Your Role in the World

“It’s no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

We are all deeply connected. This planet offers a playground of experience and it doesn’t really matter what you choose to believe. Humans tend to adopt ego-driven ideas and then fight to the death to defend them. Contrasting beliefs are a distraction that pull us into conflict with one another. The only thing that ultimately matters is your level of consciousness.

Our role, as souls seeking to awaken, is to do our own work, to rise above the minutia of the mind, free ourselves from limiting beliefs, heal our wounds (both personal and collective) and hold space for those around us so that they can do the same.

Before you speak, ask yourself if what you want to say is loving, beneficial or supportive. Always focus on what you’d like to create rather than what you perceive as wrong. Conscious adjustments in our words and thoughts can initiate transformative energy with laser-like focus.

So, simply pay attention to what you put out into the world. Are you adding to imbalance, anger and dysfunction through reactivity or can you rise above? Your willingness to take ownership of your own state of consciousness allows your light to shine like a beacon in the darkness. You are an inspiration to those who cross your path. Begin Now.

Find Your Inspiration

“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.”
~G.K. Chesterton~

Greet the day with joyful expectation and explore the world with an open heart. When we approach the present moment with the innocence and openness of a child, miracles begin to unfold. Releasing attachment and choosing to embrace what is allows a new perception to unfold.

See your life as an adventure in time and space. Become a loving witness to the infinite ways in which the Universe speaks to you. When you really pay attention, everything is a message meant to guide your unique path of transformation.
The new friendships, experiences, ideas and circumstances will break you free from any limiting routines you may have created. These compelling energies will awaken the aspects of yourself that are ready to shine and bring them to the surface.
Those who view each moment as an adventure are open to new experiences. They live from the heart, meeting new people and exploring the unfamiliar. Even challenges are transformed into something of incredible value. These vibrant souls are the trailblazers of this world and their courage inspires others to awaken to their own potential.

Conscious Awareness

“A monk asks: Is there anything more miraculous than the wonders of nature?
The master answers: Yes, your awareness of the wonders of nature.”
~Angelus Silesius~

Hold yourself to a higher standard. If approached consciously, this can be a time of inspiration and growth. Everything depends upon how we view ourselves, how we conduct ourselves in the world, and our willingness to stand in our integrity. There may be times when you need to step back, observe and take a few moments to breathe prior to taking action – taking mindful pauses allow us to bring a higher level of consciousness to our interactions.

Treat each person you meet as sacred. Offer them dignity and choose to remain mindful and balanced throughout your interaction. Yes, this calls upon you to consistently bring the best version of yourself to your relationships. Most people, expecting dysfunction or judgment, will have to learn to adjust to your loving way of being. After moments of confusion, they will begin to feel the safe atmosphere which promotes growth and awareness. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is… You are contributing to the awakening collective consciousness of us all.

Sparks of Light

“The real gift of life is not what you give, but who you become in the process of giving.”
~Debasish Mridha~
You are a radiant being of light and wonderment. When you live in such a way that your joy impacts those around you, then you are fulfilling beautiful aspects of your soul’s purpose. Sparks of light can create a magnificent impact. Whether emitting soft flutters like lightning bugs or awe-inspiring cascades of fireworks that light up the night, your light is transformative.
An unlit candle isn’t sad or evil, it’s potential is simply unrealized. By gently demonstrating a different way of being in the world, we can be an inspiration to those who have yet to discover their inner light and potential. We must begin by recognizing our shared humanity.
We are all engaged in a lifelong exploration of the nuances of awakened living. Choose to be led by joy, enthusiasm, passion and humor and you will become a powerful, conscious co-creator in your own experience. Your adventure is unique and the Divine seeks to express itself through you.


“I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion–and where it isn’t, that’s where my work lies.”
~Ram Dass~
As we awaken, we are drawn to teachers that reflect the qualities we would like to refine in ourselves. Notice those who inspire you and consider the fact that that they are merely reflections of you. Life functions as a mirror – things that trigger us are the aspects to which we would rather turn a blind eye; however, reflections also show us the best of who we are.
Consciously spend some time being observant today. Notice what inspires you. Conversely, notice what frustrates you and then simply turn your attention inward. Celebrate how far you have come and quietly do you work around any reactivity that arises.
Each of us is a master engaged in the art of awakening. Be gentle with your own process and embody attributes that lift your spirit into realms of infinite possibility. True wisdom is the conscious awareness of how little we know. With humility we can transform the mundane into the miraculous.


“Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.”
~Steve Maraboli~
There is a song within you that seeks expression. Your unique vision brings something beautiful to our collective experience that will never come again. The voice of your being opens a portal to the Divine and reminds others that they can step into a new dimension.
As we awaken to our true nature, we inspire awakening in others. Strength, courageousness and authenticity are transformative. Consistent loving actions demonstrates the limitless ways we can share our gifts, and each plants a seed of possibility.
Creation is a natural, spiritual power within you and is accessed by opening yourself to the flow of inspiration. Whether your song is an intricate symphony or the delicate art of finding of common ground with someone you love, call upon the divine light of inspiration. Bring a sense of purposeful joy to this moment and watch as it expands throughout your life.

Creative Fire

“If you cling too much to logic you will never be able to be part of the living process that this existence is. Life is more than logic: life is paradox, life is mystery.”

The joy of creativity lies in the act of creating itself. When we open to inspiration, our energy and actions enhance life on every level. We cultivate more beauty, gratitude, joyfulness and passion in our experience. Whether you write, play music, celebrate the art of cooking, add your flair while decorating your sacred space or dance your way through raindrops, in creativity we discover our unique connection to the Divine.

Creativity connects you to your bliss and adds dimension to your experience. Solitude provides a space to play alone in your vision, to  experiment without fear, discard what doesn’t work and celebrate when it feels right. In moments of deep connection thought disappears, the art disappears, the artist disappears and all that remains is the Divine, expressing itself in physical form.

Express yourself from the highest vibration possible and you will touch the energy of the masters. Then, because you are a channel of light and wonderment, life becomes a powerful, mystical experience.

Attention and Energy

The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives.
~Louise Hay~
Whatever you place your attention on grows stronger in your experience. Keep this in mind when you speak and consciously choose to utilize your energy well. When you wish to create change, appreciate the perceived problem for igniting the spark of transformation and move consciously toward a solution. Once you’ve decided to take action, focus on the end result and let the universe handle the details.
The ego loves to sabotage the energetic flow by interjecting thoughts of “how?” or “when?” to distract you from empowered movement forward. Learn to trust the messages of the Universe. Seek a constant conversation with the Divine and experiment various ways to communicate. Some spiritual seekers enjoy utilizing numbers, others connect with the messages to be found through animals or trees, some play in the angelic realm or become more sensitive to energy and vibration. This is your journey and there are infinite ways to participate in your own growth.
Many walk through life without realizing their potential. Let your grace be so inspiring that it awakens grace in another.


“If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily.”
~Jack Canfield~
Inspiration… what inspires you to keep moving forward in the face of opposition? What inspires you to turn and confront your fears or walk into the unknown? What inspires someone to embark upon a new way of being? Contrast.
The contrasts that we encounter in life call upon us to become more clear about what we personally desire to achieve. By design, in a situation filled with contrasting elements, we formulate an idea of what is fulfilling and what is depleting. This clarity, in turn, sparks the inspiration to make a change.
Many times we may not know exactly how to create the change. In the beginning it feels overwhelming to step into the unknown – but all that is required is movement. Sometimes the only clarity we have initially is that a change is needed, and that’s fine. As we step from a toxic situation, space is created and that often allows us to understand the next step… and the next. With each step forward the layers of restriction or old programming are stripped away.
Embrace the lessons that contrast offers. Honor it as a form of spiritual instruction which allows you to become the conscious creator of your life. This deliberate manifestation is liberating and unlocks the mysteries and subtleties of our amazing playground. If there is unhappiness arising within you, make a point to do something different to shift the energy and see what happens.

See Things Differently

“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”
~Albert Einstein~
The awakened soul sees things differently. As we enter higher levels of consciousness, we are able to view the world from a broader vantage point. Every breakthrough is the beginning of a new vision and a new way of being.
Before you speak, ask yourself if what you intend to say is helpful, loving or uplifting. If not, it can wait…perhaps forever.
Be mindful of what you choose to share with others. Your words have great power. Gossip, anger, frustration or judgment will waste precious energy by feeding it into what you do not want in your experience. Conversely, mindful communication calls upon us to ask ourselves if what we are going to say or share will be of positive benefit. For instance, complaining or sharing bad news destroys the peace of others in the vicinity; while a complaint followed by a positive course of action acts as an inspiration to create a difference and indicates one is taking personal responsibility for their own joy. Even better, the awakened soul doesn’t waste energy discussing the problem, they speak of the solution and then take action.
In a world that seems preoccupied with gossip, opinion, causes and boycotts – seek to accentuate the beauty of life. Participate in things that inspire and lift your spirit. Be a bringer of light who walks in the world with humility, passion and joy.