The Message of Your Heart

“There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”  

~Marianne Williamson~

Your light is transformative. Tempered in the fires of awakening, your facets are ready to shine. Understand that you bring something beautiful  to our collective experience and that you can inspire awakening in those with whom you interact.

At the beginning of ones awakening, it can be challenging to be consistent. We learn through experience and contrast, eventually releasing the things we have outgrown. After years of practice, we discover aspects of ourselves that are deep and meaningful and recognize that nothing is more important than living that truth out loud.

Small conscious actions create a momentum filled with powerful intent. Doing less, more gets accomplished. When you enjoy the journey, miracles seems to flow toward you. There are many ways to celebrate your existence – but all true happiness comes from within.

So, begin by discovering and celebrating your unique journey. Let your life be your message and become an agent of change. Each of us, by living our truth, plays an active role in the collective awakening of which we are all a part.

What We Create

“Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.”
~John O’Donohue~

You are an artist who is constantly in the process of co-creation, weaving a unique tapestry of exquisite design. Each thought, word and action creates layers of energy that flow from you out into the world of form. Observe what you say. Do your words reflect what you wish to create? Do they support your joy and willingness to receive?

It’s a wonderful practice to set a deliberate intention, focus upon it during your morning rituals and then watch with joy as it manifests in various ways throughout your daily experience. For instance, if your intention is to be a loving reflection of the sacredness in everyone you meet, your interactions will be far different than if your mind was only focused upon the tasks that needed to be accomplished. Instead of a regular day with it’s normal ups and downs, you might experience brief but unique expressions of beauty from each person with whom you interact.

These conscious choices bring a higher level of light into our physical experience. Choose intentions that allow you to explore being the very best version of yourself. The spiritual seekers goal is to merge the sacred with the mundane.

Finding Joy in the Little Things

“To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter. To be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird’s nest or a wildflower in spring – these are some of the rewards of the simple life.”

~John Burroughs~

We can choose to engage with the world around us in a way that is immersive and complete. Playfulness and joy are states of being. They cannot be traveled to, purchased or mapped out. They arise from simply being fully present in the Now. Make the conscious choice to find the sacred in the mundane.

Should you find yourself being too serious, go back to basics. Utilize gratitude as a way to shift your energy higher. Enjoy the little things – the way sunlight sparkles through a drop of dew, how the clouds move across the sky making pictures in a constant state of transition, the smile of a dog… it all comes down to what you choose to amplify with your attention.

Your joy creates a state of wholeness. From there, life becomes friendly and playful, a loving reflection of your true infinite nature.

Attention sets energy in motion

“There is a great value in doing new things, not just for diversion or escape, but in order to help us awaken. When we put ourselves in a new or foreign situation, that very act awakens our senses, our awareness, our presence. Sometimes we have to take a leap in order to experience and heal the fear that holds us ever at the edge of familiar safety. Our task in awakening is to go against the grain of our mechanical tendencies.”
~Ezra Bayda

Consciously choose to break free of repetitive patterns. If you have a morning routine, slip something new into the mix.  Take the scenic route on your next drive. Leave room for mindful exploration and honor the present moment as sacred.
Sacredness inspires us to be more aware. We begin to view life with wonder, awe and gratitude, sending our energy outward with joy and passion while observing the holistic movement of transformation.
Many walk through life without realizing their potential. Let your grace be so inspiring that it awakens grace in another. Love can be the operating force in all of your interactions when you set an intention to bring wisdom and peace into the present moment.

Purposeful Consistency

Whatever your spiritual practice, it’s likely that there are things that you do for yourself daily to stay balanced. Simple rituals, moments of peace, meditation, workouts, mindful eating, prayer and intention all have a tremendous impact on your state of consciousness. These can easily get knocked off our to-do list when we travel, get sick or get wrapped up in the busyness of work or holidays; however, that is when they are needed the most.

It’s ok to tweak how you operate from time to time. Consistency is important, as is flowing with what the Now offers. For instance, today as I write I’m listening to the rain but feeling like I need to nurture myself physically in order to keep my immune system at it’s peak. So, rather than walking (or dancing!) in the rain as I normally would for my morning gratitude, I chose instead to lay in bed, Reiki myself, quietly do my gratitude and then consciously drank a glass of water. Each moment precious, engaging, filled with Presence.

The little choices we make set the tone for the day. Each of us is responsible for our own joy in the present moment. Create it anyway that you can.

Love and Intention

“I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don’t lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can’t understand what is without.”
~Anita Moorjani~
We are powerful co-creators in our own experience. To operate from the highest level of consciousness we must embrace what is with the knowledge that each moment offers an opportunity to act from the heart. Transformation comes through achieving the delicate balance of acceptance, focused intention and right action without attachment to the end result. The empowered soul opens as a conduit for the Divine and often, miracles are set in motion.
When spiritualists speak of infinite possibility, it is this untamed, infinite energy, unlimited by time and space and unhampered by ego, to which they refer. Energy is directed and then allowed to flow as it will. Love and intention, when combined, align us with the love of the Universe. Leave ego-driven fear behind. Empowerment calls upon each of us to be purposeful and positively expectant as we set love on a journey of healing – for ourselves and for one another.


“The next thing you think, the next action you take, will either create a new possibility for you, or it will repeat the past.”
Deepak Chopra

Each thought, word, and action creates a powerful momentum that is ultimately experienced in the world of form and it’s important to ensure that all are in alignment. For instance, choosing to apply for a job and then immediately saying to yourself, “…I probably won’t get it anyway…” negates the action. Dieting while hating your body is another example of contradictory energy, as is tying to solve relationship problems by telling the story of how you were wronged again and again to all who will listen.

When all aspects of the personality are in harmony, it can be surprising how powerfully and quickly things can move. Take the time to be mindful of your thoughts and allow your actions to be led by joy.

Enthusiasm, gratitude and appreciation spark an expansion of conscious energy throughout your life experience. Your perception of the world is a reflection of your level of awareness; therefore, practice maintaining a conscious, empowered interpretation of the events, lessons and interactions you experience. Life will respond accordingly.

Attention and Energy

The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives.
~Louise Hay~
Whatever you place your attention on grows stronger in your experience. Keep this in mind when you speak and consciously choose to utilize your energy well. When you wish to create change, appreciate the perceived problem for igniting the spark of transformation and move consciously toward a solution. Once you’ve decided to take action, focus on the end result and let the universe handle the details.
The ego loves to sabotage the energetic flow by interjecting thoughts of “how?” or “when?” to distract you from empowered movement forward. Learn to trust the messages of the Universe. Seek a constant conversation with the Divine and experiment various ways to communicate. Some spiritual seekers enjoy utilizing numbers, others connect with the messages to be found through animals or trees, some play in the angelic realm or become more sensitive to energy and vibration. This is your journey and there are infinite ways to participate in your own growth.
Many walk through life without realizing their potential. Let your grace be so inspiring that it awakens grace in another.

Your Words Have Power

“In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link.”  
~Carlos Castaneda~

Observe the world around you and you’ll discover how powerful people are. They voice their deepest fears and then solidify them even further when that fear is drawn into their experience by saying, “See? I knew it!”… while never realizing that belief and expectation were the driving force behind the experience.

We are here to discover our ability to create. You have always been far more powerful than you realize. It’s amazing to discover how to consciously shift our thoughts, words, expectations and beliefs so that they align, and observe them as a creative force in motion.

Consider your words. Should you notice that you voice what you don’t want to have happen, immediately rephrase your statement. Consciously decide what you do want and then verbalize that with excitement and enthusiasm. The energy you emit plays a powerful role in this process.

Focus on creating a flow of empowerment, purpose and enlightenment in every situation. When speaking of challenges you face, state the intention that you will discover aspects of yourself that are ready to be known. Be excited to grow and learn. And most importantly, know that you are right where you need to be.

Recognize the Sacred

“To the poet, to the philosopher, to the saint, all things are friendly and sacred, all events profitable, all days holy, all [people] divine.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
To honor the sacred is to be in communion with life. The easiest place to begin is in nature. We can celebrate the stillness of a tree and the brief, iridescent existence of the dragonfly with the same mindfulness. Slow down and simplify. In the gap of pure potential we can bask in the radiance of the Divine.
Once you have strengthened your ability to recognize sacredness, practice with objects that you find beautiful. It’s likely that an artisan or craftsman created from a space of deep connection, imbuing it with energy which is now awakening joy within you. Many people respond to the spirit within animals or babies because the lack of ego makes it easier to see love shining through.
With humans, a little more intention is required. We can learn to see past the role that is being played by the ego to the spirit within. Sometimes this can be challenging because of layers of dysfunction or conditioning. This is when your ability to see clearly is needed the most. As you practice honoring everything in your experience as sacred, the sacred will awaken within you.