A World Filled With Wonder

“Look at everything always as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time: Thus is your time on earth filled with glory.”
~Betty Smith~

We live in a world filled with wonder. Life is in a constant state of transformation that we can choose to embrace and appreciate as it is in the present moment. Consciousness seeks expression through our experience of the physical plane and when we really pay attention, everything becomes a teacher.
Your perception dictates how you will respond to life. For those who see it as a burden, it becomes one… repetitive, hard, heavy and filled with sorrow.

Conversely, those who view each moment as an adventure are open to new experiences. They live from the heart, meeting new people and exploring the unfamiliar. Even challenges are transformed into something of incredible value. These vibrant souls are the trailblazers of this world. Their courage inspires others to awaken to their own potential.

Let your life be your message. Consciously set intentions and walk forward confidently in the direction of your dreams. Let the Universe surprise you along the way by leaving space for miracles to unfold.

The Magic of New Beginnings

“And suddenly you know. It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”
~Meister Eckhart~

What happens when you venture into the unknown? You discover aspects of yourself, long laid dormant, that seek expression. Your soul begins to shine with an inner light. Fear brings your attention to the present moment while courageousness allows you to move forward anyway. Taking a leap into the unknown accelerates your inner growth.

When we work without a road map, we allow room for the Universe to surprise us. The ego’s desire to plan and over-prepare prior to taking risks only blocks us from the miracles that will inevitably be drawn into our experience.
Choose to see everything merely as an opportunity to expand who you are. Never fear failure, it also has great beauty to share. And indeed, failure leads us to levels of potential that can never be discovered when things are flowing effortlessly.  Allow yourself to trust the processes of life. You are safe, loved and supported each and every step of the way.

The Pilgrimage

“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

The journey is more important than the destination. The path that you walk is a sacred place, filled with adventure, new discoveries and old friends. As you move from one place to the next, growth is assured. There is no need to struggle or plan too much (though if you choose to do so that’s ok too…). Consider embracing the new with an openness and acceptance that will allow you to learn whatever your soul is ready to learn.

This attitude of openness ensures that new opportunities, friendships and experiences will enter your life. The journey is ever-changing and life is about walking the pilgrimage with joy.

No matter where you reside on the Path of Transformation, search your life for the evidence of the hard-won truths you can claim as your own. There is great power in being courageous enough to take responsibility for who you are as you live aligned with your true nature.

People are often afraid of the own divinity. They find it easier to see their perceived flows and faults than to allow their limitless potential to be expressed.

Live in communion with life. Become one with the experiences that come your way and walk the path with humility. Look deeply into the eyes of another – a loved one, a child, a friend, or simply hug a tree and realize that the love is returned. The sacred works through all forms and calls you home again and again.

The Journey of Awakening

“I think… if it is true that
there are as many minds as there
are heads, then there are as many
kinds of love as there are hearts.”
~Leo Tolstoy~

It’s important to find your unique way of connecting to the Divine. Spiritual teachings and writings are simply pointers that may be utilized to correct your course from time to time, but until you discover your own truth and live from a level of authentic experience, those ideas may actually hinder you from going deeper and finding your own way of being in the world.

Older souls have a tendency to explore many different belief systems and teachings, ultimately blending the aspects with which they resonate in order to create a unique perception. This perception creates the foundation used to experience the grand adventure of awakening. Keep in mind that it’s wonderful to explore new levels of awareness. And always, always… look within. Personal strength comes from inner knowing.

You have your own dreams to fulfill and your own journey to walk. Spiritual awakening is a constant movement of energy – releasing the old, allowing room for the new and discovering the clarity which comes from setting down your burdens.

Explore the Mystery

“Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the mystery, unique and not to be judged.”
Look beyond the role you play. Look beyond the physical appearance you have chosen. See beyond the stories of the mind. Breathe in the breath of life… slowly, mindfully, sacredly… and just be. Bask in the radiance of present moment. When you can quiet the mind, you can begin to tap into the infinite potential of the Divine.
You are an infinite being. There are endless facets for you to explore, worlds to experience, levels of consciousness to discover. The role that you play in this lifetime is simply that – a role that is utilized as just another way for you explore the contrasts and perceived separation this planet has to offer.
When you quiet the mind, it becomes possible to merge with the energies of the sky, a tree, the ocean or music. Allow yourself to enter the realms of limitless possibility, if only for a moment. Visualize that each breath you take draws in the love, light and laughter of the Universe while each exhale causes the barriers of the mind to dissipate.
Just be. Explore Oneness with the world around you. The more expansive your vision, the more able you’ll be to see beyond the roles and limited perception of others.


Take a deep slow breath, close your eyes and imagine a life that is filled with loving messages from the Divine.

Imagine that you are safe, that you can feel the healing powers of the earth with each and every step you take.

Imagine that you are surrounded by love and that you can easily recognize and understand the messages from the Divine in the world around you.

Imagine that there are no wrong choices. Each path simply leads to a different type of experience – any of which will lead you exactly where you need to be in order to learn and grow.

Imagine that it is easier than ever before to be present. See yourself basking in the beauty of a day filled with unlimited possibility and discovery and that you can walk forward in faith that all is well.

Imagine that you feel healed, supported, empowered and joyful.

And finally, realize that whatever you have imagined already exists and is available to you. You can live this truth Now.

The Dance

“Energy moves in waves.
Waves move in patterns.
Patterns move in rhythms.
A human being is just that
energy, waves, patterns, rhythms.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
A dance.”
~Gabrielle Roth~
Once you see the energy that flows between us, it becomes impossible not to love. Collectively, we dance our way to awareness, discovering the beauty of contrast, passion and joining together.
Everything participates in this dance of experience and even stillness has its role. All aspects of movement can be considered sacred practice. Discover the beauty of being fully present with whatever action you choose to take. Your attention allows you to dance within the Now while cultivating a greater awareness of your place in the universe.
You are a living, evolving expression of the Divine that is constantly in motion. This never-ending dance is simply another form of creation and the natural ebb and flow of energy. Find your rhythm in the unique expression of your life.  Your inner spirit will emerge through conscious movement and enthusiasm when you choose to let the music of life flow through you.


“The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end – you don’t come to an achievement, you don’t come to a conclusion. It is an endless river.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
The challenges that we face ultimately bring out the best in us. Through trial and error we learn to face our shadows and incrementally awaken. This is a never-ending process. The journey is not only long, but vast as we wander the playground of experience.
The point of power is always in the present moment. When we can consciously approach the Now with a sense of awareness and balance, we can trust that the future will tend to itself. Seeing yourself clearly, it becomes possible to combine the wisdom borne of experience with self-awareness and transcend the mundane. No one can walk this journey for you, it is personal and unique.
Everything offers an opportunity to awaken. Look into yourself with love and patience and know that there will be times when you miss the mark and others when you shine with the brilliance of a thousand suns. Trust the processes of your awakening. There is far more to life than meets the eye.

Paradox, Humor, Change

“Life has three rules: Paradox, Humor, and Change.
– Paradox: Life is a mystery; don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
– Humor: Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It is a strength beyond all measure
– Change: Know that nothing ever stays the same.”
~Dan Millman~

It can take great courage to learn to trust your inner wisdom. Teachers and circumstances point the way to the inner awareness, but until one is willing to see, there it patiently waits. Trust yourself and be open to the potential that joy brings. No matter what you encounter, operate from a space of truth and integrity. Give yourself permission to reside within the paradox without dissecting or analyzing it.

Consciously practice moving quickly to acceptance instead of getting lost within the why. When we allow our experiences to be a celebration, we can live joyfully within life’s mystery while remaining grateful for the love, lessons and laughter.

Miracles happen with you create space and allow the divine to surprise you. New people, changes in perception and conscious interactions can alter your life in amazing ways. The soul longs for growth, for dramatic expansion. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Inner Light

“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” 
~Maya Angelou~

Do you ever forget that you are a magnificent, abundant, infinite being of light playing a game of discovery…?

The game we play is not about winning. It is learning to consistently bring clarity and insight to the present moment. Rather than blindly responding to the events of life, we discover they are purposeful, constantly evolving and unfolding opportunities meant to facilitate soul growth and understanding.

The most important aspect of awakening is personal responsibility. Seek to bring mastery to all that you do. Watch how you choose to interact with others. Pay attention to how you choose to experience the present moment. Observe yourself without judgment or condemnation. Use these moments of insight to tend your inner light. The goal is to stay balanced in the midst of whatever life has to offer.

There is only consciousness or unconsciousness. One brings peace, the other conflict. As your inner light begins to express itself through the various events of your experience, realize that nothing can ever dim the infinite beauty of the Divine. It seeks only to experience the present moment through you. You bring something beautiful to the world.