Real Joy

“Real joy is often just a quiet presence in the moment.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Bring a new level of consciousness to your journey. From the mundane to the mystical, everything offers the possibility of transformation.

Beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things of life. When you approach tasks with total involvement, seeking no thoughts of recognition or reward, they begin to take on a sacred quality. Mindfulness amplifies your energy.

Don’t wait for moments of fulfillment to happen. Create them. Make them a powerful aspect of your daily life. Chores, work, play, love… all become purposeful aspects of your soul’s awakening.

When you bring your awareness to the Now, the process of self-observation increases your level of consciousness and layers of resistance begin to dissipate. You can always handle the present moment. The answers, resources and strength that you require will be there when you need them.

The mind needs to be still in order to recognize the sacredness and beauty that is all around you. Stillness can only occur Now, this moment. Be here completely. Love yourself enough to be at ease… and then take one more conscious step forward.

Enter Into Love

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”  
~Ezra Bayda~   

Imagine creating a world filled with wonder that sparks enthusiasm and allows you to express the fullness of who you are. You have the ability to transform the world around you with your unique vision. Each time you seek the sacred in each situation, you plant seeds of awakening.

For those who are unconscious, life can be a fearful place. They see through filters that translate every event in a way that supports their fear or anger, and often don’t understand that they have the ability to create anything different in their experience.

Allow the majesty of the earth to awaken passion within you. If music lifts your soul higher, purposely surround yourself with song. If fulfilling work or a beautiful home bring happiness, let yourself be inspired.

When you fall madly in love with life, everything changes. Challenges become adventures. Fear transforms into exploration… and every situation provides an opportunity to discover your passion and live it to the best of your ability. Approach life with an open heart and allow the perfection of the present moment to astound you.


“Stop playing it safe by trying to avoid adversity. Act from the heart and let circumstances unfold as they will.”

~Ezra Bayda~   

Zen is doing one thing at a time with your full attention and consciousness awareness. The incremental steps we take toward enlightenment transform our very way of being.  Life is a dance of light and dark, giving and receiving, the contrasts bringing out the inherent beauty within every situation. Each of us make unique contributions to the wholeness of existence and together we create a synergy that will ultimately expand our collective consciousness.

You participation in life nourishes you as well as those around you. Be fully present. Do one thing at a time and give your whole heart to it. In order to recognize the joy that is found in the present moment, we must escape the limiting perceptions of the mind.

All that you seek is already within you. Embrace what is with enthusiasm, passion or acceptance and take one more conscious step forward. Allow your inner wisdom to guide your life. Relax, and recognize your value as an awakening master.


“Contrary to the romantic fantasies we have about relationships, in actuality they often push us directly into our blind longings, our dark fears, and our unhealed pain.”

~Ezra Bayda~

We wade into relationships as children and begin the process of experiencing egoic desire, often learning through identification with the idea of “Mine!” The ego builds its identity and we watch it play out again and again throughout the various phases of life. Whether challenges comes through family dynamics, friendships, lovers or co-workers, observe the repeating patterns in your experience.

The power of subconscious programming and belief is sometimes hard to see clearly. Our soulmates assist in the process of discovery. As we become self-aware, transformation begins. Once we are no longer enslaved by desire or blindly lost in the mechanisms of the mind, our relationships will then reflect health, balance and peacefulness.

View yourself with love and compassion. Likely, certain beliefs and tendencies were passed down through generational experience. Simply observe and bring loving awareness to your interactions. Spiritual transformation is a subtle process that impacts every area of your life. The illusion of separateness will ultimately lead you to experience Oneness. Honor the processes of your awakening as sacred.

Be Filled With Wonder

“Being truly present allows us to appreciate the sweetness of the moment even when the moment isn’t conventionally sweet, because, at least momentarily, we’re not under the sway of the heaviness of our beliefs. The results are a lightness of being, and a sense of inner freedom.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Have you ever been overwhelmed by a beautiful day? Have you allowed yourself to sit and just be, appreciated the breeze as it touched your skin or loved a moment of stillness in the midst of a busy world? That is reality. That sense of wonder which connects you to life is available in every situation. Underneath the chaos of the mind lies an eternal reservoir of grace that you can drink from anytime you wish.

The light of your consciousness transforms whatever it shines upon. Periodically take a moment to bring your attention to the Now and reside fully within it. Even the most mundane aspects of life will sparkle with brilliance and you will be able to recognize the sacredness of your own divinity.

This moment provides a wonderful new opportunity to see yourself clearly. Step into this moment. Breathe. Be open to life and bask in the radiance of the light which shines through you.

Turning Inward

“No matter how you may be feeling, simply sit down, experience the texture of what is happening in your body and mind – and then just let it be.”     
~Ezra Bayda~   

Once you develop conscious awareness of the ego, it is easier to observe its antics. Like watching ripples on a pond or a tangle of traffic, it becomes almost amusing to witness as it tries various ways of pulling you into the games of the mind.

Contentment is possible in the present moment – indeed that’s the only place where it can ever be found. Stop where you are, close your eyes, breathe and be present. Allow the fullness of life to be experienced as you turn inward.

Many people run from one thing to the next – physically, verbally, mentally – and it can be exhausting, not only for them but for those around them. But once the peace of stillness is discovered, we can immerse ourselves totally in the moment and bring Presence in to whatever we choose to do.

Develop the art of stillness and then purposely infuse that high-vibration energy into every interaction. Observe the antics of the mind, smile and know that you are a source of peace.