
“Real joy is often just a quiet presence in the moment.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Bring a new level of consciousness to your journey. From the mundane to the mystical, everything you encounter offers the possibility of transformation.

Beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things of life. When you approach tasks with total involvement, seeking no thoughts of recognition or reward, they begin to take on a sacred quality. Bring present moment mindfulness to whatever you choose to do and you will discover that you get far better results.

Together we create a matrix of Divine flow. Everything that we do has an impact – not only upon ourselves, but also upon the collective consciousness of mankind, the planet and all her creatures. Mindfulness is paying attention to what we are contributing to the whole at any given moment. Self-awareness teaches us how to tap into that flow of energy in a positive way and bring a higher level of consciousness to what we create.

Don’t wait for moments of fulfillment and mindfulness to happen. Create them. Make them a powerful aspect of your daily life. Chores, work, play… all become purposeful aspects of your soul’s journey.

The Awakened Life

“Looking with a mind that’s awake reveals the shimmering pulse of life. Looking with a mind full of thoughts reveals only your thoughts.”

~Ezra Bayda~

Living an awakened life calls upon us to consistently and purposefully bring the best version of ourselves to our life experience. This daily practice can show us areas where we are stuck as well as how much we have grown over the years.

As we relentlessly observe ourselves, noticing our self-image and ego driven stories, we begin to release the illusions that block us from living authentically. Ultimately, we discover that we are more than our stories or the roles we play in this lifetime. We can step into the freedom of not needing to be defined.

The most powerful aspect of spiritual growth is the ability to Be Here Now. Immerse yourself within the present moment and all that it offers, seeking only to be fully conscious. Your choices, goals and journey will reflect the peace that you are. Living authentically is the highest expression of love and empowerment.

Attention sets energy in motion

“There is a great value in doing new things, not just for diversion or escape, but in order to help us awaken. When we put ourselves in a new or foreign situation, that very act awakens our senses, our awareness, our presence. Sometimes we have to take a leap in order to experience and heal the fear that holds us ever at the edge of familiar safety. Our task in awakening is to go against the grain of our mechanical tendencies.”
~Ezra Bayda

Consciously choose to break free of repetitive patterns. If you have a morning routine, slip something new into the mix.  Take the scenic route on your next drive. Leave room for mindful exploration and honor the present moment as sacred.
Sacredness inspires us to be more aware. We begin to view life with wonder, awe and gratitude, sending our energy outward with joy and passion while observing the holistic movement of transformation.
Many walk through life without realizing their potential. Let your grace be so inspiring that it awakens grace in another. Love can be the operating force in all of your interactions when you set an intention to bring wisdom and peace into the present moment.

Conscious Detachment

“Disappointment is always a reminder that you’re still attached to something. Take that disappointment as opportunity to investigate and awaken.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Detachment is not apathy. It emerges from a conscious decision to surrender control in a given situation. The trick is to discover how to simultaneously set desires in motion yet maintain detachment regarding how they manifest in your experience. Often, we get too focused on controlling the “hows” and therefore lose sight of the magic that fills our lives.

There’s nothing wrong with having preferences; however, when those preferences crystallize into requirements, we suffer. Love your life. Enjoy the journey and choose to leave room for the Universe to surprise you.

When your energy is no longer utilized in trying to plan and control the future, it frees you to become fully immersed in the present moment. The actions you choose to take will have greater grace and ease as you allow events to unfold.

When things are removed – attachments, ideas, mental demands – all that remains is pure consciousness. Passion is then transformed into compassion. The formless art of detachment teaches us gratitude, joy and wonder.


Control is an Illusion

“What is the path? Residing in this very life, exactly as it is right now… liking or not liking has nothing to do with it.”  

~Ezra Bayda~

Awakening calls upon us to be aware of our responses. Rather than seeking to dominate circumstances, we learn to flow with them. Rather than attempting to bend others to our will, we value the sacredness in each person’s path. The only thing over which you have any control is yourself, and that is challenging enough! We’ve all experienced the take-over of the ego and have temporarily lost consciousness; however, these moments of missing the mark become less frequent and intense as we continue our practice.

When we attempt to control the world around us, the energy we emit creates a rigidity of the soul that’s difficult to penetrate. These structures of thought may present themselves in our lives as tenseness, grinding teeth, forgetting to breathe… It’s time to allow spontaneity and vulnerability to enter our lives. If mistakes happen, that’s OK. When life seems like a wild ride, it’s OK. There’s much to be discovered by entering uncharted territory.

Allow your encounters to be authentic. Listen more. Take time to breathe and feel the energies that swirl around you. This is the moment of transformation. No matter what space you’re in right now, know that it will evolve into something different if you are willing to accept new energy into your experience.

Facing Your Shadows

“Call to mind the deepest, darkest most negative truth about yourself – and know that this “truth” is a lie.

~Ezra Bayda~

Consider the many uses of adversity; our challenges often force us to turn inward and face our shadows. When you understand that many problems are self-imposed, you can, with loving intention, transform fear into empowerment. Should you experience inner resistance, see it as an indicator that you are on the right track. The ego-mind will often attempt to divert energy through blame, judgment and anger. Observe the tendency to get lost in discussion or drama rather than taking ownership.

The ego amplifies limiting stories created by the shadow-mind. Perceived problems provide an opportunity to explore new facets of your unique potential. In the midst of depression, anger, fear, doubt or anxiety, revisit old wounds or patterns that are ready to be cleared. You may feel prompted to begin soul-searching, only to discover new teachers, ideas and tools to utilize in your quest for wholeness. Sometimes you may have to traverse the dark corners of your psyche. Do not reject your shadows. Instead, choose to see them as teachers and you will emerge transformed by the light of consciousness.


“As we feel the pain that all people feel in facing an uncontrollable world, compassion naturally arises – even for our ‘enemies.’ ”
~Ezra Bayda~

Collectively, much of humanity is absorbed in the mundane, obsessed with appearances and drama. They have forgotten or neglected the only thing that matters – awakening to the truth of who we truly are. Each of us is a fragment of the infinite Oneness of the Divine. The earthbound experience utilizes forgetfulness in order to facilitate the joy of awakening.

Purposely look past the roles that people play (both consciously and unconsciously). Depth of vision will allow you to connect with the soul of another and interact from a higher level of consciousness. Consider this: all definitions create limitation. See if you can stop defining yourself and others. Instead, operate as a field of awareness, bringing the vastness of soul connection into play.

When faced with opposition, remember that the other is acting from a place of fear and has lost touch with the deeper perfection of life. This may foster compassion rather than anger. Thus, your actions will be based upon love, balance and perspective.

When we connect on a soul level, something powerful happens. We experience a brief moment of Oneness, our collective energy expands and we begin to explore a new facet of love.


“When we bring a gentle awareness to the layers of our conditioning, and to the struggles that arise out of our conditioning, the power of that conditioning slowly dissolves. Life then moves toward the unconditioned – where the vastness, or love, just flows through.”    

~Ezra Bayda~

The ego often seeks to fight, prove oneself right, defend beliefs or struggle against life. Whenever you observe this happening, consciously move into surrender. Allow the energy around you to flow unimpeded. You’ll access the strength and peace that reside underneath the mechanisms of the mind.

When we choose to surrender to what is, we demonstrate faith in the process of awakening. Things often flow better when we get ourselves out of the way. The enlightened understand that surrender is a sign of empowerment.

Trust the wisdom of your higher self. Place your focus upon how you are responding to life, rather than trying to control how it unfolds. Are you operating from a space of joy, enthusiasm or acceptance? Are you seeing your experiences as opportunities to awaken?

The present moment is your point of power. How are you choosing to experience it? Life’s wonder and mystery can only be discovered where you are.


Practicing mindfulness allows you to observe without judgment as you traverse the highs and lows of life. Your balance is a form of protection and you can bring a new level of consciousness to your journey. From the mundane to the mystical, everything offers the possibility of transformation.

Beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things of life. When you approach tasks with total involvement, seeking no thoughts of recognition or reward, they begin to take on a sacred quality. Try it. Bring present moment mindfulness to whatever you choose to do and you will discover that you get far better results.

Rather than waiting for moments of fulfillment to happen, create them. Make mindfulness a powerful aspect of your daily life. Chores, work, play… all become purposeful aspects of your soul’s journey.

When we seek to walk a path of mindfulness, we must begin with the present moment. Whatever arises, observe it without any commentary. When the mind begins to judge – good or bad, right or wrong, pleasurable or frustrating – pay attention to the energy behind the words.

There is always an opportunity to be more mindful, compassionate, empowered and accepting. Seek to cultivate these gifts within yourself.

Divine Wisdom

“The heart that seeks to awaken, to live genuinely, is more real than anything. That nameless drive calls you to be who you most truly are.”
~Ezra Bayda

Sometimes you are closer to your divine wisdom than you realize. On those occasions the Universe tends to send confirmation – the perfect book falls into your hands, you repeatedly hear the same message, knowledge makes itself known to you – it can be a delight to watch how the synchronicities unfold.

Our conditioning often leads us to place more faith in validation from others than in ourselves. These loving messages from the Divine are meant to strengthen your unique vision so that you can more easily follow the inner prompting of your heart. For many, this begins an incredible transformation that reverberates throughout their life experience.

You will awaken in whatever way best serves your evolution. Apparent losses and challenges are simply part of the game of awakening in which we are all engaged. Whether someone is consciously seeking awareness or not, their soul is still propelling them forward in the most appropriate way for the unfoldment of their journey. As we tend to our own awakening, this loving energy impacts everything and everyone around us.