Childlike Wonder

“Enlightenment only grows in the soil of innocence. Innocence means childlike wonder, awe. The enlightened person is the one who is continuously wondering.”
For many, the joy of discovery is a forgotten language. They approach life with a seriousness that blocks the possibility of appreciating the wonders that are all around them. The filters of adulthood preclude the experience of wonderment and they look upon those who dance with delight as fools.
Yet, the fool is closer to enlightenment. Fully present, she brings a playful curiosity to her experiences. She sees the sacredness in the trees, animals and the earth and plays with sparks of Divine energy.
Unlearn some of your seriousness. Spiritual awakening is finding the innocence of your true nature which lies hidden under layers and layers of conditioning and the weight of expectations.
A mind that is receptive, playful and relaxed is a mind that is open to inspiration and insight. Don’t try so hard – all you need to know is within you and it will make itself known when you are ready to receive. Set an intention to embrace life’s magic by being playful and open.

Illusion in the World of Form

Everything that we experience is an illusion. Many get caught in the world of form and forget our true purpose here. Rather than getting lost in arguments about which interpretation of the world is accurate, recognize the many layers of consciousness in play and understand that levels of truth reside in each.

It really doesn’t matter what you believe. All that matters is your state of consciousness in the present moment and whether you are aligned with integrity, passion and joy. So, enjoy the exploration. Discover what adds a little sparkle into your experience. Create your own reality and live in a way that is inspirational.

Consider how much energy some expend trying to prove their point of view, voicing their opinions, or gathering followers. Imagine how much could change if that same amount of energy went into being happy, appreciative, compassionate and grateful. The mind boggles.

This planet is our playground of awakening. We have created an amazing world that fills our senses, one that is able to provide any type of experience you wish to use as a vehicle of growth. Honor every path as sacred. Tend to your own state of consciousness as you embark on a journey into the innermost dimensions of awareness.

Soul Support Circle

In every lifetime we arrange a circle of support that has agreed to play specific roles in order to assist us in our soul development. The twelve roles are: Love, Compassion, Knowledge, Mentor, Beauty, Child, Humor, Anchor, Discipline, Healer, Enlightenment, Muse.

If you notice that something has knocked you off balance, sit with it and see if you can determine what area of your life needs energy. Then seek out that person. The interaction will help you to realign with your inner wisdom.

For instance, you might feel a heaviness that indicates you are holding sadness in the body. Perhaps you feel a little depressed or overwhelmed. You would purposely seek out your humor person. That person, simply by being who they are, makes you laugh. Their worldview or delivery brings a lightness back into your energetic field.

The Child position may be filled by your actual child, an unrelated person, or a deep heart-connection with a pet. The Child position is balancing because we are all better when we have someone for whom to care and nurture.

Some positions may be filled for many by a well-known spiritual teacher or even a non-physical muse such as Quan Yin who inspires your journey.

More information about this powerful support can be found in the Michael Teachings. Consider bringing conscious awareness to your circle of twelve. They have entered into soul agreements in order to help you be the best version of yourself.

The Power of Light

Yesterday I encountered dragonfly during my morning gratitude walk. Poised beautifully on an agave plant, his wings sparkled in the sunlight. As I came closer to take a picture his head turned and it seemed that he looked deeply into my eyes. Captivated, I thanked him for the reminder to see through my own illusions.

The gossamer glimmer of dragonfly wings takes years to develop. This is a loving message that as we mature, our experiences reflect the lessons of the journey. Mastery and balance come from the integration of all the aspects of Self cultivated throughout the process of awakening.

When nature grabs your attention, it can be a powerful practice to seek out the spiritual meaning, meditate upon it and understand how it may relate to your current life situation. Little reminders, encouragement and inspiration are all around us.

Dragonfly medicine relates to the realms of water and air. Often, it indicates a great deal of emotionalism and passion in youth has matured into wisdom and greater control. His appearance implies that changes are likely about to occur. Ultimately, dragonfly reminds us that we are light and we can reflect it in beautiful ways.

Into The Mystic

“If you cling too much to logic you will never be able to be part of the living process that this existence is. Life is more than logic: life is paradox, life is mystery.”


You are a unique, evolving expression of the Divine in physical form. Why not allow life the freedom to surprise you? Many walk through their days blind to the beauty which surrounds them; however, the spiritual seeker explores the ability to infuse enchantment into the mundane with their attitude, joyful expectation and innocence.

Much of the path of awakening is remembering how to be amazed, how to dance with delight in the rain, take a leap of faith or seek inspiration. Everything, in its reflection of you, becomes a message of love. Together, we rise when we consciously engage with life.

There are infinite threads of commonality that bind us. Seek out those threads, draw them into your experience and witness their impact on the exquisite tapestry of which we are all a part. We can choose to live in a way that is both connected and expansive. Set aside any perceived limitations, be enchanted by love and give expression to the magic within you.


“To practice any art, no matter how well or badly,
is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.”
~Kurt Vonnegut~
When you choose to see through the eyes of love, you begin to unlock life’s mystery. The artist is a channel of divine inspiration. The moment shimmers with potential and we can allow that expansive energy to flow through us into the world of form.
Life is filled with inspiration. The clouds move across the sky, flowers dance on the breeze, beauty waits patiently to be discovered even as it is fleeting and ever-changing.
The artist within you desires expression. Even if no one bears witness to your creation, the ability to see things differently while allowing that vision to move you into action is transformative. Begin by watching life’s artistry. Be still and enjoy the movement all around you. Capture little joys that speak to your soul. Your awareness gives new life to all that you see.
By design, no one experiences the world in quite the same way. Our unique interpretation of life is simply another vibrant, living example of the infinite possibilities available when we play in the field of Now. Beyond ideas of right and wrong is only the voice of the Divine calling us to new levels of conscious expression.


“The most beautiful world is always entered through imagination.”

~Helen Keller~

Within the present moment there are infinite levels of perception to explore. Stillness creates space within the intensity of life and in that space resides the wisdom of your soul. Imagine cultivating the ability to walk through changes with a sense of inner grace, balance and peace. This aura of empowerment is yours to claim.

New ideas bring inspiration. Willingness to explore adds nuance and potential to the movement of awareness which is rising within you. Utilize your gifts and trust the intuitive longing of your soul. There are no mistakes, only avenues of experience to explore. This world is your playground. Every circumstance provides an opportunity to learn, and as you are transformed, the world around you is changed as well.

Thankfully, there is no end to this process. We are in a constant dance of discovery. Watch the energy as it ebbs and flows. Quiet moments happen for a reason. Take a moment to go inward, reflect and appreciate. There is far more to life than meets the eye.

Love’s Gifts

Love, given freely, is extraordinarily powerful. It transforms both the giver and the receiver. It awakens desire that is beyond the ego-driven self and weaves the threads that bind us together. These inter-connective threads are simultaneously both our weakness and our strength. What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all.

When you consider how your dreams, words and actions impact the whole, it transforms your perception of self-interest. The awakened soul views life through the filters of expanded consciousness and contemplates the whole when seeking right action.

Love must be included in all that we do. Communication without love is condescending. Action without love is destructive. Listening without love is selfish. Work without love is drudgery. Conversely, love transforms service into joy, kindness into healthy expression and enthusiasm into artistic expression.

Your purpose is to love. When you choose to live with an open heart, you create space in which transformation can occur. Sparks of joy and inspiration shine like beacons in the darkness. Whether recognized or unrecognized, energy flows along the threads that bind us together. Never doubt the impact you have on those around you. Love seeks to express itself through you.

Be Bold

“We cannot succeed in life or the spiritual path by avoiding challenges and being inactive. We must play our part in life, according to our given nature, but with detachment, knowing that something greater than ourselves acts through us.”
~Alberto Villoldo~
Spiritual seekers develop three gifts that help them achieve transcendence:

Audacity is cultivated when we boldly move forward with the knowledge that we are conscious creators. Instead of demanding concrete answers and guarantees before we take that first step, we learn the art of boldness in the face of the unknown. Live daringly and act with inspiration, for you are an limitless, infinite spirit exploring time and space.

Patience is not simply about sitting back and waiting. It is knowing when to act and when to be still. It is taking the time to replenish your spirit or understanding that sometimes we need to allow things to unfold before jumping into reactive action. This purposeful approach to life demonstrates empowerment and maturity.

Discernment is the unemotional observation of the facts. It allows us to step back, re-frame limiting perceptions, empower and recognize the perfection in the present moment. Your purpose is to thrive, expand and awaken.

Flowing With Change

“It’s amazing the synchronicities that can happen when we embark on a journey with open hearts, with supportive friends by our side, ready for adventure.”

~Laurie E. Smith~

Our grandest adventures often begin with an intuitive whisper. Something calls us to embark upon a new phase and often we begin without knowing exactly how everything will pull together. These first steps may be tentative; however, each step sparks new energy in motion. Coincidences, synchronicities, and creativity come together, allowing us to discover some new skill or passion as we experiment with various ideas.

We become more proficient with change when we hold no cherished outcome. Allow your vision to adjust as you learn more about yourself. This approach creates an ego-free mental environment where exploration can combine with inspiration. As a conscious creator, you will discover new ways to enjoy utilizing your talents. Aristotle once said, “Where your talents and the needs of the world cross, there lies your vocation.” You bring something to the world that no one else can.

It matters not whether you find your gifts early or late in life. The joy is in the discovery. Follow the flow and heed the calling of your heart.