that will allow you to learn whatever your soul is ready to learn.

This attitude of openness ensures that new opportunities, friendships and experiences will enter your life. The journey is ever-changing and life is about walking the pilgrimage with joy.

No matter where you reside on the Path of Transformation, search your life for the evidence of the hard-won truths you can claim as your own. There is great power in being courageous enough to take responsibility for who you are as you live aligned with your true nature.

People are often afraid of the own divinity. They find it easier to see their perceived flows and faults than to allow their limitless potential to be expressed.

Live in communion with life. Become one with the experiences that come your way and walk the path with humility. Look deeply into the eyes of another – a loved one, a child, a friend, or simply hug a tree and realize that the love is returned. The sacred works through all forms and calls you home again and again.

Honoring the Sacred

“Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children.”
~Khalil Gibran~
In each life there comes at least one moment which, if recognized and seized, transforms the course of that life forever. The awakening spirit brings a vitality of consciousness into each and every moment. When we approach life with the intention of honoring the sacred, the Divine is able to make itself known in miraculous ways.
Every path is unique. There is no guaranteed road-map to enlightenment; however, as you delve into the infinite, your path will certainly make itself known. Wisdom comes through exploration. Practice generosity, sharing mind, body and spirit without reservation or expectation and you will open portals of new experience.
Bring a sense of inner awareness to this moment and you will discover that the rising of consciousness changes how you view the world. The journey is a sacred place and by honoring the Now, we consciously move through the beautiful landscape of our souls awakening. Whenever you enter periods of movement and change, embrace the experience with a sense of adventure and discovery. This is your pilgrimage.

The Journey of Awakening

“I think… if it is true that
there are as many minds as there
are heads, then there are as many
kinds of love as there are hearts.”
~Leo Tolstoy~

It’s important to find your unique way of connecting to the Divine. Spiritual teachings and writings are simply pointers that may be utilized to correct your course from time to time, but until you discover your own truth and live from a level of authentic experience, those ideas may actually hinder you from going deeper and finding your own way of being in the world.

Older souls have a tendency to explore many different belief systems and teachings, ultimately blending the aspects with which they resonate in order to create a unique perception. This perception creates the foundation used to experience the grand adventure of awakening. Keep in mind that it’s wonderful to explore new levels of awareness. And always, always… look within. Personal strength comes from inner knowing.

You have your own dreams to fulfill and your own journey to walk. Spiritual awakening is a constant movement of energy – releasing the old, allowing room for the new and discovering the clarity which comes from setting down your burdens.


Take a deep slow breath, close your eyes and imagine a life that is filled with loving messages from the Divine.

Imagine that you are safe, that you can feel the healing powers of the earth with each and every step you take.

Imagine that you are surrounded by love and that you can easily recognize and understand the messages from the Divine in the world around you.

Imagine that there are no wrong choices. Each path simply leads to a different type of experience – any of which will lead you exactly where you need to be in order to learn and grow.

Imagine that it is easier than ever before to be present. See yourself basking in the beauty of a day filled with unlimited possibility and discovery and that you can walk forward in faith that all is well.

Imagine that you feel healed, supported, empowered and joyful.

And finally, realize that whatever you have imagined already exists and is available to you. You can live this truth Now.

Be Still

“Be still. Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity”
~Lao Tzu~

Quiet the mind and go within. No matter what is unfolding in your life situation, you have the ability to be at peace. Use all that you are experiencing to facilitate the next phase of your spiritual awakening. Silence is the key.

We are so conditioned to think our way through challenges that we can momentarily forget we are divine beings who are guided, loved and supported each and every step of the way. In those moments of feeling lost or overwhelmed, the first instinct is to dwell on the “coulda/woulda/shoulda” of regret.

Go within and simply be. Open to the light of the universe, and there you will discover the insight and peace you desire. Know that you are right where you need to be and the experience you are having holds the key to enlightenment. Periodically, spread your arms wide, open the heart chakra, and visualize energy flowing into you from the Sun. Just be and receive and breathe. Let this light infuse your entire being.

Honor the sacredness of your journey. Gratitude and appreciation open your heart to receive the many blessings that life has to offer.